Premiere & Effects How to Create The Big Head Effect (Bobble Head or Jib Jab) Adobe Premiere Pro CC Tutorial > Adobe Premiere & Effects

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Premiere & Effe… | How to Create The Big Head Effect (Bobble Head or Jib Jab) Adobe Premi…


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hey what's up you guys it's premier gal
here and I'm inside of Premiere Pro CC
2017 and right here in my timeline I
have this basketball player and what I
want to do is replace his head with my
silly head here that I corrupt in
Photoshop now I'm going to be using
mocha Pro which is a plugin for Adobe
that will enable you to track and
replace his head without using After
Effects so you can get 10% off of mocha
Pro with my promo code gal 10 or you can
download the trial and follow along
mocha Pro can be used for a variety of
different effects as well such as
stabilization object removal or screen
replacements and I've actually done a
tutorial on screen replacements with my
iPhone 6 so you should check out that
alright so to get started you're going
to go to effects and search for mocha
Pro drag and drop mocha Pro on the clip
and next you're going to go to effects
controls with the clip selected and
double click on the mocha icon this will
launch open the plug-in interface and
from here what we want to do is track
his head so you're going to use the X
blind tool to then draw basically a
tracking area around his head and so I'm
just going to click and it creates a new
point until I get back to the beginning
and close it off now that it's closed
down at the bottom you'll see under the
track tab you can select different
motion options for tracking make sure
that shear and perspective are turned
off only translation scale and rotation
if these are selected you may get some
undesirable results such as some
distortion of your insert head after the
tracking is complete so from here all
we're going to do is hit this track
forwards button and it will track the
motion of his head frame by frame
all right now that the tracking is done
you're gonna go over to the left here
next to insert clip and this is where
we're going to select the drop down and
import that silly head that I showed you
just before I'm going to select the PNG
file hit open and then hit import now
you can see my insert is kind of
distorted so we need to change that if
you go down to the insert tab here
you'll notice that there is this outline
here this blue outline that you can
adjust to make the insert bigger so I'm
going to drag the corners here to make
my insert bigger like so and you can
reposition until you think it has a good
fit you can also use controls down here
under transform so if you wanted to
bring this head up you could actually
type it in let's say 0.35 it might be a
little bit too much let's say 0.25 that
looks pretty good and I'm just going to
make my face a little bit longer here
and let's scale it up a bit just to make
it more of that big head effect okay
that's a little bit too big let's make
it too that's better and you can also
change the rotation let's try -3 all
right let's make the scale just a tad
bit bigger and let's move it up just
point one more and I think that looks
pretty good so you can play around with
these transform tools you can also check
the motion blur it's that way it blends
better with the original and now all we
have to do is hit file save project and
then exit out and you'll see that the
guy's head is there where is the head
that we just composited well you have to
go under module renders under effects
controls and select the Box render and
now you'll see my head here and you want
to make sure that insert composite is
selected and now all we have to do is
render you can go up to sequence render
effects in and out or you can just hit
the return or Enter key on your keyboard
alright now that it's done rendering you
and see the effect in action it looks
pretty funny which is the desired effect
right it's like that JibJab style but it
was super easy to do it took what like
five minutes not even so let me play it
back here and if I turn off the effect
you can see what it looked like before
and then after before and after alright
so remember if you guys want to get
mocha Pro to do some of these effects
you can get 10% off using my code gal
ten I'll leave a link in the description
box below also if you guys want more
mocha Pro tutorials please be sure to
give this video a thumbs up and leave a
comment below you guys can subscribe to
my channel and hit that notification
bell so you get updates when I release
new videos every week I appreciate you
guys watching if you want to support me
you can go to muir
guile and leave me a tip where you can
get free editing templates that I create
each month thanks again for watching you
guys and I'll see you all very soon bye

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