Yoga learning Yoga For Weight Loss - Hips and Core Vinyasa - Yoga With Adriene > Yoga


10-minute yoga class for health

Yoga learning | Yoga For Weight Loss - Hips and Core Vinyasa - Yoga With Adriene


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Yoga learning님의 Yoga강의 청각장애인을 위한 자막


- [Adriene] What's up, everyone?
Welcome to Yoga with Adriene.
I'm Adriene.
Let's start standing
at the top of the mat.
Right away,
stand up nice and tall.
Start to notice your breath.
Thanks for joining me today.
I'm coming at
you from Nicaragua.
Let's have some fun.
Inhale, take a big breath in.
As you exhale slowly,
draw your hands together
at your heart with intention.
Inhale, lift the
sternum to the thumbs,
really just
arriving here, settling in.
Then when you're ready,
gently bow your
head to your heart.
Then next big inhale,
reach for the sky.
Exhale, Forward Fold
all the way down.
Take a couple of cycles of
breath here to just check in.
Pedal it out, bend the knees,
clasp the elbows.
You know what to do.
Just softly shake the head.
Find what feels good.
And as you're ready,
big inhale the lift up halfway,
and exhale to fold.
Step the right foot back,
step the left foot back.
Again, take a couple moments
here to just wake up the body.
Rock a little front,
a little back.
Create a
full-body experience here.
And big inhale.
Exhale the lower
all the way down.
Inhale Cobra, soft and sweet.
Hug the elbows
into the side body.
On your next exhale,
gently release.
Power up Plank, inhale.
Exhale, Downward Facing Dog.
Pedal it out,
and inhale, look forward,
and exhale, make
your way to the top.
Inhale, halfway lift,
exhale, soften and bow.
Inhale, spread the fingertips,
reach for the sky.
Exhale, hands to heart.
Awesome work, here we go.
Inhale, reach for the sky.
Exhale, Forward Fold.
Inhale, halfway lift.
Exhale, release,
step or hop it back, Plank Pose.
Inhale strong, exhale,
slowly lower
down belly to Cobra,
or Chaturanga to
Upward Facing Dog.
Follow your
breath back to Down Dog,
letting the breath guide you.
As you're ready, big inhale
to lift the right leg up high.
Exhale to step
it all the way up.
Warrior I, big inhale
to reach for the sky.
Tap into the
sound of your breath.
Inhale, look up.
Then exhale, Warrior II,
open to the left, strong legs.
Inhale, Peaceful Warrior.
Reach up and over,
there's a puppy dog.
And then exhale,
bring it all the way
back down to your lunge.
Awesome work.
Big twist here,
left hand to the earth,
right hand to the sky.
Inhale in, exhale,
come back to your lunge,
and we flow,
moving with the breath.
FromDownward Facing Dog,
hips up high.
We'll inhale, lift the
left leg up, Three-Legged Dog.
Exhale, step it all
the way up and through.
Warrior I.
Strong legs, draw the navel in.
Inhale, lift your
heart a little more,
then exhale, open it out,
Warrior II to the right.
Inhale, Peaceful Warrior, left
fingertips reach up and back.
Inhale, lift the chest.
Then exhale, cartwheel it all
the way back to your lunge.
Right hand down, left hand to
the sky, big twist, inhale.
Exhale, bring it back,
and we flow.
Belly to Cobra, or
Chaturanga to Upward Facing Dog.
You can always pass on this,
take it straight to
Downward Facing Dog.
Listen to your body, be mindful.
Inhale, look forward.
Exhale, make
your way to the top.
Big inhale lifts you up halfway.
Exhale to soften and fold.
Inhale, root to rise here,
reach for the sky.
Exhale, hands to heart.
Inhale, reach up.
Exhale, diving forward.
Inhale, find that wave,
halfway lift.
Then exhale, step or
hop it back to plank.
Here we go.
Turning onto the outer
edge of the right foot,
we're gonna dip
the right hip down,
and then turn to the left foot,
dip the left hip down.
Move nice and slow,
soft in the face,
soften through the jaw,
waking up the core
muscles of course here,
but slowly getting a
nice stretch to the IT band.
You can two or four or six.
When you feel
satisfied, Vinyasa.
Belly to Cobra, or
Chaturanga to Up Dog.
Amishian, Downward Facing Dog.
Inhale, lift the
right left up high.
Exhale, knee to nose.
Inhale, Three-Legged Dog.
Exhale, Warrior I.
Inhale, look up.
Exhale, Warrior II.
Inhale, Peaceful Warrior.
And exhale, cartwheeling
all the way back down.
Take it into your twist,
big inhale, revolve.
And exhale all the
way back to your lunge.
Awesome work.
Step it back, maybe
Eka Pada Vinyasa here,
one-legged flow.
Meet in Downward Facing Dog.
Other side, inhale,
lift the left leg up high.
You got this.
Exhale, squeeze, knee to nose.
Inhale, spread the
left toes, Three-Legged Dog.
And exhale,
step it up, Warrior I.
Navel draws in and
up here, find stability.
And when you're
ready, Warrior II.
Big inhale to send it
back, Peaceful Warrior.
Then exhale,
cartwheeling all the way forward
and moving into your twist.
Big inhale, reach for the sky.
Use an exhale to
bring it back to your lunge,
again, taking your flow,
making it your own,
moving with the
sound of your breath.
Downward Facing Dog,
or Child's Pose.
See if you can
elongate your inhale
and lengthen your exhale.
And if you're in Child's Pose,
make your way to Down Dog.
And we'll slowly
make our way to the top.
Uttanasana, Forward Fold.
When you're ready, big
inhale the reach for the sky,
and exhale, hands to heart.
Stick with me shifting
your weight to your left foot.
Inhale, slowly
peel the right knee up.
Standing One-Legged Tadasana,
inhale, reach for the sky.
Exhale, stay
connected to your core as
you kick the right
foot back, Warrior III.
You can take any
variation you want here.
Hug the lower ribs in.
Full of breath, you got this.
Exhale, draw the navel in.
Slowly come back to that
Standing One-Legged Tadasana.
Lift the right
knee up and in, squeeze.
Then we're gonna
cross the right ankle
over the top of the left thigh.
Hands come to the heart.
You can take any
variation you like here.
A little Forward Fold.
Breathe into the belly.
Listen to the
sound of your breath.
Keep the right
toes really active here.
Then slowly we'll release.
Exhale, send the
right leg back once again.
One last time, Warrior III.
Then don't look back.
Trust the ground
is there to catch you.
We'll inhale in, and exhale,
drop the right toes down.
High lunge.
Inhale in.
Exhale, Warrior II.
Awesome work.
Inhale, Peaceful Warrior.
Flowing with the
breath as you exhale,
cartwheel down and
take it into your twist.
Moving with ease,
bring it back to your lunge.
Then step the right
foot up to meet the left.
Inhale, halfway lift.
Exhale, fold.
Inhale, reach for the sky.
And exhale, hands to heart.
Alright, last side,
here we go.
Shifting your
weight to the right foot,
slowly begin to
peel the left knee up.
Reach for the sky,
Standing One-Legged Tadasana.
Move nice and slow,
moving toward your Warrior III,
connected, navel
drawing in and up.
As you're ready, take
any variation you like here.
Long, full breaths.
Then moving from your center,
slowly bring the left knee
all the way back up
and in, nice and slow.
Stay active in the left
toes as you cross left ankle
over the top of the
right thigh, Figure 4.
And take any
variation you like here,
listening to your body,
breathing deep.
And then slowly,
if you're in a fold,
come out of your fold.
And we'll rise back up.
If you fall, it's okay.
The ground will catch you.
And then one more time,
Warrior III, Virabhadrasana III.
Here we go.
Hug the lower ribs, up and in.
And then when you're ready,
step it all the way back.
High lunge.
Inhale in.
Exhale, open out, Warrior II.
Moving with the breath,
inhale, sweep it forward,
up and back, Peaceful Warrior.
Exhale, back to your lunge.
Last twist,
breathe into your belly.
Inhale, reach for the sky.
And exhale, back to your lunge.
Rock the back foot
up to meet the front.
Awesome work.
Inhale, halfway lift,
long beautiful neck.
Exhale, fold.
Root to rise here,
inhale, spread the fingertips,
reach for the sky.
Exhale, hands to heart.
Head over heart.
Heart over pelvis.
Just take a quick moment here
to notice how you feel.
Really notice the
sensations of the body,
your heartbeat, your breath.
And we end with gratitude,
appreciation for
your beautiful body,
for your breath.
Inhale, lift your
thumbs to the third-eye point.
And exhale.
We bow.

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