Healthy&Diet&Recipe 7 Benefits Of Weight Training For Women To Lose Weight Fast > Healthy Diet Cooking Recipe

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Healthy&Diet&Re… | 7 Benefits Of Weight Training For Women To Lose Weight Fast


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Healthy&Diet&Re…님의 Healthy Diet Cooking Recipe강의 청각장애인을 위한 자막


if you're attempting to lose weight the
initial thing that Leslie comes to mind
is oh no cardio however did you know
that you can burn just as much fat by
weight training don't worry about
gaining muscles if you're a woman your
low levels of testosterone won't make
you look like a professional wrestler
unless they're you supplements on a
consistent basis weight training can
give you the shape and tone you're
striving for now instead of just hitting
cardio machines here are seven benefits
to doing a weight training program for
women one you will burn more calories
lifting raises the amount of calorie
burned these muscles require energy to
repair fibers after you exercise studies
indicate that metabolism increases for
almost 40 hours after an individual
completes a total body workout in
comparison to those who don't lift it
also burns a higher percentage of fat
calories to revitalize your metabolism
about three days after working out with
a pair of jumbo you'll see a rise in
your metabolism rate with a proper diet
regular lifting my aid in burning
calories more effectively than cardio
would alone three
you'll shape your body quicker cardio
isn't just about aerobics
research shows that adding weights to
circuit training increases your heart
rate by 15 feet per minute more than 60
to 70 percent of your maximum heart rate
this method makes muscles stronger and
offers cardiovascular benefits akin to
what is accomplished through aerobic
exercise for prevent injury lifting
weights is key to stayin injury-free
besides getting stronger muscles
research shows that resistance training
strengthens tendons and ligaments that
connect bones and muscles to one another
as such you're less likely to suffer
from an injury or tears through regular
activity 5 your bones will be protected
strength training and weight bearing
workouts in general I believe to reduce
the risk of fractures and enhance bone
density in older adults
six you'll get quick results strength
training brings fast results it merely
takes between two to three sessions per
week within a month to see muscle shape
up lifting non heavy weights can also be
beneficial for building muscle
assuming you continue to stimulate
muscle fatigue seven you'll be less
stressed and more happy similar to many
types of physical activity mild lifting
can be advantageous to your mental
health there is a connection between
strength training and lowered symptoms
of depression and anxiety in addition to
enhance brainpower and self-esteem
considered given in between two and
three sessions of resistance training
each week you will see an improvement in
your health and well-being and if you
are looking for a natural weight loss
solution I recommend you click the link
in the description
ww serious fitness programs comm
backslash weight-loss and if you like
this video please give it a thumbs up
and subscribe and share it with your
friends on Facebook and Twitter and
GooglePlus thank you for watching and
see you next time

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