Healthy&Diet&Recipe 7 Omega 3 Benefits Plus Top 9 Omega 3 Foods > Healthy Diet Cooking Recipe

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Healthy&Diet&Re… | 7 Omega 3 Benefits Plus Top 9 Omega 3 Foods


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Healthy&Diet&Re…님의 Healthy Diet Cooking Recipe강의 청각장애인을 위한 자막


omega-3s are probably the holy grail of
fact and there are many reasons why so
before we get to know their benefits it
would be wise first to explain in brief
what omega-3 fatty acid car stay tuned
because in this video we'll explain
omega-3 benefits and all the basics you
need to know about omega-3 and what they
can do for you
omega-3 are actually fatty acids which
are divided into three main types ala
EPA and DHA most of the health benefits
we can get from omega-3 are from epa and
DHA which are mainly found on fatty fish
in case you are wondering here are some
areas where omega threes can be
beneficial number one they help prevent
cardiovascular diseases many studies
have revealed that omega-3 can greatly
reduce the risk of cardiovascular
diseases and protection against bad
cholesterol number two they give your
nervous system and brain a boost
everyone and especially children
students and the elderly needs some type
of brain boost
many studies have shown that consuming
omega-3 fatty acids can slow down the
development of dementia and fuel the
brain cell so they can function better
children and people with ADHD and
depression can also see an improvement
by taking omega-3 number three they help
keep your eyes healthy omega-3 have been
shown to help improve vision problem by
citing inflammation and supporting
healthy lubrication of the retina the
next time you experience eye problem
perhaps this is a sign to incorporate
more omega-3s in your diet number four
cope with hair skin and nail health if
you have damaged and dry hair skin and
nails that crack instead of resorting to
the use of all sorts of creams and
potions try consuming more omega-3 and
you'll see a great difference fact
number five the hell
prevent some types of cancers many
studies have shown that certain type of
cancer like colon and breast cancer can
be prevented by 50% with the consumption
omega-3 like DHA EPA and ala number six
they help you sleep better no omega-3
consumption has been linked with sleep
problems if you want to help balance
your nervous system and sweet butter you
should take omega-3s on a regular basis
number seven they help with fertility
issues if you have trouble conceiving a
omega-3 can raise your chances of
conceiving one how simply by increasing
the strength of the sperm so just to
reach its destination much easier so
what are the best omega-3 food if you
are not a vegan that would be fatty fish
like salmon sardines mackerel and Cod
for vegan food good sources of omega-3
are chia seeds walnuts damaged hemp seed
oil and flaxseed oil for more
concentrated intake try fish oil
capsules or hemp seed oil capsules once
or twice daily after meals if you are
taking your omega-3 from your diet only
try to aim even omega-3 loaded food
three times a week and if you are
looking for a natural weight loss
solution I recommend you click the link
in the description ww serious witness -
program comm backslash weight loss and
if you like this video please give it a
thumbs up and subscribe and share it
with your friends on Facebook and
Twitter and GooglePlus
thank you for watching and see you next

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