Premiere & Effects Move Objects with Your Mind Telekinesis effect | Adobe Premiere Pro CC video editing Tutorial > Adobe Premiere & Effects

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Premiere & Effe… | Move Objects with Your Mind Telekinesis effect | Adobe Premiere Pro CC…


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Spikey please can you do me a favor can
you please get my Joby Gorilla pod please
you know that I get nosebleeds if I try
to do telepathy I'm so lazy but I'll
just do it
I don't use many transition plugins but
my favorite transition pack is the
Bounce pack by just drag
and drop transitions onto your clips to
create quick pops spins and much more
get 10% off with my code premiere GAL10
hey everybody and welcome back to the
Premiere Gal YouTube channel where I
post weekly video production tips and
tricks to help you create better videos
and in this video I'm showing you how to
use telekinesis to move objects in
Premiere Pro before we get into it I
just want to remind you that you can
enter my monthly giveaway to win some
awesome video stuff so go to to enter
alright so here we are in Premiere Pro
and I currently have a sequence with two
video layers that has two clips and
they're the same shots but one shot if I
turn off a video layer two is a shot of
just my couch without premiere pup and I
on it or the Joby Gorillapod and now if
I turn back on video layer two you can
see it's the same shot in the same angle
but with us on it and the gorilla pod
now if you look closely above the
gorilla pod you'll see that there's a
line of thread so you can also use a
fish line in this case but I use thread
to connect the gorilla pod to a boom
pole so just have someone off frame who
can move the boom pole with the thread
attached to the gorilla pod while you're
recording and what this does is it
subtly moves the gorilla pod across the
frame making it look like the subject is
telekinetically moving it towards the
subject so the next step is in
all you have to do is use an opacity
mask to mask out that thread line from
the shot so it's less obvious so to do
this just select layer two then use the
pen tool to just draw a mask in the
frame around the thread then you can add
about 40 points of feathering just to
make it more subtle then hit invert to
invert the mask so all we see is the
video layer below in side of the mask
essentially showing everything except
the thread so now we have two key
frame this mask to move with the Joby
Gorillapod so hit the toggle animation
icon then move frame by frame by
clicking this icon and then you can
adjust the mask with the pen tool
accordingly to make sure you're covering
it up until the end of the shot you want
to mask it out as best as you can so
that way you have a more convincing shot
so once you're done you can see if I
select the mask and scrub through the
shot you can see the mask path move in
animate with the Joby Gorillapod
I also filmed one last close-up shot of
me with a bit of blood underneath my
nose in reference to eleven from
stranger things so I just cut from the
wide shot to this close-up shot here in
the timeline so it was just three shots
total in one mask and that's it anyway
you guys thanks so much for watching if
this video helped you out be sure to
give it a thumbs up and subscribe and
lastly a question for you do you think
you're going to be using this effect in
your future projects
thanks again for watching and I'll see
you all very soon

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