Premiere & Effects #AskGAL LIVE: How to Use The Essential Sound Panel in Adobe Premiere Pro CC > Adobe Premiere & Effects

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all right you guys I'm going live here
on YouTube let me just open up the chat
window here so I can get the questions
pop open a live chat okay
shut this down here all right you guys
welcome to my channel on premier gaol so
I am premier gal you can also call me
Kelsey but I go by premier gaol on this
channel and on this channel basically I
make weekly video editing production
tips and tricks videos to help you guys
learn and a lot of the times it's what
you guys want to learn so I usually have
poles or you guys send me suggestions on
my website and so I occasionally do a
live video where I sort of review
something live with you guys so if you
have any questions feel free to ask them
and you will also be entered into a
lottery hello Michael from Australia and
hello wall dear from Brazil and hello
from Patti it's very nice to have you
guys tuned in and you know feel free to
ask any questions in this stream I'm
going over the essential sound panel in
Premiere Pro so I have Premiere Pro open
right now and as you see I have a
particular workspace it's a little bit
different because I moved the sequence
to the top here
the project panel is still on the left
but I move my effects and my effects
controls down here in the center bottom
and on the right I have the central
sound panel and if you don't have this
open or you don't know what the
essential sound panel is it's a new
addition to Premiere Pro that used to be
just in audition and it allows you to
mix sound with ease it's designed for
the non audio engineer to be able to
edit sound okay and up here on window if
you won't ever want to save a workspace
like for example this is a custom
workspace that I created all you have to
do is go to workspaces and then go to
gal's well don't go to galas audio
editing because I created that but then
you're going to go to save as a new
workspace and I saved mine as gal's
audio editing
there's not a way that I know of
exporting in a workspace so somebody can
import a workspace but it's pretty easy
to setup and hello from Sweden nice to
have you guys all over here from around
the world I think isn't like Sweden just
like that there's like an awful vowel
that's really hard to pronounce and it's
like E but anyway I I love learning
different languages so it'd be very
interesting to do a little get together
at some point at one of these
conferences and have you guys teach me
some languages anyway I did do a
livestream just on Facebook because I'm
trying to hit both audiences I find that
some people are just prefer Facebook and
other people prefer YouTube so I did
this exact stream just on Facebook I'm
answering questions and sort of going
through a central sound panel so that's
why so basically on this little overview
here I have I'm going to go through
dialogue music sound effects and
ambience okay so first we're gonna start
with dialogue now I prior to the stream
I recorded myself using my editors keys
microphone and I had my big hard drive
it's called the Evo running and so it
had this sort of loud background noise
so I'm gonna show you how to clean that
up and then enhance my vocal dialogue
using the essential sound panel okay and
hello to Pakistan so let's see so I'm
gonna play this back here and you should
be able to hear it if you don't hear it
let me know okay and it's gonna be very
slight okay unless you have really nice
sound editing headphones on or if you're
here with me locally and listening to it
you won't be able to hear it but it's a
very slight background noise sort of
play this and I am recording some audio
for the essential sound panel so if I
want to edit this at all remove a little
background hunt add an EQ just select it
and then over here you're going to
select dial
okay now you can select from various
different presets so they even have one
for a balanced female voice so if you
just want to make a quick edit you can
just start from one of these presets but
I'm gonna do a custom walkthrough okay
loudness now just do any of you guys
know what lu f s stands for well it is
loudness units relative to full-scale
now basically what that is the Lu FS
measurement if I hit auto match this is
auto matching the loudness of this clip
to be the Lu FS standard you can see
here it's very tiny it says minus 23 l
UF s this is the broadcast international
broadcast standard for loudness for
audio so that way it's the same whenever
you're broadcast the audio levels is not
one really loud in one super low okay so
this is just a way to maintain that
standard but what's even better is that
the essential sound panel if you didn't
know what that standard was it tells you
and it does it for you depending on the
audio type this is dialogue -23 is how
it's supposed to be but then again you
can always go back and go down and
adjust the volume as well down here if
you want to adjust the volume even
further quieter or louder and somebody
just said how do you open the panel so
Sam oh you're back here Sam if you go up
to window and you go to a central sound
that will open up this central selling
panel ok so if you came in a little bit
late I said that in the beginning but no
worries it's just a panel that opens up
and then you can drop it in any location
on in your your workspace okay all right
so basically the next step to editing
this audio right is if you scroll down
in the essential sound panel you will
let me just make it so you can see my
scrubber there there we go
so if I was going to apply reduce noise
what does this actually do do you guys
know if you reduce noise and you have
your effects controls open you can
actually see that the adaptive noise
reduction is applied so that is a
different type of noise reduction that
you may know of in Adobe Audition so
Adobe Audition you can actually use a
visualizer to actually erase noise
frequencies so you can select a noise
print and then delete that noise print
across the entire clip with adaptive
noise is that as you're playing the
audio track back it it finds the noise
and and then adaptively reduces
livestream and this is quite noisy audio
because I so it's hard drive in the
background so this is a very slight hum
and it's hard to hear until you just
hear it at the end it's just like that
little bit at the end and that's sort of
throughout as I'm talking so I really
want to remove that so you can change
the strength of the reduced noise up a
bit reduce Rumble reduce Rumble is like
for my crumble let's say it's like sort
of rumbling and like bumping that is
what it's for it's essentially for mic
and D hum is if you have an electrical
sort of hum in the background you can
select that and there's different Hertz
for different countries for different um
Hertz frequencies there and then I'm D s
let's say your audio is quite se if you
want to remove that I tend to have a
little bit of s going on so I'll just
select that on now for clarity this is
just enhancing the audio and you you
know adding an EQ is just saying hey I
want these certain frequencies of my
voice to be enhanced right and they have
different presets on they have podcast
voices so if you're working in a podcast
that you
that they have the subtle boost they
have a male subtle boost in a female and
they also had that public radio sound so
if you really want to have a fun cool
effect you can use that I'm going to
choose subtle female boost and you can
see that you can increase the amount
that you want and then you can also
enhance the speech I don't really like
the effect that the enhanced speech does
to my voice I kind I kind of sound a
little bit robotic let me play it back
without the enhanced speech so you guys
can hear me entering all the names into
a lottery following the live stream and
yeah I would be pretty great if you guys
ask any questions that you have about
the central sound panel so now if I hit
enhance speech you'll see that it kind
of sounds a little different which I
don't like and I will also be giving
away some premiere gallop editing
templates which I excel you see what I
mean it's kind of two over enhanced
right so I usually don't like to have
that now for dynamics what this does and
I can show you right here when I click
on dynamics a new effect will be applied
so if I scrub down here you can see
dynamics processing was applied right
and dynamics will either make your audio
more natural or more focused so if I
want it to be super focused I would just
pull the strength to a higher number see
how that sounds yeah I would be pretty
great if you guys ask any questions that
you have about the central sound panel
and I will also be it mean away some
pursue you can see I did when I reduced
it from focused and natural it really
brought the the frequency of my voice
very focused to the front and it just
depends on what effect you're going for
and down here underneath all the
enhancements there's a creative tab
where you can actually add a reverb
which is essentially like ambience right
so for example if I wanted to thicken my
voice if I wanted to make it sound like
I was
in auditorium you could do that so if I
select auditorium and again this the
five that it's set at is pretty pretty
intense so I will play it and you'll
hear the difference you can get 23
tracks for free from so it sounds easy
it sounds like I'm in an auditorium
essentially and you can reduce that if
you don't want it to be quite intense
zyk I'll be and bring all the names into
a look following the livestream and yeah
isn't that cool
and so Abdullah Rahman I'm just asked
how do you add reverb well I just did I
just added reverb just now I just added
an auditorium reverb but because this
would normally be for like let's say a
voiceover for a tutorial that I'm doing
I don't want the I would probably want a
warm voice effect so if I hit warm voice
and again for reverb you have to be very
slight you don't want too much
especially if it's just for a
normalization effect you don't want the
amount to be 8 because it's really gonna
make it sound funny so if I play this
back that's the warm voice effect but
that doesn't really sound warm that kind
of just sounds like I'm in a tin can or
something so I'm actually gonna just
make the warm voice amount very very
slight probably only like 0.5 which you
can type in so after we apply some
effects from the Ascend that sounds so
much better also if you guys ask a
question you can get so that is dialogue
right and again at the top it's Auto
match loudness and what this did was
just made the loudness -23 l u FS which
is the broadcast standard now if you
want to increase the volume or lower the
volume further you can use the volume
control in the bottom of the essential
sound panel
just by checking it and then you can
increase the decibels and what this did
is adjust if you go under effects
controls it just added a hard limiter
which is affecting the amplitude of the
audio so it's not actually increasing
the volume controls which are the
standard volume controls up here it's
actually using a hard limit or effect so
the playback comes out a bit distorted
yes it's actually just a live stream I'm
hearing it back sort of weird as well
but it could also be the effect that I
let me just reduce the noise repair or
quick and dynamics let's make it about
two again as I want to de-stress before
as you go through these controls it's
really just an art form and it really
depends on the person's voice and how
horrible the audio recording is
typically I don't like saying fix it in
post but a lot of times we end up having
to fix a lot of stuff in post but I say
record it right turn off the AC make
sure you're not next to a power line
like basic stuff so that way you don't
have such a headache to deal with inside
of post but this audio recording was
pretty good I recorded it on my
condenser microphone I just I ran my
hard drive just so I got some extra
noise so I can demonstrate with you guys
so yeah that is let me just try to play
back I think it might be the live stream
but it was kind of like well I'll just
try this if it doesn't work I actually
had a huge problem I was I was hoping
that you guys would be able to hear the
audio well and I actually had to install
a special software called I show you on
a Mac to people to actually get you guys
to hear what I'm hearing on my
headphones as well as on myself so that
was a little hurdle I had to get over
Amy yeah so hopefully that this audio
will be improved after we apply some
effects from you yeah so yeah can you
copy over edits yes so let me answer
some questions here first with Sam do
you have to do this to every clip or can
you do this to the same track the the
same sort of question was add
asked by Abdullah Rahman here can you
copy over edit so yes you can
so let's say I have another clip here
that's this noisy journey to New York
let's say I wanted to apply the same
effects I just made on this audio clip
so I'm going to right click copy and
then I'm going to right click and paste
attributes and then I'm just going to
paste all of the essential sound
sections that I just applied to the
previous clip and hit OK and now all the
effects I just applied on that clip are
now on this clip okay and you can see
because of all the effects that are now
in the effects controls and you can
select multiple clips at once and edit
to multiple Clips you know you don't
have to just have one selected you can
have two selected at the same time in
your timeline and apply effects to both
of them at the same time okay guys and
also if you guys don't know how to add
waveforms if you're new to Premiere Pro
there is this tool icon and let me just
make sure that I have it open so you can
see yes so see this little tool icon
here guys you can actually select show
audio waveforms to remove the waveforms
and then if you reselect it again you
can see the audio waveforms okay and to
make the clips bigger you can pull this
layer up or down and I like to have it
big when I audio at it so I can see it
and then if I move this right here you
can actually make it big enough so you
can see what you're looking at okay cool
alright so that is dialog and there's
another really great plugin that I use
to remove any sort of fan noise and I
use this literally on every project that
I work on and it's called crumpled pop
audio D noise and it's I actually made a
tutorial on this and I will put it in a
comment after the stream is over but
it is under effects and it's called
crumpled pop audio denoise and so you
can actually drag and drop that on to a
clip and you can adjust and the effect
controls the strength of that effect
because if it's too high remember it'll
start to take out frequencies of your
vocal frequency so it's trying to remove
the sound as much as it can of that ugly
background noise but because of the
nature of noise reduction it it has a
problem where it sometimes affects your
vocal frequencies so under edit here
with crumpled pup audio D noise I can
actually reduce the strength to be
lowered to about 50 so that way it
doesn't distort my audio frequency as
much so that is an alternative to using
noise reduction which is adaptive noise
reduction so if I turn off that yeah so
hopefully that this audio will be
improved after we apply some effects
from the so it definitely I don't hear
anything going on it really made a
difference it's awesome so there we go
for dialog here now let's let's say and
this is why the Lu FS for loudness is so
important and let's say we wanted to add
some music to this so let's go back over
here and I use audio network music on my
channel have you guys heard of audio
network music when I brought to say um
if you guys asked questions you guys can
win 20 free tracks to foxy music foxy I will just paste it here the
URL or type it out
foxy music com 20 free tracks if you ask
a question also I will be giving away a
couple of my premiere pro editing
templates that I've designed if you guys
asked any questions so I will pull names
from a lottery Hut after this is over
and I'll announce who the lucky winner
is okay let's see here
which side has the greatest variety of
audio plug-ins for instance converting
dialogue into radio sound so actually
Albert for just asking this question if
you want to convert Selena into a radio
effect don't buy anything because the
essential sound panel has it for example
for this dialogue that I have here I'm
under so let me just clear audio type
here and I'll show you from the
if I select dialogue from the essential
sound panel you can actually select a
preset here and they have from the radio
like that is an actual preset you don't
have to buy a plug-in for it so if you
go here and you want to actually look I
sound like it's like an old radio so you
can see that was from the radio preset
and you can also do from the telephone
which is super useful right like if you
are doing a film and somebody is
supposed to sound like they're talking
on the phone right and you don't have
you don't know how to you know capture
that noise on the set well you can
record it normally and then inside of
Premiere Pro you can apply the from the
telephone preset from the essential
sound piano so if I select that now you
can see it just added its own
analyzation now from fox game music I'll
be entering all the names into a lottery
following a live stream and yeah it
would be pretty great if you guys asked
any question so you'd probably want to
reduce the volume a bit so at the bottom
you can select level and reduce the
volume if you wanted to sound like
they're coming from a distant you can
also add a reverb which is super fun
let's go down to creative this is where
you can create a reverb so if you check
this box here on the right to activate
it check reverb I don't want the
auditorium but let's say I want it to
sound sort of more outside we can try
outside the club and now if I play it
and yeah it would be pretty great if you
guys ask any questions that you have
about the essential style panel you can
reduce this a bit I just reduce the on
the telephone preset after we apply some
affected see that it doesn't sound as
telephony so we probably want to keep
that increased and I think that it
sounds pretty good what do you guys
think from the essential sound panel
also if you guys ask a question you can
and notice that the clarity here from
dynamics if I pull this over so you guys
can see it dynamics is completely
focused for this effect okay and
normally if you want something to sound
more real and natural this would be more
natural sounding but because you're
adding distortion to make it sound like
it's on the phone you want it to be
super focused and that's all in the
preset you don't have to worry about
applying that another preset for
dialogue let's see podcast voice let's
go ahead and select that one and let's
see what it did and get 23 tracks for
free from foxy music I'll be entering
all the names into a lot so you can see
that it now sounds like a podcast voice
it's pretty amazing but there's also
plugins that I just showed earlier on
the crumpled pop audio denoise and that
allowed me to basically remove any fan
noise to clean my audio and that is from
I forget the name of the company
actually but you can get it from FX
factory they sell the plugins and they
have a lot of different audio plugins
that you can buy if you're not achieving
the effect that you want inside of
premiere pros essential sound panel
okay thanks CRX for keeping up the good
work I'm having a lot of fun with this
channel you guys and I'm very excited
for lots of cool things to come this
fall on and of course you know guys
leave comments view guys well in any
type of tutorials I'm also starting to
sell tablets on my site so if you want
any type of templates one that I'm
working on right now
in editing template is for Instagram and
snapchat videos if you guys want to make
your own snapchat ads or Instagram ads
I'm working on templates for those
somebody asks Ronaldo I lately when I
import my cameras clips to Premiere Pro
audio and video are not synced huh
that's weird so in this video I believe
I have some cards up in the right-hand
corner there's one that's called syncing
audio inside of Premiere Pro you may
want to check that out Ronaldo because I
go over syncing tips then maybe we'll
fix the problem that you're having
somebody also asked on Twitter what's
the best audio setting for a speaker
without a lapel mic I think you meant
for a camera without a lapel link so
let's say that you're recording audio on
camera and it doesn't sound great well
you would probably approach it the same
way I did for the cleaning up the audio
first of all by doing the noise
reduction which is under here you would
probably reduce the noise and apply the
crumpled pop audio D noise from effects
which is a plug-in that you have to buy
separately but using in combination it
really helps fix it and then you would
probably add some clarity underneath the
clarity section you would probably add
an EQ enhance the speech a bit but
that's how I would approach if you were
just using on camera and let's see here
yeah Michelle I'm super glad that I am
gonna help you out with those templates
it'd be great I can't wait to get
working on those templates
I've already started them sort of
briefly but let me know if you guys want
templates that come in like a pack let's
say like three different types of
templates versus just one that you have
play around with I imagine that you guys
would just prefer a pack of different
styles but I haven't done anything like
that yet but I'm thinking about moving
towards doing like bundles of different
types of templates cool so let's go
ahead to music so let's say you have a
music and your
and you want a dragon in your timeline
underneath that you're a dialogue and
this is where mixing comes into play so
let me just scrub over here so you can
see I added my music underneath my
dialogue but when I play it back the
music probably sounds a little bit too
loud straight about the acceptable sound
okay it won't be beat
so it's a little bit too loud and this
is where the essential sound panel comes
in handy especially if you need this to
play on broadcast because you can adjust
the loudness level to broadcast standard
so go to music on in the essential sound
panel and there's not as many parameters
as dialog right like there was way more
parameters clarity reduced noise here in
music literally all we have is loudness
duration and volume that's it but you
can't apply reverbs to music as well
using the sound effects in ambiance tabs
which I'll go over in a bit so let's go
to preset here I mean you could see that
there's a balanced background music
let's select that and what this does is
it just adjust the loudness levels so
it's more like background music for
dialogue and it just takes a second it
says it's currently in progress so what
it just did is essentially just turn on
loudness for the music broadcast
standard so right now it's minus 25 l UF
s which is the loudness units relative
to full scale that's what it stands for
now crumpled pop yes I know it's just
for a Mac it's crazy you know like FX
factory and the company that makes
crumpled puffs it's all for Mac and I
have no idea why but yeah I'm a Mac gal
myself so it worked out for me but you
can get other plugins for PCs I believe
isotope rx which is for advanced noise
reduction it's a bit more expensive I
think the standard is about $300 but
that's super great for noise reduction
so I'd highly recommend that but yeah
unfortunately if you don't have a Mac
you can't use crumpled pop I found that
out I think
just a few weeks ago actually I didn't
actually know that it was just for a Mac
I usually just assume that like Mac is
sort of odd and that it has like it you
can still use both for both different
Matt for both on different systems I
found I find that max for live streaming
like the software is like way behind
Windows so if it makes you feel any
better Mac has some downsides especially
for live streaming so let's say let's
play this back now how the essentials
sound panel can be used to basically it
helps it sounds like so this music with
my voice right now it's like some sort
of like hotline or something 20 free
tracks from foxy music okay so it sounds
better it's a little bit lower but we
can adjust it again using this volume
control if I select that on and go in
our FX controls you can see that all
that this did was at a hard limit or
effect and you're going to go down a bit
and decibels DB by the way here it
stands for decibels which is the
loudness unit for adjusting volume and
let's just reduce that a bit more to
minus five and drink all the names into
a letter be following up live stream and
yeah sounds better alright so the other
type of sound effect that you can play
around with with a central sound panel
is let's say like kind of screams wishes
like sound effects I have this audio
recording on from Sam who was on this
live stream earlier he sent it to me
it's a scream that he recorded for his
horror film that he's making it's called
all klore and evil tail and he was kind
enough to send this to me cuz he
actually had a question about it so I'm
going to drag and drop this scream into
time line here I'm gonna make it a bit
larger here so you can see the waveform
there we go so if I play this back
you're gonna hear it's this no this no
sound from the screen right and he
recorded one channel hot and one channel
low and so if you want just the low
channel cuz you can see that it's
peaking too much on the left channel we
can actually make it all on the right so
if you right-click and go to audio
channels you can change this to book B
both on the right so uncheck the left
and check the right and right and hit OK
now if we play it back

now it sounds better but we can add some
you know further adjustments if you
wanted to make this um if you wanted to
give it sort of a heavy reverb under
sound effects you can check reverb and
add a heavy reverb so it kind of has
like an echo II effect we'll play it
back kind of like either in a cave and
my music just started over I'm just
going to delete this audio here and then
that way I just have this track here for
you guys so here is the scream
so again if you're mixing this with
ambience right then you want to make
sure that the loudness is good it's at
broadcast standard so you hit Auto match
and it will change it to -21 hello you
FS now let's try a different reverb just
to see what it sounds like
let's try outside reverb now maybe we
don't like that and we want to go to
that's perfect for what we need there we
go there you go I just did your sound
editing for you Sam
perfect and again it's called oak lore
and evil tale and Sam if you want to put
a link in the chat box to your film
go ahead and do that not a problem I
don't know if you can actually add links
to the chat but it should be no problem
and somebody said um so Abdullah Raman I
I mean I have tutorials on my templates
um that I make like usually when I
release a template I will do either a
live stream or a little brief tutorial
on how to edit it and actually just by
buying the template or but or getting
one of my free templates you can
actually see how I piece the templates
together it's pretty easy to do you just
sort of nest sequences together and make
it easy for people to just drag and drop
in their own photos in different
sequences but it is an art form like I
started making templates about a year
ago and I actually started learning how
to make templates by buying other
people's templates and so that's how I
started learning how to do it now
room reverb let's check out what room
reverb does again let's add a lot so we
can really get an effect here
it kind of just sounds like they're in
like a garage or you know kind of a
smaller space because if I was going to
add let's say the heavy reverb at 9.9 it
sounds more like a hollow space okay
yeah I think that you can't add links to
live chat that's okay so let's say we
wanted to clear this audio type and use
dialogue instead because it is coming
from a female it is dialogue technically
even though it's more like a sound
effect right well you can't apply some
of these more vas presets like if you
wanted the screen to be distant you can
say make distant and what this will do
is it'll actually apply a vocal presence
EQ and it applies an enhanced speech
female automatically which you can
change and it added a warm voice reverb
let's play that back
it doesn't sound that far away to me so
what I would actually do is adjust the
volume level to be lower so it sounds
okay I think I would prefer the sound
effect reverb what do you guys say but
again you are just playing around with
all these parameters to really make fun
you know audio effects for your films
and you don't really have to buy
anything it comes prepackaged another
thing about this is an essential sound
panel it like let's save for the scream
you wanted it to sound like it was
coming from the television you couldn't
apply that effect and we can see what
happens this doesn't really sound any
different so I don't know why I don't
know why there's some asterisks there I
need to ask Adobe what that means but I
do really some oh that's why it's clear
audio type go to dialog I want to see if
it actually does something for from the
radio the old radio
that's what locked in the trunk let's
try that for the horror film right this
is for a horror film
oh that's perfect
so I'm Sam
you can keyframe the effects so if you
go here and basically the EQ is just a
graphic equalizer right so if I pull
this over so there's more space here and
I click on this arrow I can now keyframe
it so if I wanted to add a keyframe here
under individual parameters I could
adjust the different frequency bands so
if I wanted to have it start here and
then move forward and adjust the decibel
level you can do that as well so you can
keyframe it over time I don't think I
can computer my computer's and I handled
that well right now because it is
live-streaming but yeah to answer your
question it you can keyframe the
different EQ bands but again you really
have to have a good understanding of how
these work because you'd have to
keyframe the individual ones but you can
keyframe the master again if you want
just by clicking that toggle animation
and then moving to a different point in
time and then adjusting the decibel
level okay cool
so yes G hush yes we can apply this to
instrumental music for example if you
wanted to add a reverb to music for some
reason you can certainly do that so
let's just delete this scream
goodbye scream for now and we're gonna
go back to audio network music which by
the way is awesome because there's a
panel in Adobe Premiere Pro to browse
music using audio network music so
that's what I use for most of my youtube
videos I also use other music platforms
for example foxy music which I have a
link in the description box below where
you can get 15% off any track there but
also if you ask questions in this live
stream I am going to be giving away 20
free tracks that you can choose on so
ask away guys so let me just play this
and now we want to add let's say we can
select dialogue here if we want to even
though it is music let's say we select
dialogue and we want to make this audio
sound like it's coming from the radio
you can certainly do that

so let's see so it just has that slight
kind of radio reverb right now let's see
if we wanted to change this under
creative we want the music to sound like
it's coming from a trunk we can do that
also that's weird my creative tab is not
allowing me there we go
creative come back that's weird
let me just clear audio type guys one
second go to dialog and now for some
reason my creative is not liking me
right now there we go
if I hit reverb and then select
small dry room auditorium or church
let's do a church of that I just applied
a reverb to music using the dialogue
audio now for in a trunk we can add any
cue to this now it just sounds like the
music is coming from kind of an enclosed
space right which kind of sounds kind of
cool I like it and then there's also
another option to make it sound like
it's coming from an intercom you can
adjust this string

or we can do on the telephone

you can try that public radio

so there's really there's no limit to
how much you can do when it comes to
different EQ zhan music can certainly do
that and lastly I just want to cover
ambience here I have some store ambience
that I got from motion or a calm so
here's a shopping mall let me just drag
this up into my timeline here let me
just close my source panel I play this
back audience right do you guys know
what ambience is in general well
basically it's just the sound of a place
so ambience can be as simple as the
sound that you hear when I'm sitting
just here in my room versus let's say
I'm out in a noisy mall okay so what
about making a question live Malick I'm
not sure I understand your question the
question is live right now right
oh yeah so let me show you so she asked
about saving presets once you've like
made a bunch of changes and you want to
actually save it so for the shopping
mall for example this is an ambience
sound of what a shopping mall sounds
like it's kind of noisy
it's people walking around and talking
so first of all let's say we apply this
ambience we want to autumn a sit so it's
broadcast standard we want to add a
reverb to it and make it sound like more
like room ambience and maybe you lower
that a bit and now let's say that we
play it back and we it's a little bit
better it's not as loud we can maybe
lower the level a bit and now let's say
that we wanted to save this no problem
all you have to do is click on let me
move the window over so you see it it's
right next to preset custom just click
on save settings as preset and you can
save your own preset and call it
ambience and I'll just call it live from
the live stream and hit OK and now you
have a preset here to use for ambience
only you can do this for each different
type of audio type and you can see now
you can create on different sorts of
presets here and select from so if this
if you wanted this to be from outside
this is a preset

there we go it sounds like you're really
in a mall there so again if I wanted to
let's say we go back to my scream effect
here and you wanted to save that in the
trunk sound so let's say the scream you
go to dialogue and you want it to sound
like make distant and then you want to
add an EQ I've locked in the trunk and
you want to save this preset certainly
can you just go right over to this arrow
down button here and you want to save it
as a preset so if I play this back here
it sounds very quiet so let me just
boost that up a bit
it's like a distant scream locked in a
trunk right now if I want to say this
you're just going to click on this
button and you're gonna say like distant
trunk and you can hit ok and now every
time you go to dialogue distant trunk
will be an option so you can certainly
save presets and then you know you can
apply those presets to multiple clips so
let's say you have multiple screams at
the same time not at the same time on
the same layer multiple screams rather
than selecting each one you can just
select those new three ones that you
have and then you can go over and you
can go to dialog and select distant
trunk and now all three of them have the
distant trunk effect on them which is
pretty cool all right you guys I'm
trying to think if I had anything else
just so you guys know I have a patreon
page where people can leave me monthly
tips if you like what I'm doing if you
want to support my effort to continue
making a robust channel where I give
feedback and tips and tricks on how to
make your video better you can check it
out it's slash premier gal
and that would certain that would be
certainly appreciated and the other
benefit about patreon is that if you
become a five dollar donor a superfan is
what I call it each month you get free
templates delivered to your inbox at the
beginning of every month so like it's
just five dollars and you can get like a
couple different templates that I make
each month so I think it's definitely
worth it and I just wanted to call
attention to it guys so thanks again for
watching it looks like also my Premiere
Pro is about to crash so it was like
perfect timing for this to crash on me
because I'm gonna end so thanks again
guys for watching and I will had some
new videos cued up this week already one
on shared storage and pre editing
workflow so I'm excited to publish that
video this week
and I'm Sam it was great to connect with
you and thanks again for sharing your
scream audio to use in this livestream
all right you guys I will see you guys
very soon bye

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