Premiere & Effects How to Auto Sync Audio with Video in Adobe Premiere Pro CC > Adobe Premiere & Effects

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Premiere & Effe… | How to Auto Sync Audio with Video in Adobe Premiere Pro CC


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Hey everybody its Premier Gal here and
in this tutorial I'm going to show you
how to sync audio in Premiere Pro right
now I'm recording my audio separately on
this USB condenser microphone and I want
to sync it with the picture that I'm
recording and right now on my Canon EOS
m3 I'm just recording with the built-in
mic on the camera which is not great
audio so I'm going to show you how to
sync the audio together delete the audio
track from the camera so that way we're
just showcasing the nice sound from this
external microphone so let's go ahead
and dive in here in Premiere Pro if I
double click on a video clip from the
project panel and play it back from the
source panel you will hear that the
on-camera audio is quite poor now let's
double click on the SL 600 USB condenser
mic audio and play it back in the source
panel hey you guys it's premier gal here
and I am going to be recording a you can
definitely hear the difference
so let's get to syncing I'm going to
show you 3 ways to sync your audio
1. the first method is called merging in
your project panel select both the audio
clip and the video clip you want to sync
together then right-click on the clips
and select merge clips make sure that
the circle next to audio is filled in
then hit OK it will then process the
clips and create a new merged clip in
your project panel and now if we double
click on the merge clip and open it up
in the source panel now when we play it
back "In this video I'm going to be
showing you how to sync audio in
Premiere Pro" then you can right click on
the merge clip and select new sequence
from clip and then start editing
2. the second method is called synchronized
first drag and drop the audio and video
clips into a new sequence and make them
relatively aligned as best as you can
then highlight all the clips using a
rectangular marquee then right-click and
select synchronize after it's done
when you play it back you will see that
they are now synced "mic so obviously I
don't want to use that mic because it's
poor quality" 3. and the last method is
called manual syncing this is syncing
using the wave forms in the timeline I
have the video footage as well as the
on-camera soundtrack in the timeline as
well as the USB condenser mic audio and
the timeline underneath and then I'm
going to play it and you will see that
it's not in sync "hey you guys it's
premiere gal here" to get a closer look
let's zoom in on the timeline and expand
the audio layers so we can see the audio
waveforms if you do not see the waveform
go to the wrench icon and make sure that
there's a checkmark next to show audio
waveform so in this video I did not use
a clapper which I should have done what
a clapper does is create a nice clap
sound a sync marker that you can use to
easily align the two waveforms from the
two audio tracks but I'm just going to
go by the visual of the shapes of the
waveforms so you can see in the timeline
here that the first waveforms where I'm
saying hey you guys its premiere gal
here you can see that the shapes are
similar so I'm just going to move the
USB condenser audio over to align it
with the waveform of the on-camera sound
since we need to get more exact I'm
going to shift the audio frame over
frame by frame to do this you need to
hold the alt option key and then you can
hit the comma key to move it to the left
and if you want to move it to the right
you can hit the period key or as some of
you call full stop and once you get it
aligned now if we play it back you can
now see that it's synced "hey what's up
you guys it's premier gal here" so I hope
that you guys found this tutorial useful
if you did give it a thumbs up and
please subscribe I make new video
production tutorials every week so I'll see
you guys very soon bye

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