Premiere & Effects Grunge Overlay FX 80s | Adobe Premiere Pro Tutorial > Adobe Premiere & Effects

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Premiere & Effe… | Grunge Overlay FX 80s | Adobe Premiere Pro Tutorial


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Premiere & Effe…님의 Adobe Premiere & Effects강의 청각장애인을 위한 자막


[rock music]
Hey what's up video editors?! It's Premiere Gal here and as you may have guessed
from this video intro, in this video, I'm
going to teach you how to add some old
school 90s inspired effects to your
video in Premiere Pro as well as add
some edgy production crate overlays to
create a rad 90 style music video. Now
production crate has heaps of visual and
sound effects you can add to your videos
when you're at
looking at overlays or effects you can
see if an effect is free if they do not
have a star next to it, if it does have a
star that means that it requires a pro
membership which is only $39 per year.
So here from production create calm you can download the edgy overlays you would
like to use in your video.
Alright so let's head over to Premiere
Pro. Here in my timeline I have 90s
inspired stock video of compact cassette
players, cassettes with the magnetic tape
coming out, guitar players and more all
of which I got from pond5. I also have my
logo reveal animation and some text I
created with the essential graphics
panel and I downloaded a grungy font for
this video it's called "hvd rowdy" I put a
link in my description box below. Now
none of the videos in my timeline have
effects or overlays on it. So first I'm
going to add some posterized effects to
the footage to give it more of an edgy
and old-school feel. First go to effects
search for posterize and under stylize
drag and drop the posterize effect
onto the first video clip immediately
you see the colors look different and it
kind of looks bad but in our case that's
what we want. If I turn the effect on and
off you can see the difference
so this stylized posterize effect what
this does is limit the amount of color
that can be displayed. It converts the
images we see into limited flat areas of
tone and color. There is also a second
posterization effect I will add to the
clip and it's called posterize time
let's drag and drop this on the clip now
under effects controls we can customize
this effect to reduce the number of
frames in the video
without actually reducing the speed of
the video clip to make it look a bit
older. So right now this clip is 29.97
frames per second so let's cut this
frame rate in half by typing in 15 here
next to the posterized time effect and
play it back and you can see it's more
jolty but let's turn it off and play it
back and here you can see it's more
smooth now turn the effect back on again
and now you can see it just appears more
unnatural and from a different time
period so let's apply these effects to
all the video clips just right-click on
this clip and hit copy
now let's lasso and select all the other
video clips in the timeline we want to
apply these effects to right-click and
select paste attributes and let's paste
the two posterized effects and now all
the clips are posterized. Now when we
play it back it looks good but we can
make it even more edgy by adding in some
production crate overlays on top of the
video footage. So here in the project
panel I have a folder of all the
overlays I downloaded from production
crate. If I double-click on an overlay
you can see in the source panel that I
created an in-point or a start point
just by pressing "I" and then I created an
out point, the end point of the clip, by
pressing "o" now I'm going to drag the
overlay on top of the footage and I'm
going to use the rate stretch tool to
change the duration and slow down this
portion of the overlay to my desired
length in the timeline I set markers
here in my timeline indicating the
durations that I would want for each
edgy overlay and you can see that the
stock video is already beneath because
these effects have an alpha transparency
layer so there's no need to play around
with blend modes so now I'm going to
drop in overlay number two and now this
overlay has a 4k resolution and since I
created a 1920 by 1080 sequence I'm
going to have to scale this down to do
this I'm going to right click and select
scale to frame size now I'm just going
to quickly fast forward as I drop in the
rest of the overlay Clips here on top of
the video and adjust the duration in
size just like I did with these first
two clips. [Music fades in]
now for this particular geometric
overlay I actually applied a fast color
corrector effect to change the color hue
to be more purple so I just did the hue
angle to a hundred and seven and now the
overlays are more purple
Now if I play it back you can see that the video pretty much has the edgy old-school feel
that I was going for but if you want to
add some icing on the cake I used a few
plugin transitions to give it that extra
edge no pun intended at the beginning
here I dropped in the film impact TV
power transition to the front end of
both the overlay clip and the video clip
and so when you play it back it looks
like an analog TV is being turned on
then on the text layers I added a BorisFX
Continuum cross glitch
transition to the front of the first
word and then to the end of the music
video text. I also just copy and pasted
that effect to the front end and the
back end of the YouTube text as well as
used it as an outro for all the layers
at the very end of the video now if I
play it back in those areas you can see
that they animate in and out with that
slight glitch and it added more dynamism
which helped pull your viewer in to the
scene that you're trying to create which
is the 90s feel. Lastly I added the
BorisFX cross glitch effect to my
logo reveal and as you see in my effects
controls I keyframed this glitch
intensity in and out to give it the look
that I wanted. So that's all I have today
if you want more video tutorials that
explore production crate or different
genres of videos give this video a
thumbs up and leave a comment below. Also be sure to head over to if you
become my monthly patron you can get
some fun perks and also your donations
help me continue to make free video
content like this on my channel. So
special shout out to all my patrons so
far it means a lot! Be sure to click on
my profile photo on the left to
subscribe to my channel, below that you
can click on my contact button if you
want any custom video work
for yourself or company or if you want a
personal one-to-one training, also you
can click on another video on the right
to learn something new.Thanks again for
watching! Stay creative and I'll see you
all very soon!

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