Premiere & Effects Facebook Blurred Border Effect in Premiere Pro CC > Adobe Premiere & Effects

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Premiere & Effe… | Facebook Blurred Border Effect in Premiere Pro CC


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hey what's up you guys it's premier gal
here and I'm on Facebook and I'm sure
you guys have seen this style of videos
that were shot on mobile phones in this
vertical format and Facebook defaults to
adding this blurred border on the sides
of the video because Facebook's feed
defaults to a square format so if the
video doesn't take up the full square it
adds this border on the side but if you
click on this video and play it back
you'll notice that the blurred edges are
gone and all you see is the vertical
format it was shot in but if you want to
reproduce this on your own and Premiere
Pro I'm going to show you how to do that
right now

alright so we're inside a Premiere Pro
CC 2017 workspace and here I have a
video clip that was shot on my iPhone 6
in the vertical format and so what we're
going to do is add the blurred border or
edge effect in the timeline so first I'm
going to create a new sequence that's
1080 by 1080 and I have saved a custom
preset for my facebook videos under the
custom folder I've created a video
tutorial specifically on how to do this
I'll add a card to this video so you can
click on it and watch how I made that so
let's go ahead and select the 1080 by
1080 sequence and now you can see here
in the program panel that I have a 1080
by 1080 block canvas so I'm just going
to drag and drop this video clip into
the sequence and I'm going to select
keep existing settings now we need to
scale the clip down by right clicking on
the clip and selecting scale to frame
size and what this did was just scale it
down to be in the 1080 by 1080 frame now
let me make this a little bit bigger so
you can see what I'm doing here in the
timeline and then let's go ahead and
duplicate this layer by clicking on it
clicking alt option holding that and
then clicking and dragging this clip
above and now I have a duplicate copy
now the bottom layer what I'm going to
do is scale this up if you go up to the
effects controls go ahead and just scale
this up and then we're going to add a
Gaussian blur go to the
sex tab here in the project panel search
for gaussian blur' select that and apply
it to the bottom clip here now let's go
ahead and add some blurriness until you
get the desired effect and then voila
now you can see the background is moving
if you don't want this to be moving on
the bottom layer you can create a still
first you need to make sure that you
turn off the top layer that way you're
just exporting the background so select
export frame and then this will pull up
export frame dialog box and you can name
it background and you want to make sure
you import it in the project then you
can turn back on video layer 2 and here
you will see that the PNG was exported
and then all you have to do is delete
this video clip from video layer 1 and
then drag and drop this still in the
background extend this edit out and so
now you can see that it's just a still
and it's not moving if you want that
effect so I hope that you guys found
this useful it was short and sweet you
guys have any tutorial requests go to
Premiere gal complex tutorials and weari
requests there and also go to meer gal to become a
monthly patreon you'll get a new freebie
custom made by me each month so go ahead
and check that out I make new video
production tutorials each week based on
what you want to learn so I'll see you
guys very soon bye

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