Healthy&Diet&Recipe Why Am I So Tired? 5 Reasons You're Feeling Tired All The Time > Healthy Diet Cooking Recipe

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Healthy&Diet&Re… | Why Am I So Tired? 5 Reasons You're Feeling Tired All The Time


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Healthy&Diet&Re…님의 Healthy Diet Cooking Recipe강의 청각장애인을 위한 자막


if you're getting enough sleep and you
frequently ask yourself why am I so
tired there are actually many culprits
that can cause with tired feeling in
this short video we are going to explore
the most common causes of fatigue in
brief as well as give you some tips to
regain your energy one potential yet
common cause is that your iron levels
are low it doesn't matter if you sleep
long enough if your iron levels are low
chances are you will still feel tired
regardless low iron is especially common
in pregnant women and women on their
period as well as in vegans to go
through extremes are those who follow a
salad based diet raising your iron level
takes time for proper absorption but you
can fix this by consuming red meat liver
or poultry and if you're a vegan spinach
tofu peas and lentils are good plant
sources many people also resort to
energy drinks to counteract the lack of
energy they feel throughout the day
however even though this may work and
provide them an energy boost quickly in
a few hours you'll most probably
experience that infamous energy crash
these are the high sugar and caffeine
they contain therefore it is wise to
limit the consumption of energy drink
and go for smoothies or tea instead
which provides more slow-releasing and
stable energy through the day another
common culprit is that you don't consume
enough calories from your diet if you
follow a strict diet that is very low in
calories and nutrients your energy
levels and most likely suffer keep in
mind that calories are needed by our
systems to burn and convert into energy
if you don't supply your body with an
adequate amount your body will be
depleted of energy and it will lead to
you feeling tired all the time as a
result so make sure you consume enough
calories since most of us use our phones
and computers on a daily basis it has
been found that our brains perceive the
light and radiation they emit similarly
to sunlight does your brain might think
you are awaking you are not and your
sleeps mechanisms won't be able to work
properly if you are an avid phone user
and you find often that you wake up
feeling tired perhaps time to keep your
phone or PC at bay at least a half hour
before you sleep last but not least you
may always feel tired because you are
actually dehydrate
if your body is deprived of enough
liquids and water and your energy levels
will dramatically drop and your body
will urge you to drink more to
compensate for this don't ignore it and
if you are looking for a natural weight
loss solution I recommend you click the
link in the description
ww serious fitness programs comm
backslash weight-loss and if you like
this video please give it a thumbs up
and subscribe and share it with your
friends on Facebook and Twitter and
GooglePlus thank you for watching and
see you next time

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