Premiere & Effects Editing Voice and Dialogue to Sound Better using Adobe Premiere Pro Essential Sound Panel > Adobe Premiere & Effects

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Premiere & Effe… | Editing Voice and Dialogue to Sound Better using Adobe Premiere Pro Es…


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Hey what's up you guys and welcome back to Gal. If you guys are new here I make
weekly video editing and production tips
to help you guys create better content.
Even if you are subscribed or you're a
new subscriber be also sure to hit that
notification bell so you're notified
when I publish new content so let's just
jump into it here. In the last tutorial I
did on Audio, I compared microphones
recording into Premiere Pro. The RODE NT USB versus the FiFine K670
[GOLLUM VOICE] They stole it from us!
And what I have here is the voice sample from the Fifine k670 which i've put in a link in
the description box below so if you guys
want to download the voice sample and
follow along you can! So what we're
going to do is make this audio sound as
best as possible
so let me just play back a little bit of
it. [Voice sample] There are only fourteen peaks in the world that rise to over 8,000 meters.
So it's pretty good there's just a tad bit
of background noise and we want to level
out the sound to get it between minus 12
and minus 6 decibels so the first step
is to select the audio track here in
your timeline and then go to the
essential sound panel if you don't have
this open go up to window then go to a
essential sound then we need to select the audio type this is dialogue, so select
dialogue. The first step is to automatch the loudness
and see what happens when I click that
the waveform bounces up because it's
equalizing it and it's making it
broadcast standard for loudness. Now if I
play it back we can see the audio level
set rise to over 8000 meters so it's
still a little bit low but what we can
do is just increase the clip volume here
just a tad bit to see how it sounds
let me play it back "there are only 14
peaks in the world that rise to over
8,000 meters" so that looks about right
the next step is to reduce any
background noise so this is where I go
to the repair tab right here in the
essential sound just select reduce noise
and at 5 it's too much let me play this
back "all of them are here
in the Himalayas lethally cold scarred
by gales and blizzards these mountains
are among the most hostile places so
that sounded good around 0.8 you don't
want it to be too high or it's gonna
sound distorted the next thing if I play
this bit back here you can hear that my
voice kind of bumped the microphone so
we need to reduce the rumble here and
there's a slider for that let me just
play this back so you can hear the bump
"these mountains are among the most
hostile" did you hear that right there?
"the most hostile places" so that bit
right here along the most hostile we
want to get rid of that bump so to do
that I'm just going to click reduce
Rumble and then I'm going to play this
back to see how it sounds these
mountains are among the most hostile
places there's still a little bit there
so let's increase this up let's crank it
up "are among the most hostile places so
you can see that before if I uncheck it
or among the most hostile play and after
it's applied " are among the most hostile
places" it's much better now there's some
other stuff here under repair there's De
hum to remove electrical noises we don't
have any there's a de-esser if you need
to remove harsh s sounds from your audio
we don't have any so I'll skip that and
there's reduce reverb so if you have
any like big echoes going on you can use
reduce reverb to get rid of some of the
echo-ness there's clarity if you want
to make the voice more focused or
natural I'm going to skip that and I'm
going to jump straight into EQ because
this is what I normally apply to my
voice so what's really cool about EQ is
that there's a bunch of different
presets so there's some cool ones like
if you want to sound like you're from an
old radio if you just click that and
play it back "there are only 14 Peaks in
the world" and that's a super cool effect
so if you want to sound like you're from
a 1940's broadcast you can just apply
this preset
and you sound that way but for this I'm
just going to use a subtle female boost
just to boost the EQ and then you can
play around with the amount until it
sounds great "that rise to over 8,000
meters" and this just adds some more
texture makes my voice more present
now there's also another feature here
called enhance speech so if I apply the
enhanced speech you will see that it
kind of sounds a bit robotic "there are
only fourteen peaks in the world that
rise to over 8,000 meters" and with it
off "all of them are here in the
Himalayas" so it just sounds more natural
but I actually find ironically that the
male enhancer actually works much better
on my voice because I have a lower range
voice so let me play this back with the
male enhancement on and let me know what
you think "there are only fourteen peaks
in the world that rise to over 8,000
meters all of them are here in the
Himalayas" so it adds a little bit more
presence to the voice add some more bass
and I actually like it for kind of that
powerful voiceover that I'm going for
but of course you don't have to use this
it just adds a bit more presence another
thing I like to add is reverb so this
brings in more environment you can
choose from a variety of presets just
like the EQ so if you want it to make it
sound like they're in a large auditorium
or a large reflective room and you apply
it at five you're gonna get a lot more
echo there are only fourteen peaks in
the world that rise to over 8,000 meters
yeah so that does the job obviously we
don't need it here but what I like to do
is add a very subtle amount of thickened
voice to my voice just to make it sound
a little bit more whole and thick there
are only fourteen peaks in the world so
those are the tools that I use to make
my voice sound great and in the next
tutorial I'm going to be
showing you how to mix music with voice
so that way the music levels are good
and you can hear the audio at the
correct levels. And for the new product
of the week I'm sharing with you guys a
new pack called Singularity by film crux
you guys can get 25% off with my code
GAL25 so it includes over 400 different
sound effects that you can use in your
videos you just buy it once and you have
it forever. And a huge shout out to my
current active patrons Jonathan, Jamie
Esp챠ritu, Sandy T, Erica Washington, Bill
Baraona, Anthony Cleveland, Wayne McClay, LG,
and Christina P, Thank you guys so much
for your continued support and if you
guys are not a part of the patreon
community I encourage you guys to go
check it out and see the perks. Thanks
again for watching and see you guys next time!

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