Premiere & Effects Paint Brush Effects - Marvel Jessica Jones Intro - Adobe Premiere Pro CC Tutorial > Adobe Premiere & Effects

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Premiere & Effe… | Paint Brush Effects - Marvel Jessica Jones Intro - Adobe Premiere Pro …


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hello and welcome back to another Friday
effects tutorial here on premier gaol in
this tutorial you're going to learn some
techniques I use to turn a regular old
stock video shot into a picturesque
Jessica Jones inspired look for those of
you who haven't seen Jessica Jones I'd
highly recommend it it's a TV series on
Netflix and here is a clip of what the
opening sequence looks like you can see
it has this painted look and most of it
was illustrated and animated to start
that opening Marvel title sequence you
saw at the very beginning of this video
that was actually made in After Effects
using a template I purchased from Envato
Market which I'll link to below just
open up the template in After Effects
and update the title to be anything you
want and drag and drop your own photos
and that's it
so let's get started in the Jessica
Jones look in Premiere Pro here I have a
sequence without any effects on the
stock video clips it's just generic New
York stock video that I got from pond5
but of course you can use your own stock
video you shot and simply apply the same
effects I'm going to show you so in this
particular tutorial I'm going to break
down how I created this shot in the
alleyway this shot had the most going on
so you'll learn the most and be able to
apply it to any other shot that you're
working with to start let's adjust the
image look so in the limit recolor panel
under basic correction let's reduce the
exposure just slightly let's say to
negative point 3 then from the creative
tab let's apply the cinah space to 3 8 3
srgb 6 bit look to this shot and let's
reduce the intensity to about 55 so it's
more blended
and let me turn it on and off here to
show you the difference and now it's
starting to look more dark and rough and
it's heading in the jessica jones
direction also at the bottom of the
panel is the vignette section and I
rarely use vignettes I don't really like
them but in this case this was a perfect
use to use the vignette so here I
dropped the amount down to about
negative 2.5 I also dropped the midpoint
to 20 and added a bit of roundness to
around 0.5 and I feathered it out to
around 75 and now if I turn the vignette
on and off by hitting this check mark
here you'll see it's a big difference
and it makes it look more dark and more
gloomy giving it that rough edge that
Jessica Jones has next to give it a more
painted look I search for a free effect
and Premiere Pro called
turbulent displace then I drag it on the
clip immediately it looks way too warped
so you have to refine this effect using
the effect controls and here I change it
to a horizontal displacement since I
want to make it look like the brush
strokes are going left to right
horizontally and then I increase the
intensity to about 200 and then for the
size of the displacement you want it to
be much lower like around 2 and then you
can increase the complexity of the lines
to let's say around 7 and then you can
see that the edges are more rough and
they look more painted and to give it
more of a painted look let's search for
posterized and apply this effect to the
video now what this does is limit the
amount of colors displayed so if you
drop the posterized level down to 2 it
becomes way too posterized
and does not look good so I'm going to
set mine to 5 but still the
posterization is a bit much and it
brings out too much yellow color in the
image let's search for an effect called
leave color and let's apply to the clip
and let's select that blue color of the
chair in ally using this dropper tool
and then let's decolor the rest of the
image to about 50%
and let's soften the edges as well now
when I turn the leaf color effect on and
off you can see that before it was just
way too yellow and now it's more focused
and it looks a lot cleaner and to give
it more of a purple and blue tint let's
search for the tint effect here and drag
and drop it onto the clip then from the
effect controls I'm going to map the
black color to a dark purple and map the
white to a darkish gray blue and then
let's reduce the amount of tint to about
25% so it's not too intense and more
subtle now let's add in a moving
silhouette figure because if you watch
the opening sequence here of Jessica
it's full of silhouette figures so I
went to pond 5 and I found the
silhouette figure of someone who looked
injured and since a lot of people in
Jessica Jones get injured it seemed
perfect and by the way you can film and
create your own silhouette sequence with
any budget camera with a green screen
you can follow my Silhouette tutorial to
learn how I turn myself into a
silhouette using a green screen that I
just got from Amazon and I'll link to
this tutorial in my description box
below and also put a card above so I
dropped this silhouette on top of the
video clip here and you can see that
there's a white background to remove
that I search for an effect called color
key and I'm going to drop it onto the
clip here and then using the dropper
tool from effect controls I'm going to
select the white color and then here you
need to adjust the edge then and
increase the color tolerance until all
of the white around the black silhouette
is removed then I selected the motion
tools from the top of the effects
controls to scale down the figure and I
repositioned it into the alleyway then
let's also apply it the tint effect to
this figure and let's use the dropper
tool to select a color from the alleyway
so that way the figure will have the
same tone and color as the shadows in
the alleyway also we need to place the
turbulent displace effect to the
silhouette figure to do that quickly
let's just go back to the first video
clip and from
the effect controls your going to select
that effect and go up to edit copy and
then select the silhouette clip go to
effect controls panel and go up to edit
and paste and now the turbulent displace
effect is on the silhouette effect if i
zoom in on the program panel and then
turn the effects button on and off you
can see what it looked like before and
then after and now here is the fun part
it's time to play with paint and texture
and overlays to make the shot more
interesting I went to production crate
comm I use them all the time they have
awesome effects and overlays to give
your footage an extra edge and the great
part is some effects are free so you can
play around with it first and if you
like the effects and you want to get one
of the effects that has the yellow star
next to it you can get a pro membership
which is just $49 per year and I've
linked to the specific overlays that I
use in this tutorial in my description
box below so here my project panel I
have two folders that have all the blood
and paint effects that I use from
production crate so first let's start
with the multi stroke paint overlays I'm
going to use multi stroke two and place
it on top of the video clip and using
the effect controls I'm going to rotate
it down so it's pointing down towards
the light to mimic sunlight so it looks
like it's sunrays that's how a lot of
the effects are done in Jessica Jones a
lot of the light sequences look like
light rays but they're painted and of
course you can resize it in place until
it looks right I also hit R on my
keyboard to activate the rate stretch
tool so I could change the length
duration of this clip I slowed it down
to match the duration of the video clip
below and then I chose this multi thin
paint stroke v painted overlay and I
dragged it on top of both those clips
and now I'm just going to transform it
to be on the right using the motion
tools from the effect controls panel I
also added a single wet paint stroke one
from production crepe and I placed it on
the left side of the frame and to give
it more texture and I rotated it
downwards as well and I like adding in
just the single stroke because that
makes it feel like it's a painting in
and after all Jessica Jones is a work in
progress if you watch the show and you
can add as many of these single wet
paint strokes as you want and remember
I'm going to show you how to blend these
in in just a second but first let's add
in some blood effects okay
so first in the lower left corner let's
place this blood explosion overlay and
using the right stretch tool again I'm
going to extend the length out so it'll
be a bit slower but it'll match the
entire length of this sequence and let's
use the effects controls to get it in
the position that we want and then of
course let's place the blood hit lens
overlay from production create at the
bottom center and let's use the effects
controls to get it in the position that
we want and rotate it up so now let's
start blending so it doesn't look like a
bunch of blood and random painted
overlays let's change the first painted
overlay to a blend mode called soft
light and immediately you can see it's
more blended in and let's do the same
with the second paint brush strokes
let's also change it to a soft light
then for the wet thin stroke I'll use a
color dodge blend mode and change the
opacity to 50%
the difference here is that color dodge
will make it more vibrant than soft
light and it adds a little bit more
dynamism in color to the shot as it
blends with the purple tints of the
video below and then for the blood
explosion I changed it to a color dodge
blend mode as well and I reduce the
opacity to around 30 then I added a tint
effect to it and I mapped the black to
white in the white to a hot pinkish
color because in some of the Jessica
Jones scenes you see some splashes of
pink color from the original opening
sequence as for the blood spatter I
changed this blend mode to overlay and I
added a tint and mapped the black to
white and now you may say well how did
you know how to use all those different
blend modes well honestly it came
through trial and error and testing
different blend modes until I achieved
the look that I wanted and adding these
blend effects is literally like painting
but unlike real-life painting you
actually can undo a blend if it doesn't
look right and lastly we need to add the
and a focus blur on the scene in Jessica
Jones there is a moment in this original
opening sequence where the fence goes
from being in focus to out of focus so
here I have a fence overlay which you
can download from my blog I have a link
below this fence is part of a
forthcoming collection by production
crate and more info will be coming later
this year so for now you can use the
free one that I have from my site so
I'll drop this fence graphic layer on
top of all these other layers and I'm
going to scale it down to around 65% and
move it into the place that I like then
I'll select the first video clip on the
layer 1 and I'm going to go to edit and
copy then I'm going to go to this
graphic fence layer and I'm going to go
to edit and paste attributes and it will
paste all of the effects that we applied
to that first video clip to the fence
scene so that way it has all of the
other effects so it looks like it fits
in and next let's add in some keyframe
motion so that way the fence moves so to
set a keyframe on the position in scale
of the fence hit that stopwatch on both
the parameters and then you can move the
current time indicator ahead roughly 2
seconds or so and scale it up and shift
it over to the left so now it animates
over and while the fence is in focus
here I want everything behind the fence
to be out-of-focus to do this the most
simple way just lasso and select all the
layers beneath the fence and right click
to make a subsequence and this new
subsequence will be over in the project
panel and you can rename it to anything
that you want like a leeway seen and now
you can drag and drop the subsequence
underneath the fence and this holds all
of those layers within it now search for
the Gaussian blur effect and drop it on
to this sub sequence then from effect
controls set the blur at 30 and make
sure it's a horizontal and vertical blur
and then as the fence begins to scale in
set a keyframe there and then after it's
done zooming in make the blur 0 and now
the background animates from
to in focus so let's do the opposite
let's apply it another Gaussian blur to
the fence and as it starts to zoom in
let's set a keyframe at zero and as it
zooms and more set the blurriness to 30
and here let's also make the fence
ooming just a tad bit more and get more
blurry so let's set two new keyframes up
here at position and scale and have it
scale up and move closer in around at
the silhouette in the alleyway and then
let's also set a keyframe on the
blurriness again and move the current
time indicator towards when the new zoom
goes closer in and then let's change the
blurriness to 60 so now you can see it
moves in initially and then as you move
in closer the blurriness gets stronger
and now let's render it out because
there's a lot of effects it may take
just a short time depending on your
machine and of course for music I chose
a mysterious electric guitar track from
sound stripe called a catalyst sound
stripe is a great place to get music for
your videos it's only 15 dollars per
month for unlimited music tracks you can
use any music for any type of video and
there's no licensing restrictions plus
you can get 10% off with my code Galton
and I've linked to my Jessica Jones
inspired playlist and my description box
below and let's play the scene back now
to see how it looks it looks pretty
awesome and also from the original
opening sequence that I'm playing back
here now if you want to know what fonts
I used or any other elements that I used
in this full sequence I put together
I'll link to all that info below so let
me know what effects you learned in this
video that you plan on using in future
projects be sure to leave a comment
below and if this video helped you out
be sure to give it a thumbs up YouTube
likes it when you like my video so
liking it will help my videos do better
and be sure to subscribe and hit that
notification bell so you're notified
when I make new tutorials every week
also come on and join the premiere gaol
patreon community by coming a monthly
patron you can ask me questions directly
there and your questions get priority
and of course you can get some
free templates that I design each month
thanks again and I'll see you all very


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