Premiere & Effects Roundtrip Premiere Pro to Davinci Resolve Color Grading Workflow (ft. PCB) > Adobe Premiere & Effects

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Premiere & Effe… | Roundtrip Premiere Pro to Davinci Resolve Color Grading Workflow (ft. …


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hey what's up video people it's premier
gal here and welcome back to my channel
on this channel I create tutorials video
editing templates reviews and more to
make you a better video creator in this
video I'm doing a two-part video club
with Dave from the post color blog
channel first in my video I'm teaching
you how to prep a video in Premiere Pro
to be sent to a colorist that uses
DaVinci Resolve and then in Dave's video
he will be showing you the best methods
for coloring and resolve and then how to
send the final colored video files back
to me before I dive in I want to remind
you that if you want to learn something
specifically I leave a time coded
breakdown of everything I cover in this
tutorial in my description box below so
you can click on any time code there and
it will take you to that point in the
video alright so here we are in Premiere
Pro CC
I currently have a short promo video for
a startup called blender letter in my
timeline I shot this video on a Canon 5d
Mark 4 with Canon log so you can see
here that the video images are fairly
flat in LAC color and I also use some
stock video from pond5 which doesn't
really match the Canon log shots so
since Dave is the expert on color he can
help me make all these videos have the
same look the fastest and simplest way
to send a video to a colorist is to
export a high-res version of the entire
video you can also export a dot XML of
your entire video project but that also
means you need to send each separate
source file clip you used in the video
along with it which is a lot of video
and if you're transferring over the
internet that can be slow and expensive
so I went with the high-res export route
before you export what should you do
well make a copy of your current video
sequence and rename it color or
something that indicates it's for the
colorist then remove all the transitions
from the video such as cross dissolves
or any effects that will make it hard
for the colorist
great then delete any text or graphics
over the video
I'd recommend keeping the music in the
audio because this helps the colorist
get a feel of the video once that is
done simply go to file export media now
from the format drop-down select
QuickTime then under the video tab there
are three different types of video
codecs you can choose Apple ProRes DNxHD
or GoPro Sena form all of these are
equally good but check with your
colorist on which one they prefer as
some PC users cannot read Apple ProRes
format so I'm going to select Apple
ProRes 422 HQ and then hit export since
Davis remote I'm going to use wetransfer
to send the file to him now you can head
over to Dave's video to learn about what
he did to grade this footage
alright so Dave color corrected the
footage and sent them back to me in a
10-bit DNxHD format I'm going to drop
this folder of clips that he sent me
into my Premiere Pro project panel and
I'm going to open up the first clip here
just to show you the side-by-side
difference from before and after Dave
color graded it and it looks a lot
better so now I'm going to duplicate
this sequence again and call it final
graded I'm going to delete all the video
clips in this new sequence but leave the
audio then I'm going to select all of
Dave's clips from the folder in my
project panel and drop it into the
sequence there is some audio attached to
this video so I'm going to hit command L
on my keyboard to delink the video from
the audio and then I'm just going to
delete the audio tracks and now all I
have to do is add back in the
transitions and text on top of the video
and so that's it I hope this video
helped you out also don't forget to
subscribe to Dave's channel for some
awesome color tips I publish new videos
every week to make you a better video
creator so hit my profile on the left to
stay notified
below that you can head over to my
patreon page to leave me a tip so I can
continue making free tutorials like this
on my channel lastly on the right you
can select another video to learn
something new thanks again and I'll see
you all very soon bye

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