Premiere & Effects Cool and Free Winter Effects (Overlays and Masks) Premiere Pro CC Tutorial > Adobe Premiere & Effects

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Premiere & Effe… | Cool and Free Winter Effects (Overlays and Masks) Premiere Pro CC Tuto…


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this video is made possible by film
convert a plugin that enables you to add
film color and grain to your video in
just a few clicks you can get 10% off
film convert using my link and code in
the description box below hey what's up
everybody and welcome back to the
premiere gala YouTube channel where I
make weekly video production and editing
tips to help you become a better video
creator don't forget to check out my
current giveaway for a chance to win
video software and gear for free in this
video I'm going to teach you how to
create a cool winter effect I saw on TV
by visit Park City Utah just a few weeks
ago so here is a clip of the ad and you
can see that it features a variety of
people in slow motion in like their
snowboarding gear and within that video
there's videos of ski slopes and cozy
winter settings it's pretty cool so
basically it's just a video within a
video and there's also an added overlay
of snow effects so I'm going to show you
exactly how to do this in Premiere Pro
and you can definitely apply it to other
occasions not just winter alright so be
sure to download the clips in my
description box below to follow along
and I've included some free alternatives
as well so inside my Premiere Pro
timeline I have this green screen shot
of a woman holding skis from pond5 now
the first step here is to scale up the
video so she's bigger and frame so go to
the effects controls and let's scale it
up to about let's say 220 and also move
it down slightly so it's better in frame
next i'd also like to make the clip
slow-motion why we want to try and
minimize the movement of the woman
because in a few moments we'll be
creating opacity mask and tracking them
so the more slow and less rapid the
movements are the better so let's select
our on your keyboard to enable the rate
stretch tool and select the end of the
clip and drag
to slow it down let's slow it down to
about 50% of the original speed now
let's use the blade tool to cut it down
just to four seconds and next let's
remove the green background let's search
for the ultra key effect and drop it on
the clip then use the dropper tool to
select the green from the background to
remove it now let's change the output to
alpha mode so we can clean this up a bit
I explain more about the ultra key
effect in my latest silhouette tutorial
so you should definitely watch that to
learn more about this effect by the way
you don't need to use a green screen
clip to do this effect if you already
shoot your subject with a white backdrop
even better now we want to get rid of
the fuzzy gray area here as much as we
can until we achieve almost pure black
in the background so let's increase the
pedestal to a hundred and let's bring up
the shadow to 51 now let's change it
back to composite output and see how it
looks I can see here that there's still
a slight green outline so let's clean up
here a bit
let's choke it to about 10 and let's
soften edges to about 5 now it's looking
good now let's add in the white backdrop
go to new item and select new color
matte I'll choose not pure white but
like a white light gray color then let's
move the video up to video layer 2 and
let's take our new color matte and drop
it beneath that video layer on video
layer 1 and now we have a white backdrop
so let's add in two other videos on top
of this let's add the ski-lift footage
here onto video layer 3 and let's add
the snow falling clip on video layer for
now let's right-click on these clips
here and scale it to frame size so they
fit in the 4k resolution frame and next
with the snow clip selected on video
layer 4 let's change the opacity blend
mode to screen to get rid of all the
black so all we see is snow now this is
great but now we have to put the
ski-lift footage inside of the outline
over subject here so how do we do this
well first let's select the ski lift
footage from video layer 3 and let's
use the opacity to zero so now all we
see is the snow falling and the woman
skier again so with the ski footage
selected from video layer three and the
effects controls we're going to use the
pen tool here to draw a mask around the
shape of our subject here so I'd
recommend zooming in to about a hundred
percent here in the program panel and
then press H to go to the hand tool to
reposition the subject in frame so you
can see it better and then you can hit P
for pen to begin drawing the mask of
shape so click to make your first point
of your mask and then you can click
again and hold to make a curved path
then you can switch back to the hand
tool pressing H move it again and then
hit the P tool to then create your next
point and so on so you're going to be
using the H and P keys a lot while you
make masks in Premiere Pro also I'm not
drawing directly on the edge of her
outline here because I want to leave a
little bit of space for a feathering of
the mask which I'll show you once I'm
done drawing this alright so I'm just
going to fast forward here until I draw
the rest of this mask now that we're
done let's zoom out here and let's bring
the opacity of the ski lift back up to
45 percent and now you can see that the
video is within our subject and let's
also increase the feathering to about
50% now it's looking pretty good but if
we play back on the timeline you'll see
that the mask that we just created does
not move with the movement of our
subject so what we have to do is track
the mask path here and let's hit the
stopwatch next to mask path to enable
tracking of keyframes then hit the track
forward by one frame button and as you
click and continue to click you start to
see that part of the mask is not
tracking perfectly with the movement of
the subject so what you have to do is
actually go in manually and adjust the
mask path just by clicking on the points
and moving them until it's better
aligned with the subject and depending
on the complexity of the shot in the
length of the shot this can take just a
few minutes or much longer so once
you're done adjusting
the mask frame-by-frame for the duration
of the shot you'll get a resulting video
image that looks like this but as you
play it back you can see that the
tracking of the inside mask is pretty
wobbly and not perfect so let's fix that
by increasing the feather to 200 and so
you can see as it plays back it stays
within the subject it looks good but
let's add a final lighting touch to make
it appear more blended from the effects
panel search for lighting effects and
then drag and drop it onto the subject
clip on video layer 2 now under effects
controls let's change the ambient light
color to a darker blue to give it more
of a nice blended feel and let's reduce
the intensity down a bit as well now if
I turn the lighting effect on and off
you can see the difference you can also
add a drop shadow effect to the image of
the woman to give it some more depth and
it just makes it pop a little bit more
so now we have a pretty cool effect of a
video within a video and some snow on
top it's a pretty simple way to grab
attention and impress your client and
the best part is there's no plugins
needed so that's all for this week if
this video helped you out be sure to hit
the like button share it with a friend
and head over to patreon complex
premiere gal to help me continue making
tutorials just like this also be sure to
hit the subscribe button so you can
learn new video tricks to help you
create better videos every week stay
creative everybody and I'll see you all
very soon bye


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