Yoga learning Morning Yoga On The Road - Yoga for Travel - Yoga With Adriene > Yoga


10-minute yoga class for health

Yoga learning | Morning Yoga On The Road - Yoga for Travel - Yoga With Adriene


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Yoga learning님의 Yoga강의 청각장애인을 위한 자막


hey everyone welcome to yoga with
Adriene my name is Adrian and I am in
the most beautiful place on earth and
it's early and I'm not hungover and I
feel great I was just saying I feel like
I've had a really nice natural spa
called Mother Earth in Washington this
is gonna be a long intro get all ready
I'm here on interestin Island and I just
woke up and I have the privilege of
being around such beauty so I came out
here to shoot a little video for you
this is something you can do in the
morning in particular that will wake up
the body
it's quick it's fast it's really about
just connecting the breath to the body
letting the mind be at ease and you know
feels good so hop on the mat pull out a
towel just pad your knees a little bit
and let's get moving

okay so we're gonna begin on all fours
here pressing up and out of the palms
even pressing into the tops of the feet
and then a little cat-cow to get it
going here inhale heart radiates forward
on the exhale I begin at the tailbone
start at the tailbone travel up the
spine until the crown of the head has to
release find a little bit of movement
here your own self-expression
find what feels good as we inhale
dropping the belly heart lifts exhale
again traveling up and down the spine
little variation here I'm going to bring
the two big toes together widen the
knees as wide as the mat inhale look
forward exhale take it around so we're
moving in a circle here inhaling come
forward exhale around and back then
reverse your circle inhale forward
exhale through a little extended Child's
Pose there then I'll come back up walk
the knees underneath the hip points and
send it up downward facing dog curling
the toes under lifting the sit bones
high notice I'm bending my knees quite
generously here pressing up and out of
the palms peddling the feet again
finding your own self-expression here
shining a little light into the dark
places as we get there body moving here
and slowly I'll go for a walk towards
the front edge of the mat and land feet
hip-width apart
boutin asana forward fold grab the
elbows Rock a little side to side bend
the knees generously tuck your chin into
your chest and slowly roll it up notice
I'm wiggling my fingers here just
keeping it nice and loose inhale reach
up and exhale diving forward belly to
the tops of the thighs slowly roll it up
reach it up big breath and exhale belly
to the tops of the thighs
now we roll up to Tadasana inhale palms
kissed together up overhead and exhale
again belly to the tops of the thighs
letting go this time we inhale lift a
flat back position exhale soften and bow
stepping the right foot back runners
lunge so again we're not really making
the goal here to have the perfect asana
but to move with the breath and wake up
the body we step the left foot back
downward facing dog peddling the feet
finding your own self-expression and
shifting our weight forward plank
position rocking a little front to back
spiking the heels back and then lowering
the knees as we slowly lower down all
the way to the belly Cobra
inhale lift up tagging a little weight
and the elbows there checking in with
the neck curl the toes under draw your
navel in and lift it up downward facing
dog peddle the feet work it out my
friends step the right foot up runners
breathe in pull that right hip crease
back and then stepping the back foot up
to meet the front forward fold inhale we
lift a flat back position exhale soften
and bow on your next breath reach it all
the way up fingertips kiss together and
we exhale back apart again inhale we
reach it up
soft knees as we bow for inhale flat
back exhale we step the left foot back
now breathe notice I'm opening my mouth
just checking with the jaw there I step
the right foot back
downward facing dog shoulders are
externally rotating here away from the
getting my groove on here checking out
my hands and then inhale up and over
into plank slowly we shift forward hug
the elbows in chaturanga or upward
facing dog or any version of anos of
your choice here you can lower down to
the belly Cobra and then when you feel
satisfied send it back down dog left
foot steps up so we're moving through
our Sun Salutation here we have a video
for Sun salute you can check that out
for more detailed version forward fold
inhale flat back long spine exhale down
reach it up with a breath in exhale back
to the heart beautiful here I am
making a fool of myself just so excited
about my surroundings okay here we go
shifting into Mountain Pose prepping for
tree I slowly shift my weight over to
the left leg and reach the right foot up
now you might not bring the right heel
all the way up to the center find a
place that's anywhere on that leg just
not on the knee find that dual action
pressing down through the earth as we
lift up through the heart lift up
through the crown
notice this drop in the shoulders their
fingertips move shoulders drawing away
from the ears had to do a little tree
pose amongst all the beautiful trees
breathe draw your navel in to find your
Center and then slowly release the
fingertips down interlace them behind
your back behind your tail your sacrum
there open your heart lift your chin
slightly breathe in
and then gently we relieved same thing
on the other side fine that opposition
as we ground through that standing leg
and lift through the heart my standing
leg is pushing back into that foot
everything meeting in the midline here I
can stay palms together at the heart
or I can reach them up towards the sky
with a nice deep breath in I'm doing a
lot of wrist rotations here just to kind
of encourage you to find your own
movement find a little sway a little
I'll reach behind interlace fingertips
behind the back again open the heart
open the chest press strong into the
legs and then release gently back to
standing inhale reach it up exhale back
to the heart inhale full breath exhale
diving forward last time we inhale lift
a flat back position smile and then
slowly we'll transition to a nice
comfortable seated posture the soles of
the feet on the mat fingertips behind
going into a half boat pose here or both
variation inhale reach it up find a
little bit of movement
so it doesn't really matter what we're
doing here but how we do it kind of how
we approach it and drawing my navel into
my spine and I gently release soles of
the feet come together for baddha
konasana inhale draw the chin into the
chest roll it up open heart as I slowly
melted forward keeping a nice flat back
here for as long as possible and then
when I feel like I've reached my edge
all that it round for letting the weight
of the head drop down as I breathe nice
full sweet deep breaths into the back
roll it up
wiggle it out shifting now to flat back
all the way down I breathe into my belly
here I extend my legs out arms to the
side palms face up take a deep breath in
smile nice full breath of gratitude for
yourself for showing up on the mat today
to do the work
hey everyone okay so that was our
sequence and I'm very distracted right
now because in a good way
good distractions talked about yoga
because we're like this weird thing in
the lake that's not like but it feels
like it it's a seal it's a seal y'all
know just way back in
I'm in paradise okay so point is that
was a sequence to get us moving I just
want to say like this is great for
morning but great for any time and this
secrets in particular it's just meant to
you inspire you I woke up inspired by my
surroundings I hope that you watch this
video I get inspired to move so don't
even worry about doing this exact
sequence permission to break all the
rules just let this be a video to get
you moving in the morning okay surprise
yourself open yourself up to a new
I'm gonna go check out this deal love
you guys leave for comments below
subscribe to the channel if you haven't

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