Premiere & Effects How to Create a Motion Graphics Template .mogrt - Adobe Premiere Pro CC Tutorial > Adobe Premiere & Effects

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Premiere & Effe… | How to Create a Motion Graphics Template .mogrt - Adobe Premiere Pro C…


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nothing like yogurt mm-hmm
you know what rhymes with yogurt yogurt
hey everybody its former gal here and
you're probably wondering what the heck
is a mo Girt right well mo great
actually stands for motion graphics
template which is a file type that
contains graphics and text that can be
used in the latest update of Adobe
Premiere Pro so in this video I'm going
to show you how to make your own yogurt
inside of Premiere Pro and the mo great
that I'll be making is some text that
you can use as caption in square social
media videos and then the second part of
this tutorial is actually done by my
friend orange 83 and he's based in the
Netherlands so please be sure to check
out the second half of this tutorial
which is going to show you how to
install the mo great file in Premiere
Pro and use it in your own projects so
without further ado let's go make a mo
Girt okay you guys while I'm inside a
des latest update of Premiere Pro CC
2017 the spring update and here is this
sort of lower third text or just caption
text for social media you can see it's a
1080 by 1080 frame and then the text
animates out so I made this text graphic
inside of the new essential graphics
panel and to start it off you have to
use the type tool so before I go ahead
and show you how to do that let's go
ahead and create a new sequence here and
if you haven't seen my tutorial on how
to create a 1080 by 1080 Facebook video
I might teach you how to create your own
custom sequence settings for that so you
should go check out that video so I'm
going to go ahead and create this new
sequence at 1080 by 1080 for Facebook
and basically to start it off in the
essential graphics panel you don't need
to pull up the panel you just need to
hit this T button here for the type tool
and then just go ahead and click on your
program panel here and type in the text
that you want and then what this will do
it actually pulls up the text inside of
the effects controls but we want to see
it inside of the essential graphics
panel because this is where you will see
the different layers that you create
with the type tool
I created a separate tutorial on how to
use the essential graphics panel I will
link to that in the description box
below so let's go ahead and just type in
insert line here what we want to do is
create a different font here I'm just
going to choose let's say beb챕s new and
then I'm going to create another text
layer by hitting this button here and
I'm gonna type insert text line here
also insert text line here also to move
this around if you go over here to the
selection tool you can actually pick
this up and drag it and place it to get
the desired location and bring this down
a bit here too alright the next step is
to create some rectangles and I had
black rectangles and notice that the
background defaults to black if you want
to create another color mat in the
background just bring up the text layer
here in the sequence to video layer two
and then over here I created a color mat
if you go to new item you can create a
color mat and I'm just going to drag
this color mat below and now you can see
that it's actually quite difficult to
see because the text is white so to
change that all we're going to do is go
over here we're going to select the type
tool I'm going to change this to be a
blue color down here change the fill to
be like a bright blue color and let's
change the top text to be green

like a bright lamb green there we go so
now let's go ahead and create rectangles
behind this text so I'm going to go
ahead and create a new layer here a
rectangle I'm going to make the fill
black okay and then I'm going to go down
to the selection tool and just bring
this over here and place it behind
because these are layers just click and
drag it down I'm just going to resize it
here using the selection tool okay now
I'm going to duplicate this layer just
by right clicking and hitting duplicate
I'm going to pull this layer down below
as well and I'm going to just drop it
down here so it lines up but also since
this text layer is longer I'm going to
pull it out like so that looks pretty
what about animating this right so it's
pretty easy to do all you have to do is
create masks so inside the essential
graphics panel you actually can't
keyframe in here this is just where you
build the assets for the graphics you
need to actually go to a sex controls in
here you will see that there is a layer
for each shape that we made for each
rectangle as well as the text so this is
where you can add keyframes so for the
first line here so we want this
rectangle to animate out from this
location so I'm going to create a mask
here for point polygon mask and you'll
see it defaults to this square with some
feathering I want to get rid of the
feathering bring that down to zero now
I'm just going to resize this mask here
so right now we see the full rectangle
but we want the rectangle to disappear
in the beginning because we want it to
animate out so you're just going to hit
toggle animation here on mask path and
then pull the playhead back and then
click on the mask again and then pull
the mask off screen and this is just
going to Anna
get out now so you can see when you hit
the play of the space by foreplay now
you can see the rectangle just animates
out and you can make it slower by
pulling it out or you can make it
quicker by making these keyframes closer
together see okay so that looks pretty
good now for the second line what you
have to do is the exact same thing so
I'm going to just copy this mess by
hitting command C and then I'm going to
paste it on shape number two and now
you'll see that it's here but we want to
pull it down and obviously we need to
change it because it's a longer
rectangle so let's pull this out make
sure that the end is straight okay
perfect so we want to get rid of these
keyframes here because those were from
the previous shape so we want this
rectangle to appear here just slightly
after this animates out so this is a
probably a good spot let's just move it
here and now let's go back a bit and
let's just pull this mask off screen
like so and now the second line will
come out now we need the text to animate
on just after the rectangle so so let's
just go back up here to the first mask
and let's copy this mask like hitting
command C or control C on our PC then
let's scrub down to the first line of
text select it and then hit command V
and now the mask is pasted here with the
keyframes so let's move this over so we
can see the text animate on after the
rectangle right there we go and we want
to do the same thing with the second
line let's go back up and copy the mask
from the second rectangle command C and
let's go down to the second line of text
it and hit command V and the mask will
then be pasted in this area let's go
ahead and move this over so the second
line of text will animate on after the
rectangle appears so right now it looks
like this so you can play around with
the keyframes until it looks right and
then for animating it off-screen if we
go back to the original you can see here
that I have it animate off see it would
be the exact same approach just the
opposite direction so for this shape if
we want the text to animate off we would
just go forward at the location that we
want the text of an animate off-screen
so we want to make this a little bit
longer here in the timeline scrub
through and then we're going to hit the
keyframe button again pull it forward a
little bit and then hit the mask and
let's just animate it out so that's just
animated and off-screen I'm going to do
the same for the text on line one here
so just hit the keyframe pull the
playhead a bit forward and then click on
mask pull it off screen and then you'll
see another keyframe is made when you
move it now back to the shapes to go
ahead select a keyframe we can move it
right when this text starts to go off
screen let's hit the keyframe button
move it forward and then click on the
mask and pull it off screen like so and
let's do it for the first rectangle hit
the keyframe go forward here and then
click on the mask and pull it off screen
here so when you play back it looks like
this but let's say that you wanted to
save this as a motion graphic template
with this animation so you're going to
right click on the graphic layer in v2
here in the timeline and then you're
going to select export as motion
graphics template
then in the new dialog box you can give
your motion graphics template a name and
once you're done naming it you can
choose a destination such as saving it
directly to your central graphics panel
for future use you can save it in your
local drive or you can save it in the
Creative Cloud library and then you hit
OK and you're done so I hope that you
guys found this tutorial useful if you
did give it a thumbs up and please
subscribe I make new video production
tutorials every week and if you have any
requests go to Premiere gal collin flash
tutorials and leave your request there
you can also get freebies from me each
month if you donate $5 or more to my
patreon page which is slash
premier gal you can also support a gala
by buying some awesome gal t-shirts and
you can also buy some templates there
that I've been making a premier gal con
flash store so I'll see you guys very
soon in the meantime I'm going to finish
my yogurt

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