Premiere & Effects How to disappear and appear effect | Halloween Adobe Premiere Pro CC Tutorial > Adobe Premiere & Effects

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Premiere & Effe… | How to disappear and appear effect | Halloween Adobe Premiere Pro CC T…


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all right you guys so I'm inside of
Adobe Premiere Pro CC 2018 and I'm going
to show you how I created that which
takeoff and landing effect in that
opening sequence so I filmed this
outside in my backyard and basically I
sneak and frame here I'm just kind of
scrubbing through and then I go over
here cuz I heard something and now I
want to take off and so rather than you
know me just disappearing magically what
I did was I just filmed a bit on the
tripod without me and frame so it
basically goes for me being there too
cutting to me not there then I want to
land in a different location so I just
filmed this new location without me and
frame and then I walked into frame and I
basically just jumped up slightly to
kind of make it look like I was kind of
landing and then I walk off frame again
but to make it cooler you know I thought
why not add some cool puffy smoke let's
have some fun here so production crate
is an awesome resource it has tons of
effects you can see and from the promo
that I actually added a ton of filters
on top here I did some elementary color
correction and then I added actually
this old footage overlay on top to give
it that old effect and I also added some
sound effects but I'm not going to get
into that into this tutorial I just want
to show you how to add these overlays
which are the wizard takeoff you can see
that the background is black that just
means that it's transparent and the
wizard landing effect which is also
transparent so at this moment where I
run over here
I want the takeoff video to start so I'm
going to click and drag it over top here
you can basically see here that it
doesn't line up directly with my feet so
if I click on this and go to effects
controls and you can click on this
little square here this
beats the transform tools so I can then
scale this up and I can also reposition
it so let's see how that looks if we
play it back so you can kind of see that
I disappear before it finishes so I'm
just going to move this over just a tad
bit there we go and that's pretty much
it for the takeoff it's looking pretty
good you just want to make sure that
this black fully you know wraps around
my body so it makes it look like it just
sort of sucked me in which is pretty
cool and then for the landing it's the
exact same thing except I'm just going
to drag and drop the landing on here so
you can see we want this to come down
first like I disappeared and obviously
right now it doesn't work it needs to be
scaled up and repositioned so I'm just
going to scale this up say 110 and click
on this transform tool and I'm just
going to move this down and we still
need to scale it up a lot more let's say
125 let's bring it up just a tad see how
that looks it's looking pretty good let
me just make the timeline a bit bigger
I'm just gonna shift this over just a
tad bit more so yeah I mean I could
probably scale it up just a tad bit lon
let's see how that looks and then I up
here so I went from just having me up
here magically just with a hard cut to
having this sort of really awesome cool
effect come on and take me out a frame
and then beam me back in so that's it
and of course I encourage you to check
out some of these other overlays this
film overlay that I added on top of the
footage um as well as some of the the
whooshing sound effects which I also got
from production crate in their sound
crate so go out there and have fun and
happy Halloween thanks again for
watching everyone and if you want to
subscribe to my channel you're gonna
click that button over there
and down there you can click on me a gal and leave
me a tip and if you feel like watching
more tips and tricks on my channel go
ahead and click that other button down
there for the other video thumbnail
anyway I'll see you all very soon

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