Healthy&Diet&Recipe What To Eat Before A Workout? Healthy Snack Ideas > Healthy Diet Cooking Recipe

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Healthy&Diet&Re… | What To Eat Before A Workout? Healthy Snack Ideas


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Healthy&Diet&Re…님의 Healthy Diet Cooking Recipe강의 청각장애인을 위한 자막


good preparing yourself for a workout it
is important to feel energized it's not
always easy to feel this way though at
time your body doesn't meet the needs
that regular exercise warrants for
instance consuming food before a workout
can produce discomfort if gain hungry is
not the solution so what can you do you
should endeavor to consume something
prior to working out to optimize your
workout potential in the following video
I'm going to give you some healthy
snacks and what to eat before a workout
so you can feel energized the first
thing you need to know is to consume
food three hours prior to exercising so
your blood has enough time to absorb the
energy and nutrition to the food you've
eaten attempt to consume a meal that has
the right balance of protein carbs and
fat which will be between 300 to 400
calories give or take consuming protein
and carbohydrates will provide your body
with the nutrition it needs to replace
the fuel you'll burn a very well
exercising preventing you can sit and
low on energy if you only have 20
minutes to spare prior to a workout opt
for a small snack that is easy to digest
such as a small banana a handful of
raisins applesauce or a piece of fruit
if you have between 30 to 45 minutes
before a workout eaten no more than a
couple of tuna sandwiches on whole-wheat
bread it's quite easy to make and will
provide you with the energy you require
to give your workout 100% if you have
between 45 to 60 minutes to spare prior
to exercise again feel free to consume
the fair amount of complex carb a banana
oatmeal and protein shake will fuel your
body with protein and carbs if you are
exercising after lunch or dinner consume
food that will provide you with a decent
amount of energy up for brown rice and
chicken breast
brown rice producing sustained energy vs
complex carbohydrates
tofu or chicken breast provides protein
for muscle repair and post-workout egg
whites are an ideal pre-workout snack to
enhance your stamina while working out
studies show that one egg provides
proximately four grams of protein and
zero grams of fat other choices include
a bowl of cereal garnished with a
and skim milk a cup of Greek yogurt with
almonds and berries oatmeal with walnuts
and raisin toast with peanut butter an
apple with nut butter two tablespoons a
scrambled or poached egg on whole grain
toast with tomato crackers cometh into a
tram neck with peanuts and whole grain
cereal now it's your turn if you have a
favorite snack to eat priority will work
out we'd like to hear about them in the
comments below and if you are looking
for a natural weight loss solution I
recommend you click the link in the
description ww serious fitness programs
comm backslash weight-loss and if you
like this video please give it a thumbs
up and subscribe and share it with your
friends on Facebook and Twitter and
GooglePlus thank you for watching and
see you next time

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