Premiere & Effects How to Auto-Transcribe a Video in Premiere Pro CC (Part 1) > Adobe Premiere & Effects

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Premiere & Effe… | How to Auto-Transcribe a Video in Premiere Pro CC (Part 1)


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Premiere & Effe…님의 Adobe Premiere & Effects강의 청각장애인을 위한 자막


Hello everybody! It's Premiere Gal here
And welcome to my YouTube channel.
In this three part special video
series I'm going to be reviewing
Digital Anarchy's
Transcriptive plugin for Adobe
Premiere Pro.
So what is Transcriptive?
Basically it's a tool that
bridges transcription services
online and brings it into Adobe
Premiere Pro.
So in this first part this video
I'm going to be showing you how
to auto transcribe your sequences
such as video interviews and then
in part two
I'm going to show you how will
actually speed up your editing
And part three I'm going to show you
how you can use its export
settings to actually improve the
SEO of your video and get more views!
So Transscriptive is actually $299.
It's a one time payment.
And also if you just want to
follow along with an awesome
unlimited two week free trial
you can email [email protected]
and they'll send you a
license to use for two weeks.
So without further ado let's go
ahead and dive into Premiere Pro
and I'm going to show you how to
auto transcribe a video interview.
All right.
So what I have here is a video
interview with my dad.
And rather than having to watch
the full video interview and
transcribe it in a Word document
I'm going to go to a window
extensions and open up my
Transcriptive panel.
The first step is to set up the
speech engine with the speech
engine setup option from the menu.
Digital Anarchy created a
partnership with both Watson and
So you can use their engines to
I've gone with Speechmatics
because it's a little more
accurate than Watson but Watson
is a bit cheaper.
Now you may be thinking: Wait, I
had to pay for the plug-in and
now I have to pay for
transcription as well?
Well, yes but Digital Anarchy built
the tool that bridges the gap
between online transcription
services like speechmatics and
Premiere Pro.
So you can now make the process
happen within your video editing
software in just minutes.
Also Speechmatics is not that
You can get 60 free minutes of
transcription when you register
which is 360 credits and for just
an additional $13 you can get an
additional 166 minutes of
And since most of my video
interviews are somewhere between
5 and 15 minutes this is a
great deal.
So after you sign up for a
speechmatics online account
entering your user ID and your
API authorization token in the
Transcriptive panel. You can get
the user id and the token from
your account settings online. Then
select the sequence you would
like to transcribe from your
Premiere Pro project panel and
then hit transcribe.
This will pull up a new
transcribe window which includes
the sequence name sequence length
and how many credits you will be
Theres also a language choice.
Theres lots of languages to
choose from including three
different types of English
American English, Australian English,
and British English.
You can also have the option to
include speakers if it is
So in my case I just have one and
I edited out the questions so
I'll check that box.
And also unchecked identify
questions as well.
And then I'll hit continue.
And then in just under a minute
the transcription will appear.
And if I hit the play button you
will see that the transcript
highlights each word as it plays
the video back and you can see
and check for any errors. If there
are any errors,
you can then hit enter to begin
editing the text and then you can
hit escape to go back to the
review mode.
You'll also get a copy of the
transcript e-mailed to you.
It will be archived within your
Speechmatics account.
So that's all for part 1 of this
video series. If it helped you out
give it a thumbs up.
And if you have any further
questions be sure to leave a
comment below.
In the next video I'm going to
show you how you can speed up
here editing workflow with
So that's all for this video if
you want to subscribe to my
weekly video tutorials.
Go ahead and click the button to
the left of me.
And down there you can click that
equipment icon to see what gear I use
on my channel and for my video
productions and right down there
you can click on the next video
of this series.
See you all very soon.

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