Yoga learning 12 Min Yoga For Brain Power | Yoga With Adriene > Yoga


10-minute yoga class for health

Yoga learning | 12 Min Yoga For Brain Power | Yoga With Adriene


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Yoga learning님의 Yoga강의 청각장애인을 위한 자막


- What's up everyone?
Welcome to Yoga With Adriene,
I'm Adriene and this is Benji
and today we have an awesome
quick yoga for brain power.
So this is gonna be really great
when you just need a little
something something to
help you focus or refocus.
So hop into something
comfy and let's get started.
(gentle music)
Okay everyone, let's begin
standing at the top of the mat.
Bring your feet hip width apart
and on a big inhale
reach for the sky.
As you exhale you're going
to slowly bend your knees
and just open
twist to your left.
Inhale, reach for the sky.
Exhale, bend your
knees and open twist,
soft and easy, to the right.
Inhale, reach towards the sky.
Exhale, Forward Fold
all the way down.
If you have a Benji
there take a second,
give Benji a little love.
And if you don't have a Benji,
don't worry, I'll give
him some love for you.
No but seriously, take a
second to just hang here.
Give yourself some love.
Allow the blood to
flow opposite direction
than maybe it has been.
If you've been
seated upright or on the go,
standing on your feet.
Shake the head
a little yes, a little no.
And if you haven't already,
start to gently
deepen your breath.
We want some nice, effective,
refreshing breaths here
in this quick practice.
So let's go ahead and
start to lean into that now.
Again, letting the
weight of the head relax over.
You can grab opposite elbow if
you like with your hands and
gently rock side to side.
Take three more
cycles of breath here.
In and out.
In and out.
In and out.
Awesome, and then nice and slow
tuck your chin into your chest.
Ground through the
feet and slowly roll it
all the way back up to standing.
When you get there,
lift the corners of the
mouth just slightly.
Feel that fresh blood move, as
you breathe deep feel that fresh
oxygen and we're gonna inhale,
squeeze the shoulders up to the
earlobes and then exhale, take
the shoulder blades together,
take the shoulders back
and then drop 'em down.
Yes, again inhale,
squeeze and lift.
Dig into the heels,
stand up nice and tall.
Then take the
shoulder blades together,
shoulders back
and relax 'em down.
And one more time,
just with your breath,
here we go.
Inhale, reach for the sky.
Exhale, open twist to the left.
Soft bend in the knees.
Inhale, reach for the sky.
Exhale, open twist to the right,
soft bend in the knees.
Inhale, reach for the sky.
Exhale, take it
all the way down.
And this time we're gonna slowly
take the fingertips all the way
towards the outer edge of your
left foot or all the way around
to the back of your left ankle.
Breathe deep, inhale in here.
On an exhale, relax the
weight of the head over.
And then take it
all the way through,
trace a line
all the way through,
around, over towards either
the right side of the mat or the
outer edge of your right foot.
Or maybe you can grab the
back edge of your right ankle.
Then be sure to relax
the weight of the head over.
Feel that beautiful
length and stretch
in the left side body,
left back body, left lat.
Cool and then come
all the way back up.
Here we go again.
Tucking the chin,
digging into the heels,
rolling all the way up, really
articulating through the spine
as much as you can.
And a little hair toss, okay,
cool and then inhale,
squeeze the
shoulders up to the ears.
Exhale, take 'em back,
around and down.
Two more, inhale,
squeeze and lift.
Exhale, back, around and down.
One more time, inhale,
squeeze and lift.
Exhale, back, around and down.
Awesome, now you're
gonna shift your weight
over towards your left foot.
You're gonna bring the palms
together and first you're just
gonna sink into that left hip.
So you can really feel that kind
of dropping into the left hip.
And then from there, you're
gonna press into your left foot
so much so that you
come out of that left hip.
So you come from here to here.
And then from there you
should have what you need.
Plus a little a connection
to your center to lift your
right knee all the way up.
Now it may not come up as high
as mine but even if it comes off
the ground at all,
you're doing great.
So we're just going to
lift it up and then down.
So you'll just lift
it up and then down.
Up and then down.
Again, it can be
small up and then down.
Up and then down.
And the next time you have it
lifted up you're gonna take your
hands and you're going to
capture your shin
with your hands.
So you're gonna
squeeze and lift.
Maybe rotate
the ankle one way
and then the other if
it's available to you.
Cool and then from here and the
toe can be on the ground here,
you can be
rotating the ankle here,
and here, and here.
So rather, here or here.
From here we're gonna take a
deep breath in and then on an
exhale you're gonna
turn your right knee out
and come to a Tree Pose.
So it can be low,
here below the knee,
or you can take your knee and
bring it up and use your hands
to guide your heel all the
way up towards your center.
Again, we're not collapsing into
that left hip but we're finding
that yielding, we're lifting.
Finding length in the side
body, a lift through the front,
a grounding through the back.
And then here we go, inhale,
maybe reach for the sky.
Wherever you are,
take a deep breath in
and then exhale to
let everything go.
Great and then you're
gonna shift your weight
to your right foot.
Nice and easy.
Bring the hands together.
And go ahead and
start by, again,
just collapsing into that hip
just so you can
feel the difference.
And then when you're ready,
you're gonna press down through
your right foot so much so
that you lift and lengthen.
There's kind of a pushing away
from the earth that creates this
length in the hip
and the front of the hip.
So we go from here to here and
then when you have that you can
start to find a little mobility.
So we're gonna lift.
Kind of coming up to
a one-legged Tadasana.
And it can be at any level.
It could be really small, too.
So breathing deep, you're
working on creating that space
in the right side body.
We're all
obviously creating mobility,
flexibility in
the left side body.
So we have
stability and flexibility.
And we're breathing.
And then when you're ready
you can work to open up
or squeeze and lift if you want.
Or if you're on the ground you
can start to open up from there.
if you're lifted here,
squeeze and lift first.
So reconnect to your center,
to that stability and
then we'll open it up.
Vrksasana, Tree Pose.
Take time with this.
Breathe deep.
Just kind of taking your mind
off whatever you've been doing
and focusing it
inward on the present.
There's nothing like a
balancing posture to bring you
(whooshes) right back into
whatever's going on today.
Connecting the brain and body.
And then wherever you are
go ahead and take an inhale
to reach the
arms all the way up.
You're doing awesome.
Inhale in and then exhale
to just let everything go.
No matter what happened.
Alright, so you should
be at the top of your mat.
You're gonna take the feet a
little bit wider than
hip width apart.
Then maybe take a little step
back if you need a little space.
Here's our beautiful
brain buster, brain booster.
You're gonna inhale,
reach for the sky.
Some of you have
done this with me before.
Exhale, you're gonna
bend your knees,
send your sits bones back, we're
gonna do it slow at first and
you're just gonna toss your
hands back and breathe out.
Then inhale, sweep
up towards the sky.
Big stretch, big breath.
Catch a wave here, then exhale,
bend the knees,
belly comes down towards the
thighs and you toss it back.
My mentor used to do this a lot.
It's weird at first
but it gets quite fun.
So you're gonna
inhale, reach up.
Exhale, toss it back.
Inhale, reach up.
Grounding through the feet,
soft bend in the knees.
Exhale, toss it back.
Keep it going, inhale up.
Exhale, sharp exhale
as you kick it back.
Inhale, reach up.
Exhale, now find a
little rhythm here.
You're gonna do this
for one more minute
then we're gonna close it off.
Keep it going,
moving the energy.
Inhale, reach up.
Exhale, (huffs) toss it back.
Inhale, reach up.
Exhale, (huffs) toss it back.
Keep it going.
You're doing awesome.
30 more seconds.
Grounding through
all four corners
of the feet for stability.
10 more seconds.
Inhale, next time you reach up.
Exhale, bring the palms together
and slowly and with control
bring them all the way
down through the midline,
all the way through to your
heart space and without looking
down trust, trust,
trust you can put your eyeballs
on the soles of your feet.
You know the ground is there.
Don't look down.
Keep your gaze out or you can
even keep your gaze looking at
the screen, watching me.
You're just gonna bring your
feet together, really together.
Then squeeze the legs.
Lift your sternum
up to your thumbs,
take another deep breath in
and then exhale everything out.
Close your eyes,
bow your head to your heart.
Take a quiet moment here to just
be still and feel that prana,
that energy moving
throughout your body.
Trust that whatever
you need, you have.
And remember that a
little goes a long way.
Thanks so much for sharing your
time and your energy with me
and all the awesome
people around the world
taking this little yoga break.
Let's keep up the good work.
On your next inhale,
lift the corners of the
mouth just slightly.
And as you exhale
you can quietly whisper,
(gentle music)

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