Yoga learning Wake Up Yoga - 11 Minute Morning Yoga Practice - Yoga With Adriene > Yoga


10-minute yoga class for health

Yoga learning | Wake Up Yoga - 11 Minute Morning Yoga Practice - Yoga With Adriene


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Yoga learning님의 Yoga강의 청각장애인을 위한 자막


- Hello and welcome
to Yoga with Adriene.
I'm Adriene and this is Benji.
And today we have an awesome
little yoga for when you wake up
or when you need
a little wake up.
So let's begin right away.
Starting in a
nice comfortable seat.
As soon as you get there,
start to lift the corners of
your mouth, just gently
and we're going to
reach the fingertips
all the way up towards the sky
as we invite a big
beautiful stretch
and a big beautiful breath
in through the nose.
And then as you exhale,
gentle twists to your left.
Right hand comes
to the left knee,
left fingertips can come behind
and you want to be careful not
to push or force here but keep
it nice and easy as we begin to
deepen the breath
and wake up the spine.
And keep the shoulders relaxed
as you bring it back to center.
Once again, big inhale
as you reach for the sky.
Spread the fingertips.
Find a nice big
stretch through the front body,
the back body and the
sides of your body here.
Reaching up to breathe in.
And then exhale,
twisting as you breathe out.
Nice and easy here.
No pushing, no forcing.
Great, take a deep breath in.
Slowly unravel as
you breathe out
and we're going to come
forward onto all fours.
Nice and easy,
spread the fingertips wide.
Find a nice neutral spine here
to start, Tabletop Position.
Then when you're ready,
inhale, drop the belly,
open your heart, your chest,
forward as you claw through the
fingertips and press
into the tops of the feet.
And then exhale, round
through the spine again.
Continuing to wake up
the body, the spine.
Then moving with your breath
inhale to drop the belly again.
And exhale to round the spine,
navel draws up.
One more time, inhale.
Feel the skin of
the front body stretch.
And then as you exhale, feel
the skin of back body stretch.
Awesome, inhale back
to that nice, neutral spine.
You're gonna
curl the toes under.
Inhale in with a
soft bend in your elbows,
press away from your yoga mat
and lift your
kneecaps up for three.
Lift 'em up for two.
And lift them up for one.
And then release.
Bring the big toes together,
knees as wide as the mat.
Send your hips back, reach your
fingertips forward towards the
front edge of your mat or
towards your dog's paws and then
melt your heart down,
Extended Child's Pose.
Try to keep nice
active arms here
as you bring your forehand
down towards the mat.
Gently opening up
through the shoulders,
the chest,
the back body, the hips.
Close your eyes.
If you're practicing
first thing in the morning,
perhaps use this moment to
set an intention for your day.
Then find soft, easy
movement as you sway
the shoulders gently
back and forth.
Maybe massaging the forehead
as you tilt the
head left to right.
And then bring
it back to center,
press into the tops of the feet.
Move from
your center, your core,
as you come all the
way back up to all fours.
Then when you're
ready curl the toes under,
nice, steady
placement of the hands.
So strong connection
of the hand to earth
and when you're ready
lift the hips up high.
Keep the knees bent
and melt your heart
back into Downward Facing Dog.
Take a second
here to really find,
just reinforce that
connection in the hands,
fingertips, knuckles.
Biceps hug in towards your
ears as you begin to pedal out
through the feet, the legs.
Feeling that full bottle body,
not full bottle. (laughs)
Hello, wake up!
Full body stretch.
Then on your next inhale, ground
down through the left heel as
you lift the right leg up high.
And you can imagine sliding your
right leg up against a wall.
So dial your right toes down,
keep the hips leveled.
Then take one more
deep breath in here
and as you exhale,
bend your right knee.
Bring it all the way up and
through towards
your chest or your heart.
Squeeze and lift here just
creating a little heat.
You're here for three, two,
try to touch your right
heel to your right glute.
And then step it all the way up
and lower the back
knee to the ground.
Keep your front knee over your
front ankle here as you squeeze
the inner thighs in towards the
midline and on your next begin
inhale, sweep the fingertips
forward, up and back.
You can keep the back toes
curled under or you can press
into the tops of the,
top of your back foot,
Yogi's choice here.
Find a connection as
you lift the heart up high.
Inhale in, reach the fingertips,
wrists all the way up and back.
And then exhale, paint a wall,
press your palms forward,
paint an imaginary wall all the
way down and then continue to
paint your mat as you
pull the right hip crease back,
sending the hips back.
Left hip point
over the left knee.
Flex your right toes towards
your face or your third eye,
inhale in.
Exhale, draw your
chin to your chest.
Great, dig into the right heel.
Inhale, come all
the way forward.
From here you're gonna take your
left toes and gently swing them
over towards the
right side of your mat.
Then press into the
earth with your feet,
your foundation as you
slowly reach the left fingertips
forward, up and around and back
coming into a half Warrior here.
Pull the pinkies back,
lift your chest.
Right thigh bone's pulling in
just like in regular Warrior II.
We find this lift up the front,
this grounding through the back.
Inhale in.
Exhale, take the left
fingertips down to the ground.
Right fingertips
reach up and over.
We're gonna turn the right toes
in towards the center of your
mat as you reach back,
Gate variation.
Inhale in here.
Exhale, slowly bring the right
fingertips to the earth and
you're going to, nice and easy,
use your fingertips to walk it
all the way back to
your nice low lunge.
You'll frame the
right foot with your hands.
Inhale to look forward.
And exhale to plant the palms
and step it back
to Plank or Half Plank.
So knees lowered or lifted.
Take a deep breath in.
Exhale, hips up high and back,
Downward Facing Dog.
Waking the body up with love,
with a mindfulness of breath
and soft, easy movement.
Alright, second side.
Anchor through the right heel.
When you're ready, slide the
left leg up your imaginary wall.
Keep the hips leveled here.
Stay rooted through the hands.
Take a deep breath in.
And when you're ready, exhale,
bend the left knee,
shift it forward.
Hug it all the way up
towards the heart, the chest.
Try to touch your left heel
to your left glute for three,
two. Press away
from your yoga mat.
And step it all
the way up on the one.
Lower the back knee.
Squeeze the inner
thighs to the midline.
Find your foundation, you're
alignment and when you're ready
sweep the fingertips
forward, up and back.
Breathing when you land here.
Finding that stretch.
Lifting out of the waist,
fully present with the breath.
Inhale in.
Exhale, paint your wall.
Palms press forward
and then down to the ground
as we pull it all the way back.
Nice runner's lunge.
Keep the right hip
over the left knee.
Excuse me, (chuckles) right
hip over the right knee and then
keep pulling your
left hip crease back.
Flex your left toes
actively towards your face.
Inhale in here.
And exhale, tuck the
chin into your chest.
A little reverent bow.
Woo! Awesome, rolling
through your left foot.
Bring it back to your lunge.
Front knee over front ankle.
We'll swing the right toes now
over toward the
left side of your mat.
Make sure you really press
firmly into your foundation here
and connect to your core,
your center as you rise up.
Right fingertips reach all the
way forward, up and back.
Half Warrior.
Pull the pinkies back,
lift your chest.
Breathing deep here.
Nice and then take the right
fingertips all the way down,
left fingertips all the way up.
When you reach the earth, you're
gonna turn the left toes in
and find an expression here
in your Gate Pose variation.
So use your
breath here to explore.
Should feel really, really good.
And then when you're ready,
bring the left fingertips to the
ground, use your hands,
that hand-to-earth connection,
that grounding to
come all the way back.
You'll frame the left foot.
Take a deep breath in.
And exhale to release,
palms come to the earth.
We're gonna come to
Half Plank or full Plank which
is where we're gonna end today.
So find length in the spine.
Breathe deep here.
Press away from your yoga mat.
Send your shoulder
blades left to right.
We're here for three,
breathe deep.
Two, soften the
skin of the face.
And on the one, slowly
bring the knees to the earth.
Come into a nice
comfortable seat of your choice.
Lift the corners of
the mouth once again.
Bring the palms together,
close your eyes
and take a deep breath in.
Exhale to relax the shoulders.
And when you're ready
we'll bow the head to
the heart and whisper,

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