Healthy&Diet&Recipe How To Eat Healthy Healthy Foods To Eat > Healthy Diet Cooking Recipe

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Healthy&Diet&Re… | How To Eat Healthy Healthy Foods To Eat


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Healthy&Diet&Re…님의 Healthy Diet Cooking Recipe강의 청각장애인을 위한 자막


there is no one that doesn't like to eat
healthy so today you'll be learning the
best ways on how to eat healthy eating
healthy means feeling better every
single day
and losing weight along the way without
having to count calories you should know
that eating heart-healthy foods can help
prevent serious diseases such as heart
disease obesity and type 2 diabetes here
are eight small steps to take each week
with a view to improving your nutrition
and achieving a healthier you eat a lot
of fruits and vegetables go with orange
and dark green vegetables such as sweet
potatoes broccoli and tomatoes along
with other vegetables when taking your
meals take enough fruits and vegetables
and you can be sure of getting the right
amount of minerals vitamins and fiber
your body needs for a healthier look eat
varieties of lean protein foods for lean
protein foods go with poultry foods like
chicken or turkey breast or ground beef
where the label says 90 percent lean or
higher you can make your selection among
other protein food groups such as
seafood eggs dry beans or peas nuts etc
eat whole grains try to make half the
grains you eat whole grains and the best
way to do this is to switch from refined
grains to whole-grain foods for instance
you should start eating whole wheat
bread instead of white bread when buying
food products choose ones that first
list the whole grain ingredients such as
whole wheat bulgur brown rice rolled
oats etc choose lower sodium food
products read the Nutrition Facts label
when buying foods like bread soup and
frozen meals choose the ones where the
label says something like reduced sodium
low sodium or no salt added
choose fat-free or low-fat milk whether
you choose fat-free or low-fat milk they
both have the same calcium content and
other essential nutrients as the whole
milk the only difference is that they
contain less saturated fat and fewer
calories drink water in place of sugary
drinks if you're serious about cutting
calories then you have to do away with
sugary drinks such as energy drinks soda
and sports drinks drink water or
unsweetened beverages instead you can
add a slice of watermelon lime or lemon
to the glass of water for some flavor
cut back on solid fats eat less of solid
fat foods for a healthier body these
solid fat foods are usually gotten from
cookies cakes pizza and fatty meats such
as hot dogs sausages ribs and bacon eat
some seafood seafood are one of the best
healthy foods to eat
they contain minerals protein and
omega-3 fatty acids needed for a healthy
they include fish tuna salmon and trout
and shellfish mussels oysters and crabs
remember that eating the healthy diet
doesn't happen all at once it takes one
step at a time
making some small changes in the right
direction can help keep you healthy and
improve your life in the long run and if
you are looking for a natural weight
loss solution I recommend you click the
link in the description
ww serious fitness programs comm
backslash weight-loss and if you like
this video please give it a thumbs up
and subscribe and share it with your
friends on Facebook and Twitter and
thank you for watching and see you next

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