Premiere & Effects Flickering Neon Light Effect in Adobe Premiere Pro CC > Adobe Premiere & Effects

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Premiere & Effe… | Flickering Neon Light Effect in Adobe Premiere Pro CC


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hey everybody its premier gal here and
I'm excited to show you how I made this
neon light effect inside of Premiere Pro
CC 2017 all right you guys I'm back
inside of Premiere Pro CC 2017 and I am
starting from scratch here with a new
sequence that I've titled tutorial so
the first step in my process of creating
the neon sign was just starting with the
type tool which is here in the tool bar
just click on the type tool and then go
ahead and click up in the program panel
here to type out the words that you want
so I'm going to type out premiere gal
okay and then to Center this I'm going
to use the essential graphics panel if
you don't have this open go up to window
and select a central graphics okay and
I'm going to align it using these tools
here the vertical center and the
horizontal Center so now it's centered
you can change the color but first you
have to hit command a or ctrl a on a PC
to select all of the text and then go
down to the cell and select a new color
using this color picker or you can paste
in a hex code if you have one then hit
OK so to produce this effect
I actually just duplicated this type
layer three times so I fill up on video
layer 1 video layer 2 and video layer 3
so to duplicate this graphic that is now
in the timeline here which is this
graphic here this text I'm going to hit
and hold alt option click on the text
drag it up let go of the mouse and then
let go of the alt option and I'm going
to do that again one more time
so now I have three copies here and so
the bottom layer I'm going to add a
Gaussian blur to make it feel like it's
sort of a hazy neon sign so just go up
here and type in Gaussian blur under FX
click drag and drop on premiere gal
nothing happens that's because we need
to actually add some blurriness
so when you select this v1 layer after
you apply the effect just go over here
under blurriness and type in the amount
I'm going to set it at 50 so now you can
see a little bit of a haze that is there
and then on video layer 2 I'm going to
also add another Gaussian blur drag and
drop that and I'm going to change this
one to 150 so now you really kind of see
the intensity and you can increase this
if you want if you want more intensity
you can increase this as much as you
want but I thought 150 was just fine so
the next step is making the top layer
appear more realistic so to do that I
actually just changed the color of the
text on the top layer to be more white
so select it go over here to the
essential graphics panel hit command a
to select the text and then change the
fill to be more of a white pink because
the color of light is more white in the
center of the light too now it appears
more real right another way that you can
make this more realistic is by adding a
drop shadow on the text so if you add a
little shadow here now you can see it
almost feels like there's more depth
like the neon sign is more real so that
is what I did to actually create the
text look but what about the flickering
right so what I did was just cut out
chunks of V to hit C for the cut tool
found a point that I felt was right
clicked it then moved a couple frames
forward and then cut this layer again to
make it easier to make sure that your
snap tool is on to it the blade will
align with your playhead and then just
go back to your selection tool by
hitting V which is this right here and
then just delete out that section so now
the intensity of v2 is reduced because
it's not there to make it even more
realistic just cut part of this v3 layer
above so it aligns with v2 select that
and then reduce the opacity to 50
so that way it almost is like the light
is sort of going out so it's on/off
on/off and then you can continue to do
that throughout this text until you feel
like the flickering should be done which
is when I got my final version here and
so this is the final effect here all I
did for the animation was do a basic
mask effect to reveal each letter one at
a time and I copied that on each layer
so that way it would appear one letter
at a time all right you guys and that's
it I hope you found it useful if you
have any questions please be sure to
leave a comment below that's where most
of the questions get asked or go to my
website from your gal comm slash
tutorials and leave your requests there
thanks so much you guys for your support
and I'll see you guys very very soon bye


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