Premiere & Effects How to Track and Replace a Phone Screen with Mocha Pro in Adobe Premiere Pro > Adobe Premiere & Effects

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Premiere & Effe… | How to Track and Replace a Phone Screen with Mocha Pro in Adobe Premie…


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hey everybody its premier gal here I'm
inside of premier Pro CC 2017 and I
found this short clip of my iPhone 6 as
you see it has a black screen and I want
to replace it with a screen insert using
the mocha Pro plugin and yes I'm going
to track and replace it all in Premiere
Pro completely bypassing After Effects
mocha is the only tracking plugin
available for Premiere Pro mocha is
different than typical tracking software
because it is based on a unique planar
tracking algorithm they can track almost
any footage this tool has been used on
tons of high-profile feature films such
as the entire Harry Potter film series
Star Wars rogue one and even la-la-land
in fact the team behind won their own
Academy Award in 2013 for the
development of the technology I'm
excited to show how this powerful yet
simple tracking plug-in works inside of
premiere before we get started I want to
let you know that I've included a link
to download the cell phone footage as
well as the screen insert in my
description box so you can follow along
if you don't have mocha Pro installed
you can head over to Boris effects comm
and download the trial version of mocha
Pro for Adobe also if you want to
purchase mocha Pro you can use my code
gal 10 to get 10% off to start go to
your effects tab in search for mocha Pro
drag and drop mocha Pro onto the clip
then under effects controls click on a
mocha logo and it will launch open the
mocha pro plugin the first step is to
define the plane we want to track by
using the spline tool as I mentioned
earlier mocha Pro uses an advanced
planar tracking algorithm so what is
that well basically mocha Pro sees that
everything in your video frame consists
of multiple planes or surfaces which it
can track and compute
tracking data from in our case we want
to track the plane of the phone screen
now I'm going to use X blind tools to
draw a search area for MOCA to track so
your impulse might be to track the
entire phone screen but as you see this
screen has some reflections which can
throw off most trackers but with MOCA I
can creatively draw a shape that avoids
the reflections and tracks only the
edges of the phone to do this I'm going
to draw a spline around the entire phone
surface including the edges and then I'm
going to click on add X line tool button
to draw another spline within this
existing spline just on the screen so I
can mask out those unwanted screen
reflections from the track this is a
simple yet powerful technique for
avoiding unwanted motion in solving all
kinds of tracks at the bottom under
track tab make sure to select
perspective so it will track perspective
change over time now it's time to track
so first let's track forward by
selecting the track forward icon now it
will track frame by frame you will be
able to see if the track is working if
the tracking layer is staying on the
phone in the same location over time so
once it's done it's time to track
backwards so scrub the current time
indicator the CTI
back to the green triangle which is the
point at which we created the screen
tracking layer so now let's click on the
track backwards icon so now that it's
tracked now under layer controls you can
rename the layer screen track now it's
time to adjust the planar surface which
lets you place the specific region where
you want the screen insert to be placed
to do this click on show planar surface
icon you will now see another blue
rectangle appear now let's move each
corner of the planar surface to be in
the place of each corner of the black
screen you can zoom in for more accuracy
using the magnify tool and then use the
hand tool to move to the area of the
phone you need to place the planar
surface corner you need to use the
tool to move the planar surface corner
to its exact place once you have all the
corners in place under layer properties
next to insert clip select import and
select the gal screen insert that I
provided with the footage download now
under the insert tab at the bottom turn
on motion blur to get a preview of what
the final render will look like pull the
current time indicator back to the
beginning of the clip and under render
hit render forwards it's done rendering
your preview so let's turn off the
overlays by selecting the icon and Nabal
all overlays and then hit the spacebar
to play it back to see how the preview
looks now all we have to do is hit the
Save icon in the upper left and then hit
file and exit to jump back into Premiere
Pro now back in Premiere Pro under
effects controls check the box next to
render now you can fully render the clip
out in your Premiere Pro timeline so
that's it and remember you can use my
promo code gal 10 to get 10% off the
mocha Pro plugin for Adobe mocha pros
tools can be used for a wider range of
effects such as masking stabilization
and even removing objects so if you
would like to see more mocha Pro
tutorials on my channel give this video
a thumbs up and leave a comment below I
make new video editing and production
tutorials every week so be sure to
subscribe to keep up with the latest
video trends you all next week bye

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