bicycle repair Tip Oops! Fix (most) hydraulic disc brakes > Bicycle Repair Tips

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bicycle repair … | Oops! Fix (most) hydraulic disc brakes


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bicycle repair …님의 Bicycle Repair Tips강의 청각장애인을 위한 자막


if you bought a mountain bike with
hydraulic disc brakes
chances are the shop technician gave you
a stern warning don't pull the brake
lever with the wheel off you'll be sorry
they might have even given you these
wedges to put in place to prevent it
normally the pads push against the disc
when you squeeze the lever if you do
this with a wheel off the Pistons push
in too far and basically contact your
disc brake 100% of the time it's not fun
to ride like this luckily it's easy to
fix you just need to push the pistons
back out no special tools required first
remove your brake pads this is usually a
matter of pulling out or unscrewing a
pin at the base they then pull out from
the other side once you've removed the
brake pads just push the Pistons back
out firmly with a tool really almost any
tool is okay for this purpose I've seen
shop technicians do this with a flathead
there's one piston on each side they
won't move much but you'll notice it
reinstall your pads and you're done no
big deal your wheel should spin free and
clear now I hope this helps someone out
thanks for riding with me today and I'll
see you next time

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