Premiere & Effects How to Make SPOOKY Halloween Sound FX (SFX) in Adobe Premiere Pro CC - Tutorial > Adobe Premiere & Effects

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Premiere & Effe… | How to Make SPOOKY Halloween Sound FX (SFX) in Adobe Premiere Pro CC -…


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hey what's up you guys it's premier gal
here and in this special halloween
tutorial i'm going to show you how to
make your audio sound creepy using
premiere pros essential sound panel here
in my timeline I have this witch cackle
that I recorded myself I've included a
link to download this raw file so you
can follow along in this tutorial so let
me play back this raw audio file you can
hear that I tried to be creepy in the
way that I recorded it but it doesn't
really have that creepy sound effect
that we want so let's go ahead and add
some sound effects first go up to window
and open up the essential sound panel
click on the audio file from the
timeline then from the essentials sound
panel select the sound effects audio
type next you're going to select the
preset explosion and you can increase or
decrease the amount of reverb for a
desired effect let's put the heavy
reverb at 7.4 and then let's increase
our volume at the bottom to around 6 at
the top when the auto match is selected
this just means that it's set at the
loudness of broadcast standard so if
you're mixing for broadcast or
television be sure to have this selected
now let's play it back it sounds much
creepier right and that's it it's super
easy and if you go over to the effects
controls panel you can see that the
essential sound panels preset that we
chose simply applied a studio reverb
effect to our audio clip to create the
creepy sound if you click on the edit
button to launch the clip effects editor
and then move the amount of the reverb
in the essential sound panel basically
what this does is magically adjust the
levels for you so when you increase the
amount of the reverb it makes the output
level more wet and if you decrease it it
makes it more dry and so the reason why
I'm showing you this is just to
reiterate the idea that the essential
sound panel just makes it easy for you
to add cool effects to your audio
without really needing to know what
effect to apply so I encourage you to
play around with the presets to see what
it does to your audio and have some fun
lastly I just want to mention that I
have a pack of Halloween creepy sound
effects for sale at my store premiere
gaol calm slash store including this
witch cackle women screaming
demon sounds
and a woman locked in a trunk sound all
of this is for the devil's price of six
dollars and 66 cents thanks so much for
watching you guys and if you found this
video useful be sure to give it a thumbs
up and head over to patreon comprar mere
gal to become a gal patron also be sure
to subscribe and hit that notification
bell so you stay notified when I make
new video tutorials every week thanks
again guys happy Halloween and I'll see
you all very soon bye


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