Healthy&Diet&Recipe Female Body Types And Body Shapes Different Body Types Women Have > Healthy Diet Cooking Recipe

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Healthy&Diet&Re… | Female Body Types And Body Shapes Different Body Types Women Have


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Healthy&Diet&Re…님의 Healthy Diet Cooking Recipe강의 청각장애인을 위한 자막


the body type of a person is based on
how the muscles and fat overlay the
skeletal structure within the body given
the individual a characteristic shape
your body type affects your weight and
the way you carry yourself today we're
going to see the different female body
types and how they can affect weight
loss an endomorph body type is often
identified with a large trunk and five
round face large bones and has slower
metabolism compared to other body types
people with this body type have little
difficulty controlling the body weight
however weight loss may be made easier
with pepper diet and adequate exercise
metalmorph body types this body type is
characterized by a broad upper body and
a narrow way this type often have large
muscles and do not accumulate so much
fat and unlike the endo wall body type
women with their father type in a fast
metabolic rate it is quite easy for them
to gain or lose weight proper diet and
exercise will help maintain wait an
extra more body shape is identified as a
sunder body shape with slim narrow waist
lower body this body type of low fat a
head lean muscles people with this type
can easily lose weight but find it more
difficult to gain lean muscle mass
female body has additional types aside
from the general body type these body
shapes include hourglass pear banana and
apple body shape hourglass is the most
desired body types of female because it
is characterized by proportionate size
of the upper and lower body with a
narrow waist and have a tendency to add
weight to the hip and the upper body
the hourglass body shape could focus on
exercises that resist accumulation of
fat in the hip and upper body
pear-shaped women have larger hips
compared to the width of the shoulder
and upper body the body weights are
greater at the hip due to the presence
of more body fat and they usually have a
smaller waist and chest and a flattened
stomach the pear-shaped body should go
through some exercises including
push-ups skipping cycling and shoulder
presses the apple shaped body has a
small waist and hip sort of a large
chest and upper body women with this
type accumulate fat in their upper which
gives them a busty or a full blossoms
look station engage in the rub of
exercise that will reduce the upper
bottom fat and increase the size of the
hip like running uphill walking stair
climbing leg squats and slow jogging the
banana or cooler body type has an almost
equal size for all body parts no
significant differences between hips
waist and shoulders the arms remain
splendor while the back side and stomach
gain some weight the recommended
exercises are bench squats
jogging spinning to reduce fat in the
stomach and back side no matter what
body type you were born with you can
always develop a perfect body through
the right exercises and diet and if you
are looking for a natural weight loss
solution I recommend you click the link
in the description ww series fitness
programs comm backslash weight loss and
if you like this video please give it a
thumbs up and subscribe and share it
with your friends on Facebook and
Twitter and GooglePlus thank you for
watching and see you next time

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