Healthy&Diet&Recipe Unhealthy Food To Avoid When Trying To Lose Weight, Junk Food List > Healthy Diet Cooking Recipe

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Healthy&Diet&Re… | Unhealthy Food To Avoid When Trying To Lose Weight, Junk Food List


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Healthy&Diet&Re…님의 Healthy Diet Cooking Recipe강의 청각장애인을 위한 자막


junk food refers to consumables with
minimal nutritional value foods high in
salt or sugar content can also be
classified as junk food because they can
negatively impact your body junk food is
simple to carry by eat and drink in this
video we will address the junk food list
you should stay away from Pizza of
Burgers and Fries these foods are
written with trans fat and contains bad
cholesterol which will result in heart
ailments and obesity trans fat should be
completely avoided as it contains zero
health benefits and remain stories on
our bodies the buns indo burgers and
pizzas are comprised of our just as
unhealthy because they are heavily
processed further the oil used in the
deep fryer due to cook fried versus
eerily unhealthy especially suggested on
a regular basis carbonated beverages
carbonated beverages are full of sugar
which is the leading cause of diabetes
in America sugar also damages our teeth
over time further the liver converts
extra sugar stored in the body into fats
it is easy to become addicted to these
beverages as they contain caffeine it is
prudent to refrain from drinking
anything carbonated instead opt for
healthier drinks like fruit smoothies or
tea cookies pastries and cakes see
they're usually comprised of refined
wheat flour and refined sugar along with
extra fat which are often disturbingly
unhealthy fats such as shortening high
in trans fat these delicious treats are
the worst things you can put into your
body they contain little to no essential
nutrients doughnuts
everyone loves doughnuts they are
filling and delicious
however they are comprised of white
bread dough with cream and in the
bundles of sugar there are about 500
calories in a 100 gram doughnut and a
quarter of its fat content is transplant
which may result in obesity and failed
heart disease ice cream there aren't
very many people who don't like ice
sadly commercial ice cream is chock full
of sugar
each lick is nothing but an intake of
empty calories which ice cream is high
see the work to have ice cream for
dessert since you're then adding more
colors on top of the ones you consume
for dinner potato chip chips are stuffed
with saturated fats that are hazardous
to the body's arteries when the arteries
get blocked bad cholesterol may come
about there are 550 calories and 45
grams of fat in the 100 gram bag of chip
refrain from the snack as it can damage
your body and result in obesity most
highly processed foods stay away from
processed food to keep the extra weight
off and remained healthy as a rule of
thumb be mindful that if it appears to
be made in the factory it's likely Bob
for you a good rule to remember is that
real food doesn't need an ingredients
list because real food is the ingredient
and if you are looking for a natural
weight loss solution I recommend you
click the link in the description
ww serious fitness programs comm
backslash weight loss and if you like
this video please give it a thumbs up
and subscribe and share it with your
friends on Facebook and Twitter and
thank you for watching and see you next

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