Healthy&Diet&Recipe How To Choose Womens Running Shoes, 5 Tips For Choosing Running Shoes For Women > Healthy Diet Cooking Recipe

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Healthy&Diet&Re… | How To Choose Womens Running Shoes, 5 Tips For Choosing Running Shoes …


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did you know that buying the right
running shoes affects your performance
in fact by finding the ideal shoes for
the shape of your feet you will run much
easier than with ordinary trainers in
this video we will learn how to match
your running shoes to your foot shape by
following these five things to look for
when shopping for running shoes first
comes the heel of the shoe which would
sit snug but not exactly tight second we
have the instep which should fit
comfortably and firmly on top of your
feet in case you feel it too tight you
can try a different way to lace if your
trainer and if that doesn't work either
you could try another pair third comes
the width of the shoe which should
ideally leave room for your toes to
refer using one side two together and
not feel squished you can find the
widest point of your shoe within a group
hole since your feet might swell as you
run you need a bit of extra space your
toes move freely then we have the length
of the shoe when you take your thumb and
place it horizontally you can determine
the ideal space from the edge of your
longest toe to shoot front so you have a
bit of space when running as your toes
swell finally another thing to consider
is the arch support
which is divided into three categories
the low arch the normal arch and the
high arch I'll explain those in a while
ideally there's a type of shoe that fits
each type of foot arch here is a check
to find out your foot arch in case you
aren't sure you simply what the full of
your foot and put them on a paper towel
to make a footprint compare your foot
prints to the images shown to determine
your arch now if you have a low arch you
have the tendency to lean on the
external part of your foot and roll into
the internal part of your foot as you
transfer your weight if you fit this
type you'll need motioning for running
shoes as they improve the stability of
your feet and prevent them from moving
around in case your arches normal you
have a tendency to land in the middle
towards the outer corner of your heel
and roll lightly towards the inside ball
of your feet the shoes that would city's
best are stability right in the shoes
which add just the right amount
ability to your soul finally if you have
a high arch that mean whose hem tool in
on the external corner of your feet and
carry the rest of your body way along
the lateral side of your feet to your
little toes experts call this under
pronation because what did you get
enough rotation issues that will take
you dressing your case in the cushions
running shoes which will absorb the
shock and leave room for flexibility and
better rotation of your feet there you
go always remember those five things to
look forward to into the perfect pair of
running shoes and if you are looking to
buy running shoes to women check out the
link to the description and if you are
looking for a natural weight loss
solution I recommend you click the link
in the description www serious fitness
programs comm backslash weight loss and
if you like this video please give it a
thumbs up and subscribe and share it
with your friends on Facebook and
Twitter and GooglePlus thank you for
watching and see you next time

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