Premiere & Effects LOOPING GIF Logo Animation | Adobe Premiere Pro CC Tutorial > Adobe Premiere & Effects

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Premiere & Effe… | LOOPING GIF Logo Animation | Adobe Premiere Pro CC Tutorial


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  1. 유튜브 영상에서 오른쪽하단에 톱니바퀴를 클릭합니다.
  2. 팝업목록에서 "품질" 선택하세요.
  3. 원하는 해상도를 선택해주세요.
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Premiere & Effe…님의 Adobe Premiere & Effects강의 청각장애인을 위한 자막


hey guys it's premier gal here and happy
fourth of July weekend in this tutorial
you're going to learn how I made this
firework gif of my gal logo inside of
Premiere Pro I have some awesome graphic
design friends who've made some really
great seasonal and international day
versions of my gal logo and I seriously
love them but for fourth of July I
thought it would be more fun to make an
animated gif with fireworks rather than
just using a flat design to start if you
have a logo you want to do something
similar with make a version of it with a
black or transparent background in
Illustrator I made a 1080 by 1080 black
and white version of my logo after you
import the logo into Premiere Pro
right-click on it and select new
sequence from clip then drag the logo up
to video layer two as we are going to
place the fireworks video onto video
layer one now it's time to find the
fireworks animation I used fireworks
motion graphics that I got from motion
or a calm they have heaps of fireworks
video and motion graphics that you can
choose from but you need a membership
plan in order to use it and if you don't
have money for this you can try out which has free public domain
video and I found that they had a lot of
firework videos you can work with there
once you import your fireworks video
into Premiere Pro drag the video onto
video layer one underneath the logo then
you're going to extend the logo edit out
to meet the end of the fireworks video
clip on video layer one now if we play
it back you can see that nothing happens
that's because the logo I have has a
black background and we need to select a
blending mode to reveal the fireworks
beneath to fix this let's select the
logo layer under effects controls under
blend modes select screen and then
you'll be able to see the fireworks the
screen blending mode essentially removes
the black background to reveal what is
beneath it then it's
export goto file select export and then
in the new export settings window if
you're going to keep it at match source
high bitrate and then select export once
it's exported into a dot mp4 and you
want to turn it into a gif if you're on
a Mac you can download an app called gif
rocket all you have to do is drag and
drop your mp4 into the drop area of the
app and it will automatically convert
your mp4 into a gif which you can then
attach to your social media posts or add
to your website so that's it I hope you
guys found this useful if you did give
it a thumbs up I make new video
production tutorials every week so
subscribe to keep up with the video
trend thanks and I'll see you guys very
soon bye

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