Premiere & Effects New Immersive 360˚ Video Effects in Adobe Premiere Pro CC 2018 > Adobe Premiere & Effects

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Premiere & Effe… | New Immersive 360˚ Video Effects in Adobe Premiere Pro CC 2018


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Premiere & Effe…님의 Adobe Premiere & Effects강의 청각장애인을 위한 자막


hey everybody its premier gal here and
welcome back to my youtube channel last
week I made a video on the updates to
the essential graphics panel in the
latest release of Adobe Premiere Pro CC
but in this video I'm going to be
reviewing the new immersive video
effects and transitions so if you don't
know what immersive effects are it's
referring to VR virtual reality and 360
video editing in June of this year
Adobe actually purchased metal which is
a big 360 VR company that specialized in
making effects for 360 videos
specifically and you had to buy their
plugins to be able to use those effects
and Adobe software but now it's
integrated because they bought metal so
the reason why these effects are
important and if you don't want to know
the why you can skip ahead to the
tutorial but the reason why that you
need these types of effects for 360
video because if you apply standard
video effects to 360 video it does not
affect the entire 360 space so let's go
ahead and dive into Adobe Premiere Pro
and when I show you some of my favorite
new effects and transitions
alright so I'm inside of Adobe Premiere
Pro CC 2018 and here my timeline I have
a few 360 video clips that I got from
pond5 stock video library and so what
I'm going to do first is show you how
you can actually change the starting
position of what your viewer will see
when they first enter your 360 video so
if I click on this toggle VR video
display you will see that what we see
first is this kind of umbrella as well
as this palm tree but I want to see
something on the other side if you don't
have this toggle VR video display simply
click on this button editor and drag and
drop it into your button display okay so
let's go ahead and add the immersive
video effect which is part of the
immersive video effects here inside of
the effects panel so what we're going to
do is drag the VR rotate sphere on top
of this footage and
under the effects controls we're gonna
scrub down until we see VR rotate sphere
and here we're just going to pan over to
the other side which is where I would
like to start the video for the viewer
and you know that this is the starting
point because it has zero degrees in
zero degrees now if we hit toggle VR
display off you can see that now this is
in the center okay so what about text
let's go ahead and add some text into
this shot here I want to add a call-out
box to this boat now I've created a
motion graphics template and that's a
call-out box I will be making more that
I will be selling on Adobe stock very
soon but for now I have this one that's
in my personal library I'm just gonna
drag and drop it down here so right now
it looks flat it looks like we can
rotate it it looks pretty fine but if we
turn on toggle V our video display
you'll notice that it looks very warped
so to fix this we need to add a VR plane
to sphere effect we're gonna drag and
drop it on the graphic now when we move
it around it looks a lot better however
it does look a little bit small and I
want to reposition it so this is where
we go to the effects controls down here
what I'm going to do is scale it up
using this scale degrees okay that looks
and I want to actually use the rotate
projection to then let me just make this
a little bit bigger here so I'm actually
wanted to pan this over just a bit and I
want to tilt it up so it's on top now
that looks pretty good but I kind of
want the bring attention to something to
be farther up so I'm just going to move
with the z-axis here actually going to
rotate it up more and then I'm going to
tilt it up again and of course you can
edit this text as well if you want to
for this tutorial I wouldn't but I would
just go over here and I would just exit
the VR and then I would just select the
text and say
hello there how are you so this is just
example text but you get the idea so now
if I go back to VR mode you can see that
this is now exactly how it is supposed
to look in 360 space now let's say you
want to add transitions between shots
because right now it's just a hard cut
between this shot and this angle but
what if I just want them to have a nice
cool transition go back to effects go to
video transitions and I'm going to
select the VR spherical blur because I
think it's pretty cool I'm going to drag
and drop it and now they kind of blend
together with this cool spherical blur
effect now of course we can add
customization to this transition if you
go up to effects and then I'm going to
actually increase the exposure a bit
because I want the exposure to make it a
little bit more bright during the
transition so I'm going to crease that
to 80 and then I'm going to probably
decrease the blur strength just a tad
let's say 2:30 all right so now that's
looking pretty good and we would just
have to render that out to see the full
thing in action but that looks pretty
sweet so now let's say you want to
actually sharpen the image or denoise it
there are corrective type effects that
you can use as well so select this clip
if we wanted to make it sharp you can
just use the VR sharpen tool drag and
drop it on the clip then under effects
controls just go down and increase the
sharpening amount however much you like
I'm just going to do 80 so you can sort
of see the effect now it looks a lot
more sharp and this could be good for
you know video that maybe is kind of
soft the Ricoh thetas videos need a
little bit of sharpening so you can
definitely use this effect on the Ricoh
theta footage you want to see what it
looked like before I'll just click the
toggle off and on off and on so you can
definitely see the difference there I
think that's a little bit too much I'm
just gonna reduce it to 40 and so those
are my favourite immersive video effects
and transitions if you want more videos
on some of Premiere
Pros latest updates be sure to give this
video a thumbs up and leave a comment
below also if you want to stay notified
on when I make a new video every week be
sure to subscribe and hit that
notification bell and if you guys can
help me out so I can continue making
these tutorials on my channel be sure to
head over to patreon comprar muir guile
and leave me a monthly tip thank you
guys so much for your support and I will
see you all next week bye

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