Premiere & Effects How To Create Stop Motion Animation Adobe Premiere Pro Tutorial ft. GorillaPod 3K PRO > Adobe Premiere & Effects

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Premiere & Effe… | How To Create Stop Motion Animation Adobe Premiere Pro Tutorial ft. Go…


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'Upgrade kit identified'
Hey you guys it's Gal here I hope you
guys enjoyed that opening stop-motion
featuring the new Joby GorillaPod 3K PRO
that you guys can use with your
mirrorless cameras and it has the
arca-swiss tripod plate and new aluminum
legs so I'll put a link in the
description box below if you guys are
interested as well as a link to the
upgrade kit if you want to turn it into
a vlogging kit thanks Joby for
sending me these products and sponsoring
this video and yeah what I really want
to show you guys in this tutorial is how
I actually created that stop-motion
animation so we're gonna jump into
Premiere Pro and I'll show you how to
put it all together so the first step to
creating your stop-motion animation is
to grab a partner or use a remote and in
this case I'm going to move my subject
just subtly little move by move and
after every movement I get out of frame
and then your partner or you can use a
remote to take the photo of it in action
now I've made a full tutorial on this
and I'll put a card up in the upper
right of this video so you can watch
that but the key is to use a tripod so
the movement stays steady and after you
take all the photos of the action you
are ready to import them into Premiere
Pro to put it all together so here
inside of Premiere Pro I've imported all
of the photos inside of this folder
called m3 because we use the Canon m3
with the nifty 50 lens to shoot all of
the photos and right now I'm in the icon
view but if you're in the list view you
might see this but I recommend going to
the icon view because you can quickly
scrub through and it will actually
preview what the stop-motion animation
looks like so if you make this icon
bigger and we scroll up to the top you
can start to scrub through and see it in
action which is pretty cool and this is
the beauty of doing stop-motion
animation is because you take a photo
and basically it's already edited
together you just have to put it all
together in the timeline so it's here
and what you can do is you can kind of
scrub through to see if there's any
shots that you might need to delete so
if you accidentally had your hand in the
shot you can make sure to delete those
shots so they're not included in the
stop-motion animation so let's go ahead
and make this smaller here now that we
have all of the photos here the next
step is to determine the duration of
each shot so as you see here all these
number fours are on all these photos now
that means that each photo has a
duration of four seconds and we don't
want each photo to last four seconds
because then the stop-motion animation
is going to be really long so what we
really want to get this down to is the
fraction in the hundredths of a second
so what I'm going to do is click inside
of this folder here this bin and hit
command A to highlight all of them that
I'm going to right click on any one of
the photos then go to speed and duration
and here I chose for this animation to
change this to zero and just three zero
three and this will apply it to all of
the photos that I have selected so now
you can see it's three hundredths of a
second now what we can do is we can go
up to the very top the very first photo
hit shift then scrub all the way down
and select the last photo and drag and
drop it into the timeline and now you
can see it's just a bunch of photos
lined up each three hundredths of a
second now you can see the photos are
very zoomed in we actually need to
change the motion scale to fit into the
1920 by 1080 on HD program monitor that
we have up here so to do that we're
going to reframe the first one by
finding a shot with the Joby in it right
here and let's go ahead up to effect
and let's scale this down until we see
it in frame so that looks good so what
we can do is we can select this clip
which is just this one photo hit command
C on a Mac or ctrl C on a PC to copy
that then we can just lasso and
select all of them right-click directly
on all the clips here and paste
attributes and then select motion and
hit OK and now if you play it back you
have your stop-motion animation it's a
really easy way to do it I would highly
recommend taking photos and not doing a
video because you'll have to cut out all
the frames here it's already cut for you
you just have to put all of the photos
together in a timeline just like I
showed you and that's it so that's how
you make a stop-motion animation inside
a Premiere using stills it's really easy
to do I encourage you guys to go out and
make your own stop-motion animation I
love the aesthetic and once again
huge shout out to Joby for sponsoring
this video don't forget to check out the
new 3K PRO for shooting on the go so
that's it for this video and I'll see
you guys next time

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