Yoga learning 6-Minute Yoga Chill - Yoga With Adriene > Yoga


10-minute yoga class for health

Yoga learning | 6-Minute Yoga Chill - Yoga With Adriene


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Yoga learning님의 Yoga강의 청각장애인을 위한 자막


- Alright, welcome, my friends.
Let's begin with the
left hand on the heart,
the right hand
right down on the belly.
Five minute break to chill out,
to calm the nervous system,
and to find what feels good.
Take a deep breath in,
maybe close your eyes here,
and on your exhale,
really relax the shoulders.
And then choose to give the
thinking mind a break here
for five minutes
as you inhale deeply
and use the exhale
to relax your shoulders.
Alright, on this one really
breathe into your hands here
so fill up with
breath, big inhale,
and exhale,
relaxing the shoulders.
Awesome, I already feel relaxed.
Bring the left
hand to the earth,
sweep the right fingertips
all the way up and over,
big side body stretch here.
You can find soft easy
movement here in the shoulders
if it feels right, checking
in with the head, the neck,
take a deep breath in
(inhales) and then exhale,
brings you back to center,
right hand comes to the ground
and big inhale, just
sweep the left fingertips
all the way up and
over, feeling it out,
stretching the side body,
and paying attention to the
shoulder, the head, the neck.
Great, take one
more big inhale here
and then use your exhale to
come all the way back to center.
Awesome, let's come to
lie flat on our backs here,
breathing mindfully,
nice conscious breath,
even as you transition here.
And right as you come down,
make sure that you
tuck the chin to the chest
just a little bit to
find length in the neck,
just lots more into
the neck and shoulders,
and then bend the knees,
bring the feet up to the mat,
so you can find a nice
support in the lower back.
So you might even lift your tail
and just snuggle your
lower back into the mat.
Great then snuggle
your shoulder blades
underneath your heart
space as if you were trying to
do a heart opener here,
so nice, open chest.
So we have long neck,
lower back supported,
and nice open chest.
Then take your arms out,
Texas T, and try to maintain
all of these things,
open chest, long neck,
and lower back
flushed with the mat,
as you lift one knee
up and then the other.
Inhale in,
exhale, allow the legs to
gently fall to the left and
try to keep your right shoulder
on the ground here.
Big stretch, you can
take the left hand to the top
of the right thigh,
you can also turn to rest
on the right ear,
breathing deep.
(inhales and exhales)
And then slowly
bringing it back through center,
nice mindful breathing,
even in the transitions,
find that connect
with the lower back again,
that openness through the chest,
that long, beautiful neck,
inhale, exhale,
over to the right.
Allow the legs
to grow heavy here,
try to keep your
shoulders anchored to the earth,
oh yeah.
Right hand comes to the
top of the left thigh maybe,
and maybe we turn to
rest on the left ear.
Breathing into the belly.
(inhales and exhales)
Close your eyes
or soften your gaze.
(inhales and exhales)
And then slowly
unravel, bring it back.
Awesome work.
Slowly lower the
feet to the ground.
We're gonna bring the
fingertips to interlace
behind the tail
for a bridge pose,
so you'll bring
your fingertips to
about where the heels
meet and then from there
we'll press in the feet, lift
the hips up high, here we go.
Snuggle the shoulder blades in,
interlace the fingertips,
and lift the hips up,
long, beautiful spine here
as you squeeze the
inner thighs together
and just imagine
length in the spine.
Nice and long.
So the knees are
reaching towards the front edge,
the sits bones are reaching
towards the backs of the knees,
take one more breath here,
just look straight up
or close your eyes,
chest to chin
and chin towards the sky.
Release everything and
nice and slow articulating
through the spine as you
come all the way back down.
From here we'll
walk the feet together,
open the knees wide,
Supta Baddha Konasana
and you're just gonna rock
the head gently side to side,
ear to ear, getting a
little massage in the back of
the neck, the head rather,
stretching through the neck.
And then take the deepest
breath you've taken all day.
Nice big inhale in.
(inhales sharply)
Then long breath out,
relax your shoulders.
(exhales sharply)
Left hand comes
back to the heart,
right hand back to the belly,
and we rest.
(exhales sharply)

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