Premiere & Effects Sending Your Adobe Premiere Clip Project to Adobe Premiere Pro CC > Adobe Premiere & Effects

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Premiere & Effe… | Sending Your Adobe Premiere Clip Project to Adobe Premiere Pro CC


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Premiere & Effe…님의 Adobe Premiere & Effects강의 청각장애인을 위한 자막


hey everybody its premier gal here and
in this video I'm going to show you a
mobile to desktop workflow working from
Adobe Premiere clip an app that you can
put on your iPhone or iPad and then
export it to Adobe Premiere Pro so right
now I have as you see my eye agra for
kids here and you can see there's an
attachable lens so i was able to get
some really high-quality shots out here
in DC some b-roll shots they call it and
basically i have the video already
stored on my phone so i'm going to build
the video edit starting in adobe
premiere clip and i'm going to show you
how to export it to Premiere Pro CC
before I get started and dive in and do
a screen recording of my iPhone I want
to let you know that I have two extra
editors key skins which are keyboard
shortcuts for MacBook Pro 13 inch and 15
inch the latest with the touch bar and
so the great thing about these is not
only can you learn some shortcuts but
you can also protect your keyboard so
the first two people to comment on this
video that want them I will ship it to
you for free so let's go ahead and dive
into premiere clip all right you guys
I'm inside of my iPhone 6 and I'm going
to tap on the Adobe Premiere clip app
and this will launch it open and from
here it'll take you to your landing page
that has all your current projects to
add a project you're going to click on
that plus icon in upper right-hand
corner and here you can select the
source from which you want to start your
project so I'm going to select on my
iPhone because that's where all of the
footage is that I shot with my IATA firk
it is and then here you can select
videos and select the videos
individually which ones you want to
start your project with and then hit add
and this will ask you do you want to
create an automatic video where premier
clip will automatically cut the clips to
a soundtrack or you can freeform and
edit the clips manually because I just
want to get this video started quickly
I'm just going to hit automatic and what
this will do is it will start creating a
video with a premier clip theme you can
change the soundtrack if you want if you
click on replace down track you can
choose from premiere clip themes
that it comes with if you like I'm not
going to do that right now or you can
select playlist or song with currently
on your iPhone
so take cancel if you click on this sort
of metronome symbol it will allow you to
change the pace of the edits to be
slower or faster so let's just go ahead
and make a little bit slower and then on
this left icon here it'll allow you to
change the sequence or the order of the
clips so if you click and hold on a clip
let's say this last one I can drag it
over to the front to make sure that that
clip is seen first and so on also if you
want to add more media you can always
hit this Add button down below and you
can add more media all right so let's
hit done let's go ahead and send this
project to Premiere Pro and then we can
continue editing from there to do that
we're going to hit this upload button in
the upper right hand corner and rather
than publishing it we're saving it to
Dropbox or any of the other options here
I'm just going to click on send to
Premiere Pro CC and what this will do is
it actually starts sinking the project
automatically you can see that there is
that spinning circle in the upper left
hand corner that means that it's
currently syncing with Creative Cloud so
let's just go ahead and close that and
also you will see in the lower left hand
corner that there's a purple icon now
with a spinning circle if you click on
that it'll show you what the upload
media status is it's currently at 99
percent that's great and once it's done
premiere clip will notify you and say
you're ready to send this project to
Premiere Pro so we just have to wait for
that notification so once we hit done
now let's click back on the project here
and it will say it's ready to send to
Premiere Pro your project is now synced
to Creative Cloud and ready to be sent
so let's go ahead and send now and it
will start sending it Premiere Pro ok so
I'm now on my macbook pro and I've
opened up Premiere Pro CC 2017 rather
than saying an open project or new
project on this landing page what you're
going to do is go up to file and then
select convert premier clip project
okay so select that and then what this
will do it will show you all of the
projects by date and time that you
synced to the Creative Cloud so I'm
going to do the latest one here and
you'll see it's not the standard
Premiere Pro project it's an XML file so
we're going to select that XML file okay
and hit open and what this will do is it
actually starts to convert the project
it imports all the files and from here I
can add more transitions fine-tune and
really start to develop my final cut so
that's it thanks so much for watching
guys be sure to give this video a thumbs
up if you found it useful
also be sure to subscribe to keep up
with the latest video transpacific new
video production tutorials every week
I'll see you guys very soon bye

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