Yoga learning Day 10 - 10 min Sun Salutation Practice -30 Days of Yoga > Yoga


10-minute yoga class for health

Yoga learning | Day 10 - 10 min Sun Salutation Practice -30 Days of Yoga


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Yoga learning님의 Yoga강의 청각장애인을 위한 자막


Welcome to 30 days of yoga with Adriene.
It is Day 10, and today we are going to do
sun salutations, at least, a variation, to
get warmed up, get the juices flowing, and
to find our breath.
Let's get started.
All right, my friends, today we're going to
begin in downward facing dog.
So if you're feeling a little tight and sore
today, you might want to pause the video and
do a couple of cat cows or a little breathing
and extended child's pose before you begin
today's practice.
Otherwise, let's hop to it, downward facing
Right here, right now.
Peddling the feet out as you send the sit
bones up, and checking in with the breath
So I remember when I was first going through
my yoga teacher training, I was a bright-eyed
and bushy-tailed kiddo, essentially.
And I remember I had kind of thin arms ... Keep
peddling it out here.
You don't even have to look at the video.
You can look down or close your eyes.
Anyway, I remember learning the downward dog
was a resting posture and being like what?
So but now I've come to love this place, and
I can find a little ease and flexibility here,
even in my darkest of days and when I'm sore.
So we're going to start here, and I encourage
you to find a little movement for quite a
few breaths, as we're doing here now.
Finding the breath, exploring the ground underneath
your mat, which mine is a rickety old den
And then after you've connected to the breath,
connected to the feet and the side body, wiggle
around a bit, come to a place of stillness,
a place where you can just reside with the
breath as movement.
Make sure you relax the weight of your head,
shoulders draw back, tops of the thighs spiral
Press into all 10 knuckles, press away from
the earth, and if the legs are really tight
here, we can keep a soft bend in the knees,
no problem.
One more breath here, find that stillness.
Drop into this moment, Day 10.
And then we'll bend the knees generously.
Slide the nose up towards the front of your
mat, look up, and then we can hop or we can
go for a slow walk.
I'm going to take the slow walk route.
Coming all the way up towards the front of
the mat, take a nice, juicy uttanasana, extended
standing forward fold.
And after a couple of moments here, same thing,
we find stillness.
You can grab the elbows and reside with the
breath here, or maybe it's here.
Finding a place of stillness and really tapping
into the breath.
Tap into that inner smile.
You might even smile a little bit here.
Then we'll press into the feet and slowly
roll up.
Fingertips can trace the fronts of the legs
Again, just expanding awareness out through
the entire body.
And we slowly rise up into our mountain pose,
the first posture of our salute.
So loop the shoulders here and press into
all four corners of the feet.
You can keep the feet hip-width apart, or
you can draw them together here if you're
like "I'm ready."
Find a little grounding through the feet and
draw that energy up.
We'll draw the palms together at the heart
and take a deep breath in through the nose
and out through the nose.
In, and nice long breath out.
Connect to that ujjayi breath here if it serves
We'll use this breath to guide us through
the movement today.
So here we go.
Soft knees, inhale, reach it up.
Exhale, diving forward.
Inhale, lifting the flat back.
And exhale, bow.
Inhale, step the right leg back into your
Exhale, plant the palms, step the left toes
back, plank.
Shift your weight forward, slowly lower down
as you inhale.
Lift up, cobra, or upward facing dog.
Big breath in here, stretching the front body.
And on an exhale, back to downward facing
Inhale, step the right foot up, lunge.
Exhale, rock that back foot up to meet the
Inhale, halfway lift, move with your breath.
Exhale, forward fold.
Inhale, reach all the way back up, full breath.
And exhale, palms together back down at the
Deep breath in, deep breath out.
Here we go again.
Inhale, reach it up.
Exhale, diving forward.
Keep the heart open.
Inhale, deep breath in.
Flat back position, really long beautiful
neck here.
Shoulders down and away, exhale.
Slide it down.
Inhale, step the right toes back.
Open your heart, deep breath in.
Exhale, plant the palms, slide the left toes
back, plank.
Shift your weight forward, hug the elbows
in, inhale as you rise up into cobra, bhujangasana,
or upward facing dog.
Deep breath in, on your exhale send it back,
downward facing dog.
Beautiful my friends, take a deep breath in,
long breath out.
Inhale, step the right toes up into your lunge.
Loop the shoulders, take a deep breath as
you open your heart.
And exhale.
Back foot comes up to meet the front, forward
Inhale, halfway lift.
And exhale, bow.
Inhale, reach it all the way up, press away
from the earth.
And exhale, hands to heart.
Here we're going to keep it going.
Really try to synchronize the movement with
the breath, the breath to the movement.
Let's keep trying.
Soft knees, here we go.
Inhale and reach it up.
Exhale, draw your navel in, forward fold.
Inhale, halfway lift extend.
Exhale, bow.
Inhale, step the right foot back.
Deep breath in, open your heart.
Exhale, plant the palms, slide the left foot
back, plank.
Inhale, shift your weight forward, hug the
elbows in, open your heart.
Exhale to down dog.
Inhale, step the right leg up.
Runner's lunge.
Use that deep breath in to open up.
Find that extension through the spine.
And exhale, rocking the back foot up to meet
the front, forward fold.
Inhale, halfway lift, lengthen.
Exhale, bow.
Inhale all the way back up.
Exhale back down to the heart.
Keep it flowing.
Inhale, reach it up.
Exhale, diving forward.
Inhale, lift to flat back.
Exhale, bow.
Inhale, step the right toes back, keep it
Exhale, drop the palms, draw your navel up,
step it back to plank.
Shifting forward, hug the elbows in, inhale
to updog or cobra.
Exhale, downward facing dog.
Inhale, step the right toes up.
Open your heart.
Exhale, back foot comes up to meet the front,
forward fold.
Inhale, halfway lift.
Exhale, soften and release down.
Inhale, follow your breath, reach it all the
way up.
Starting to get a little bit warm here, juices
Exhale, hands to your heart.
Soft knees, inhale, reach it up.
Exhale, forward fold.
Inhale, halfway lift.
Exhale, bow.
Inhale, step the right foot back.
This time, pivot on the back foot.
Exhale, find your foundation.
Then on your next breath in, inhale, rise
up, warrior one.
Open your heart, relax your shoulders down.
Deep breath in here, strong back leg, and
then exhale, release.
Plant the palms, slide the left toes back.
Find your breath again, shift your weight
Inhale, we find our heart opener, cobra or
Exhale to downward facing dog.
Nice work everyone.
Step the right foot forward, deep breath in.
Deep breath out as you find your foundation.
Pivot on the back foot.
Inhale, fingertips rise up, warrior one, virabhadrasana
one, nice and strong.
Strong in the back leg, you might look up
And then exhale, release back to your lunge.
Inhale, open your heart forward.
Exhale, rocking the back foot up to meet the
Inhale, halfway lift.
And exhale, bow.
Inhale, all the way back up, slight back bend
here at the top.
And then exhale to your heart.
Beautiful work my friends, close your eyes,
take a second here to just observe your breath.
Notice how you feel.
Relax your jaw and lift your sternum up to
meet your thumbs.
See if you can feel your heartbeat.
Notice the temperature of your body, how it's
And if you're able to have done this practice
in the morning, it might be a great time to
set an intention for your day.
Maybe you just set an intention, whatever
time of day it is.
Something positive that will serve you in
the present moment.
Reconnect back to your practice, to the challenge,
to what lies ahead.
Awesome everyone, great work today.

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