Healthy&Diet&Recipe How Much Should I Weigh? Calculate Your Ideal Body Weight > Healthy Diet Cooking Recipe

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Healthy&Diet&Re… | How Much Should I Weigh? Calculate Your Ideal Body Weight


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Healthy&Diet&Re…님의 Healthy Diet Cooking Recipe강의 청각장애인을 위한 자막


everyone is wondering how much should I
work right and as a matter of fact the
answer varies according to your gender
age height body ties and a bunch of
other health factors you may see a model
in the magazine booking also in the
knife but when it comes to your personal
weight such a figure isn't really the
best example to follow the question is
is there any formula to calculate my
ideal weight the answer is yes in this
video we will see three common methods
to help you work without BMI or body
mass index is actually the most popular
ratio to figure out your ideal body
weight and many health care experts use
it on a regular basis it's actually not
that hard you simply divide your weight
in pounds in two times your height in
inches and then multiply by 703 for
example there are weigh 135 pounds and
is 5 feet 5 inches tall her BMI in this
case will be twenty two point five which
is among the healthy range experts in
official resources claimed that a
healthy person has anywhere from
eighteen point five to twenty four point
nine BMI anything lower falls in a
skinny category where the BMI of 25
twice makes you overweight our BMI is
differ depending on our gender bone mass
and muscle mass and there is no single B
in mind that is ideal for all people
another useful metric we could also use
especially women who have naturally
broader hips and so waist-to-hip ratio
we can calculate this simply by dividing
our waist measurement in our narrowest
point to our hips measurement at their
widest point so if our voice measures
for example 33 inches to our hips to 42
our ratio will be 0.78 like BMI wh our
index also comes with a set of healthy
ranges in women ideally this ratio
should be up to 0.8 for lower risk of
developing heart and circulation
males this index should idea resulted
below point nine other than having that
may increase the risk of developing
heart problems at a later stage the
third and final way to figure out our
ideal weight or mass the successful a
our waist to height ratio which is by
defining our waist and inches to our
height in inches so for example if Steve
is 5 feet 6 inches tall and this waist
measures 32 inches his waist to height
ratio that will be 32 divided by 66
inches so point 48 there you go three
different ways to measure your ideal
weight or mass and the best part is you
don't have to visit your doctor or an
expert to calculate these as you can
simply do so at home and if you are
looking for a natural weight loss
solution I recommend you click the link
in the description www serious fitness
programs comm backflash weight loss and
if you like this video please give it a
thumbs up and subscribe and share it
with your friends on Facebook and
Twitter and GooglePlus thank you for
watching and see you next time

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