Healthy&Diet&Recipe How To Lose Water Weight, How To Get Rid Of Water Weight > Healthy Diet Cooking Recipe

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Healthy&Diet&Re… | How To Lose Water Weight, How To Get Rid Of Water Weight


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Healthy&Diet&Re…님의 Healthy Diet Cooking Recipe강의 청각장애인을 위한 자막


there is no doubt that water is very
important to the human body water plays
a vital role in every aspect of life and
the body contains around 70% of it
however it becomes a problem when the
body retains excess water which is a
common side effect of chronic
inflammation this can be as a result of
poor diet toxin exposure food
intolerances and diseases like kidney
failure which is likely to impact
negatively on your appearance and
overall quality of life explained in
this short video are six effective ways
of reducing water weight fast and safe
one minimize your sodium intake
minimizing your intake of sodium is one
of the important steps to take in order
to reduce bloat because of its immediate
effect on the way kidney controls water
balance in the body maybe you don't know
it but too much salt can make the body
to retain water thereby leading to
swelling and bloating it's recommended
that no single individual should exceed
2,400 milligrams of sodium roughly a
teaspoon full of salt a day to take more
water water helps in flushing out excess
sodium from the blood stream and this
releases retained water from your body
so you should drink at least 64 ounces
of water each day 3 eat potassium rich
foods one of the essential elements in
the guide that's responsible for fluid
balance in the body is potassium fluid
retention in the body can be caused by a
low amount of potassium
include fruits like banana apricots
oranges mango avocado and papaya in your
diet as well as vegetables and legumes
such as carrots a corn peas dried beans
artichokes and lentils focusing on foods
with potassium may help your body
release excess water 4 engage in at
least 30 minutes of physical activity
one of the best ways to get rid of
excess water weight is to get your body
sweating you can do this by engaging in
at least 30 minutes of exercise every
week this will boost your metabolism and
heart rate more still sweat into an
exercise draws substances such as sodium
out to the pores of the body thereby
reducing the possibility of water weight
5 consume water loss supplements there
are many water loss supplements in the
form of pills in the marketplace today
you can use these supplements to speed
up the water weight loss process 6 sleep
for additional 30 minutes every
not many people sleep the recommended
eight hours of sleep every day however
if you're looking to cut down your water
weight you should add additional 30
minutes to your sleep hours doctors
recommend at least nine hours of sleep
daily for individuals that want to get
rid of water weight fast these tips can
help you be on your way to losing water
weight fast without having to starve
while keeping you healthy and happy and
if you are looking for a natural weight
loss solution I recommend you click the
link in the description ww serious
fitness programs comm backslash
weight-loss and if you like this video
please give it a thumbs up and subscribe
and share it with your friends on
Facebook and Twitter and GooglePlus
thank you for watching and see you next

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