Healthy&Diet&Re… | What Are Carbohydrates ? What Is Carbohydrates?
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Healthy&Diet&Re…님의 Healthy Diet Cooking Recipe강의 청각장애인을 위한 자막
most people who want to get into better
shape believe carbs are unhealthy it is
sad to see how many people believe that
a carb cutting diet in a path to rapid
weight loss
carbs are at the bottom needs for energy
without cards you won't be able to burn
fat and you'll be depriving your body of
the minerals and vitamins it requires to
function properly a balanced diet is all
it takes to lose weight easily quickly
and correctly this video will discuss
what our carbohydrates and what types of
best for your overall well-being
what are carbs carbs are the fibre
sugars and starches contained in the
food elite muscle it's gotten protein
carbohydrates are a macronutrient
macronutrients are what gives your body
energy with carbs being the primary
source we must eat protein fat and carbs
because our body can't produce
macronutrients in a zone there are two
types of carbohydrates complex carbs and
simple cards complex carbohydrates
take a lengthy duration of processing
body they help with the prolonged
release of energy due to high amounts of
nutrients and vitamins complex
carbohydrates are beneficial when you're
trying to maintain a healthy lifestyle
and they provide the body with extra
nutrition bu and last longer as a source
of energy several examples of complex
carbohydrates are brown rice whole grain
both dusty vegetables beans peas and
lentils any kind of food containing
these ingredients is much better for
your body than they're processed
equivalent simple carbohydrates are akin
to processed food they're regarded as
simple sugars simple carbs get separated
in the body very fast and are used as an
immediate energy source that burned out
monster they can be detrimental to the
body when regularly consumed they are
comprised of refined sugars with minimal
vitamins or nutrients some examples of
simple carbohydrates include honey sugar
fruit juices milk candy soda and
biscuits now that you know the
difference between complex and simple
carbs let's address the truly bad
carbohydrate refined carbs if you are
attempting to lose weight you must
reduce consumption of refined
carbohydrates refined carbs are the main
cause of obesity and consist of high
levels of fat calories and sugars
processed or refined carbohydrates are
German and grandma's grains and as such
have decreased the nutrient content
refined carbs are found includes maybe
white flour cereal pizza pasta and bread
etc as well as white rice sugary
beverages and potato chips are also high
in the find cards
refined sugar is regarded as a refined
carbohydrate therefore ice cream cookies
cakes and donuts are the most typical
refined carbs sources integrate fresh
vegetables whole grains fruits and foods
with fiber in your meals they contain
the proper carbs you should be feeding
your body always to the good source of
carbs the good carbs can help you
instead of the ones that will hurt you
and if you are looking for a natural
weight loss solution I recommend you
click the link in the description ww
serious - fitness - programs comm
backslash weight loss and if you like
this video please give it a thumbs up
and subscribe and share it with your
friends on Facebook and Twitter and
GooglePlus thank you for watching and
see you next time
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