Healthy&Diet&Recipe 5 Smoothie Recipes For Weight Loss, Healthy Smoothie Recipes > Healthy Diet Cooking Recipe

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Healthy&Diet&Re… | 5 Smoothie Recipes For Weight Loss, Healthy Smoothie Recipes


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Healthy&Diet&Re…님의 Healthy Diet Cooking Recipe강의 청각장애인을 위한 자막


if you are on a journey to weight loss
losses can be a great addition to your
weight loss regime as I quench both to
your thirst and hunger and keeping some
consuming more calories than the ones
you need by combining the right
ingredients you can create smoothies
that taste great and help you drop
pounds today I'm going to share with you
five delicious smoothie recipes for
weight loss that will take you less than
a few minutes to make which you can
easily fit into your busy lifestyle so a
way to get just the right amount of
calories along is good for your vitamins
and nutrients is to drink fruit and
veggie smoothies they can provide you as
a good source of energy that is slow
releasing and can boost metabolism to
the Shred extra pounds faster I
personally tried mini smoothie recipes
but I always find myself coming back to
these as their delicious low-calorie and
nutrient-dense the first recipe I'm
about to give you is a sweet spinach
smoothie with a nice combo of iron and
nutrient rich lineage and fruits of
medium sweetness like pears and grapes
to make it you will need 6 ounces of
low-fat Greek yogurt 2 cups of spinach
leaves 1 ripe pear 15 white or red
grapes without seeds 2 tablespoons of
chopped avocado and 1/2 2 tablespoons of
fresh squeezed lime juice put all these
in a blender mix until smooth and serve
you should end up with a bright green
color depending on how ripe your fruits
and veggies are the second recipe is an
antioxidant rich smoothie that is fill
in and can be used at a small meal
replacement you will need one cup of
green tea one cup of mango Chun half of
a medium avocado one cup of spinach
leaves a dash of sea salt and 1
tablespoon of honey or agave syrup to
sweeten everything up blend for a few
seconds until everything looks nice and
smooth and serve third recipe which is
utterly delicious is a peaches and cream
oatmeal smoothie of course you are going
to get heavy cream on this and add
low-fat Greek yogurt instead all you
need is one cup of frozen peach slices
one cup of Greek yogurt 1/4 of a cup of
oatmeal one cup of almond milk and
optionally a few drops of sweetener
blend these together until you get a
creamy pale orange community another
good variation of bit of both of filling
and delicious is to substitute the
peaches with one banana or frozen banana
chunk and add some cinnamon to mix
finally an easy recipe that is totally
refreshing and balanced is to blend one
banana with half a cup of strawberries
one cup of raw spinach and half a cup of
almond or coconut milk you know whatever
diet you take part and should never be a
quick fix a healthy lifestyle is the
best option for losing weight and adding
smoothies in is definitely a great idea
and if you are looking for a natural
weight loss solution I recommend you
click the link in the description ww
serious fitness program comm backslash
weight loss and if you like this video
please give it a thumbs up and subscribe
and share it with your friends on
Facebook and Twitter and GooglePlus
thank you for watching and see you next

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