Premiere & Effects Review of Pond5's Adobe Premiere Pro Add-on stock video music sound effect > Adobe Premiere & Effects

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Premiere & Effe… | Review of Pond5's Adobe Premiere Pro Add-on stock video music sou…


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whoa I am hey everybody its premier gal
here and if you're new to my channel
basically this channel is our community
where I share my knowledge and tips and
tricks on video production I make new
video production tutorials every week a
lot of them are based on what you guys
want to learn and if you go to Premiere
gal comm slash tutorials on my website
you can actually leave requests there
generally I pick the ones that will be
generally useful to many many people and
a lot of people actually make the same
request so it's really interesting to
see what you guys want to learn so
that's what my channel is sort of about
and primarily Premiere Pro After Effects
tutorials as well as reviews and just
general resource videos that will help
you be a better shooter editor producer
so in this review video that I have here
I'm reviewing the pond5 add-on which is
a panel in Premiere Pro that will let
you browse all of their stock video as
well as music and sound effects and so
in this review I'm going to talk about
what I find useful as well as some stuff
that maybe could be improved and also
the add-on if you download it in the
description box which I encourage you to
do you'll get 50 free clips included
which is pretty awesome and if you do
need to purchase a clip in the future
you can use my code Premiere gal 10 to
get 10% off any product of pond5 which
is pretty great I also have like a whole
list of other discounts with other
companies on my website from your gal
comm slash discounts so go check it out
so let's go ahead to review and I have
my laptop here and let's get started all
right so I'm inside a Premiere Pro CC
2017 and I've already installed the
pond5 add-on here as you see if you had
any issues installing it make sure that
Premiere Pro is closed while you
installed the add-on from the Adobe
add-on page you also need to make sure
that file syncing is turn-ons if you do
if you go to Adobe Creative Cloud def
health app and you click on the skier
icon you go to preferences this is where
you can turn on file syncing underneath
Creative Cloud and files and this will
sync the basically the add-on with the
premiere pro app so that way
it'll be there when you open up premier
pro now it won't automatically appear
you actually have to go up to window and
go to extensions and select pond5 and it
will launch open add-on which is a panel
as you see here one of the first things
that palm fly pond5 will actually
prompts you to do is go and select a
destination folder where all the clips
that you decide to download will be
saved too automatically so you don't
have to like go to the Downloads folder
from your browser and move them to your
project folder so if you click on this
add destination folder on the left you
can browse your computer and select a
project folder and I'd recommend it
being an exact project folder where your
all of your other video assets are so
you can do that which is great also down
here as you're browsing you can build
collections you'll notice that here that
there's collections that I already have
one thing that I noticed is if I wanted
to actually click on an existing
collection if I clicked on it it
actually didn't do anything and I
discovered that you actually have to
click on this little arrow up icon next
to it to actually see what's in that
collection which is kind of strange
because you know it would make sense for
it to just be the word so maybe that's
something that can be improved going
forward so yeah if you wanted to click
on this icon you can then see what's in
the collection you can also make a new
one by clicking this collection and you
need to select the collection that you
want to add clips to prior to adding a
clip to a collection I know that was
kind of confusing but I'll explain so
I'm going to say on demo pond5 create so
now if I wanted to search pond5 let's
say for some shots of Washington DC and
you can see from the drop down here that
also search for music sound effects and
public domain footage they have heaps of
awesome public domain shots that are all
completely free so if you're working on
archival shoots archival documentaries
anything like that and use the public
domain and then you're going to hit a
search here and now let's say you wanted
to add what I'm used to a collection if
you click on this add to collection icon
it'll add it to the collection that you
currently have selected down here right
so that's what I was talking about
before you need to make sure that you
select the collection prior to doing
that so if you wanted to download this
clip just click on it you know
immediately start to download the
preview which is the watermark version
and then if I expand my project panel
you will see that it's now here it
automatically imported it good drive on
drag and drop this lets just drag and
drop this on that sequence here and then
you will see that the watermark version
is now in the sequence which is awesome
and you can continue to do this until
you get your rough cut and if you wanted
to replace these with the high-res clips
all you have to do is just click on
replace with high-res clips and it will
replace the low res previews inside of
the sequence that you choose if I click
on that you can select the sequences
that you want to replace check that box
hit OK then what this will do is it'll
allow you to choose which version of the
clip that you want if there's a 4k 1920
by 1080 HD and so on so so if you click
on that hit proceed and then you know
it's part of finalizing the purchase
here and here is where you can actually
make the purchase inside of the panel
you don't have to go into to
do any of that you can add a promo code
which is where you can add the premiere
gal 10 to get 10% off and then just
checkout which is pretty neat also over
here it let's say we wanted to cancel
this we can go back to filter
over here on the left and you can
actually filter the shots further you
can choose let's say you want 4k and you
want to adjust the price say we wanted
it to be under $200 you could do that
you can also adjust the duration with
the zoom slider here so if you're
looking for a shot that's a particular
link that's super useful one thing that
they should add to the filter though is
a membership filter so I have a
membership plan which is two hundred and
ninety-nine dollars per year and
essentially that allows me to get ten
free clips per month if you're on you will see that there are
clips that have a little yellow star in
the upper left hand corner and you can
filter clips for membership content but
right now we can't filter that here so
that's something that can be improved
and maybe even purchasing the the
membership from within the add-on itself
would be useful yeah that's that's the
pond5 panel it's pretty easy to use so
good job pond5 there's just a few things
I have tips for which is the membership
and then also making it more easy to
click on the collections here so
membership browsing to these and also
just making it easier to click on your
collection and so that's it I hope that
you guys found this useful please please
download the pond5 add-on I included a
link in the description box below if you
like this video give it a thumbs up and
please subscribe to my channel and make
a new video production tutorials with
new resource videos Facebook few thing
that you want to learn so I appreciate
you guys for watching and I will see you
guys next week bye

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