Premiere & Effects How to record high quality voiceover into Adobe Premiere Pro RØDE and Fifine Microphone Comparison > Adobe Premiere & Effects

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which one will it be folks will it be the
RODE NT usb or the Fifine K670 coming up
Hey you guys and welcome
back to Gal if you guys are new here I
do video production and video editing
tutorials weekly to help you guys create
better content so today I'm doing a
video for you guys that are just getting
started into audio and want to invest in
a USB condenser microphone so I have two
of them right here I have the Fifine
K670 and the RODE NT USB the
main difference between them just from
price is that they're about a hundred
dollars apart this one is $48 at the time
of recording and this is a $169
this one has great reviews
it's a top seller on B&H and Amazon and
RODE is a great audio microphone company
Fifine is new to the market so the
idea here is whether or not you guys
need to spend that extra 100 dollars
to get good quality sound and what's
really cool in today's technology
especially in Premiere Pro with the
essential sound panel there's a great
noise reduction technology and enhancers
that could really make your sound sound
great even for cheaper and microphones
so remember these are just for beginners
but you can make it sound really good
and they're so portable and easy to use
both of these come with these USB cables
here so you just plug them in in the
bottom so this end goes into the bottom
of each and then you put in this USB
into a PC or a Mac and you just record
the sound directly into your computer
using any type of software so on my Mac
I use a QuickTime Player to record I
also use Adobe Premiere Pro and Audition
to record my audio so they both have
headphone jacks so you can plug in your
headphones into them they both have
volume controls they both have the same
microphone pattern shape which is a
cardioid pattern that means that they
pick up audio directly in the front and
not on the sides so if you talk into the
microphone like
this it's not good yeah let's go ahead
and jump in and record and then apply
some sound noise reduction enhancements
that you guys requested I left a poll in
the community tab and we'll compare to
see if it's actually worth that extra
100 dollars oh wait wait wait wait
sorry guys there's a question in the
audience uh-huh uh-huh great question so
if you guys didn't hear somebody asked
what a pop filter was because this RODE
NT USB microphone has a pop filter and
this one does not well this is a noise
reduction protection filter that's what
it is
this protects it from that those big
breaths coming in the big pops coming in
where they're talking with a lot of peas
and that's why it's called a pop filter
so it's a great way to avoid it damaging
the actual quality of the sound
there are ways of course if you're very
careful to talk very carefully into this
and it's not completely necessary but
most people that are in audio would highly
recommend using a pop filter so let's go
ahead and just get these plugged on in
here so so if you guys are Mac users
welcome to dongle city it doesn't take a
standard USB so I have to plug it into
an adapter so I'm just gonna plug this
in here so you will know that it's on
because there's a little blue light on
inside I don't know if you guys can see
that but basically USB condenser
microphones most of them you will see
that it has been illuminated inside this
color is blue so that means it's on and
it's good to go the next step is to turn
on our recording technologies so the
first microphone that we're doing is the
Fifine K670 and I'm recording directly into
Premiere Pro to make sure that the
microphone is set up just go to Premiere
Pro go to preferences audio hardware
and you can choose the input and this
one should come up as MIC_TEST and then hit yes
and that is the Fifine microphone all
right so now to get it to record in
Premiere Pro you're going to hit the
record button and then hit the play
button and then it's recording into
Premiere and so then what you can do is
make sure that the audio levels are not
peaking if it's above zero it's gonna
start peaking so if I hold this closer
and it's between zero and - (minus) 12
decibels then we're good so I'm just
going to read a bit from Planet Earth 2
done by David Attenborough so this
is what it's going to sound like 'There
are only fourteen peaks in the world
that rise over 8,000 meters all of them
are here in the Himalayas lethally cold
scarred by gales in blizzards
these mountains these mountains are
among the most hostile places on earth'
now I'm going to fully embody my golomb character
"Must have of the precious, they stole it from us, sneaky little hobittses"
RODE NT USB "There are only
there are only there are only 14 peaks
in the world that rise over 8,000 meters
all of them are here in the Himalayas
lethally cold scarred by gales and
blizzards these mountains are among the
most hostile places on earth"
so straight out of the microphone I felt
like the experience in the sound was
much better coming from the RODE NT
USB but we'll see maybe they'll sound a
roughly the same after I do some
post-processing using the essential
sound panel in Premiere Pro and this
video is sponsored by Syncly Syncly is
a form of AI music technology that
allows you to customize music to match
the sort of feel and mood that you're
going for so you can use it inside a
Premiere Pro or the web app and you can
change the tempo of the music you can
change the fullness of the track and
even customize the different stems of
the musical instruments until you
achieve that effect so you guys can save
$41 dollars using my code GAL199
instead of getting it for $240 (two hundred
and forty dollars) you can get it for a $199
(hundred and ninety-nine dollars) and you
can use these music in any type of video
so I'll put a full description of the
product as well as my code in the
description box below
what follows are the fully groomed
voiceovers with music from Syncly
I used Premiere's essential sound panel to
repair and mix the sound Can you guess
which mic is which? "There are only
fourteen peaks in the world that rise
over eight thousand meters all of them
are here in the Himalayas Lethally cold
scarred by gales and blizzards these
mountains are among the most hostile
places on earth"
"There are only 14 peaks in the world
that rise to over 8,000 meters all of
them are here in the Himalayas lethally
cold scarred by gales and blizzards
these mountains are among the most
hostile places on earth"
so let me know what you guys think of
the video by giving the video a thumbs
up and leaving a comment below and you
guys have any other questions about the
Fifine K670 or the RODE NT USB
just leave a comment below and
let me know what you guys want to learn
cuz you know this whole community is
about having fun and learning and asking
questions and not being ashamed to ask
something that maybe you don't know
about also a huge shout out to Syncly
for sponsoring this video you guys made
it to the end here be sure to also use
the code GAL199 to save forty one
dollars on Sincly for unlimited
customizable music see you guys next
time Bye

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