Premiere & Effects A "NOW THIS" Social Media Style Video Adobe Premiere Pro CC Template > Adobe Premiere & Effects

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Premiere & Effe… | A "NOW THIS" Social Media Style Video Adobe Premiere Pro CC …


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Premiere & Effe…님의 Adobe Premiere & Effects강의 청각장애인을 위한 자막


Hey everybody its Premier Gal here and
in this tutorial I'm going to be showing
you how to create that popular Now This
social media style video there the
square videos with on-screen texts that
are catchy with music and stock video
the thick text different colors you've
seen style before so I've created a
template of this exact style that I'm
calling the blah blah style I think it's
actually going to go down in the history
books as the blah blah style we'll see
if it last going forward but yeah it's
so interesting to me so I was like a lot
of people have asked me for this in
tutorial requests so I thought you know
it'll make a template if you guys don't
want to watch how to create this full
tutorial cuz it is a longer tutorial
here you can just go to my store link in
the description box below to purchase it
all right so I'm inside of Premiere Pro
CC 2017 and I have here a new sequence
that I've created and I've already laid
out the footage from pond5 by the way
you can get 10% off clips from pond5 or
templates using my code PremiereGal10
but it does expire on the 20th so just
one day left just an FYI so let me just
play these clips here I have some a
little background music that I got from
audio network music so it's just this
little koala sleeping and then waking up
and eating the eucalyptus super cute and
then at the end I have another shot of
it on a tree again so as you see inside
of the program viewer I have a little
text here and it says source and I just
put pond5 premiere pup is drinking water
sorry about that so all of now this
basically has that sort of like source
footage so the way that I created that
you can see in my sequence here I have a
layer called source
pond5 and all I did was I created text
in the essential graphics panel
using the type tool rather than having
it be horizontal I just changed the
rotation to be minus 90 and then of
course the iconic now this logo I made
as blah blah in the upper right hand
corner and the same thing I use the
essential graphics panel and I drew two
rectangles and each rectangle I filled
it black and then I also added a 15
stroke width to each shape and
duplicated that and then I just created
a text in Helvetica new bold around 60
font size now it's time to add the
on-screen text so usually with now this
style videos or social media videos in
general you want to start with a fact
that will be like oh that's interesting
so actually the Australia the Australian
koala foundation has a bunch of facts on
koalas and actually they need to sleep
18 spike
sorry about that premiere pup they need
to actually sleep 18 to 22 hours a day
so I was like that's a fun fact why
don't I hot start it off with the Koala
just sleeping and we'll add that fun
fact so let's go ahead and use the type
tool click on the type tool and then I'm
just going to click on the program
viewer and type out and then use all
caps because the now this style uses all
caps but it really just depends on what
you want to go for so with the now this
style to make this better you can
highlight command A (ctrl A) select all of the
text let's center it over here center
the text and then we can align it to be
in the center and let's make it a little
bit bigger let's make it about 90 and
then we can bring it down just a tad
using the selection tool down just a tad
and now there's also a drop shadow
usually so let's go ahead and create a
shadow there
and let's maybe increase it to about
eight that looks good so now it really
is contrasty and you like that but we
want to maybe make the 18 to 20 stand
out so we can actually change the color
of just that text here let's just make
it the bright yellow that now this likes
to use I was like a neon color so that's
how you create that's sort of now this
text now if you're like where is this
text actually it it created it above
this layer so I'm just going to bring
this down to video layer three here and
so now like you can just duplicate this
layer what I do is I hold option alt and
click and drag that text layer over and
let go and it just duplicated it and I'm
going to do that again and so you can
duplicate it as many times as you want
and then you can add in your new text so
here I'm going to just type out blah
blah blah blah so you get the idea you
can go in and add in your own text to
tell the story right so really you just
need to identify what facts what little
tidbits of information do you want but
the idea of this video is I'm showing
you the style right you just want like a
thicker text with a darker drop shadows
so you can contrast but there's
animations as well so I love film impact
transitions I use this push animation
and it saves me a lot of time so for
example in this first bit here if I
wanted this text to animate from the
bottom to the current location I would
just go under my effects and go to film
impact and I love the push
where it here it is I love the push and
just drag and drop it on there
and what's great about the push is that
you can actually change it to animate up
from down so then it will animate on
screen like so and you don't have to
keyframe and then you can copy by
hitting command C (ctrl C) that transition and
then hit command V (ctrl V) to paste it on the
end and then you can change that to be
down you can apply those transitions to
each text element on your sequence
you want more of these types of videos
where I sort of break down how to create
social media videos let me know in the
comment below and give this video a
thumbs up I make new video production
tutorials every week so subscribe to
keep up with the latest trends thanks so
much guys see you soon bye

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