Healthy&Diet&Recipe 9 Vegetables High In Protein Foods High In Protein > Healthy Diet Cooking Recipe

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Healthy&Diet&Re… | 9 Vegetables High In Protein Foods High In Protein


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Healthy&Diet&Re…님의 Healthy Diet Cooking Recipe강의 청각장애인을 위한 자막


many people don't know that they don't
have to always eat me to get protein
into their diet besides meat there are a
number of vegetables that you can eat to
get just right amount of protein you
need to help you lose weight faster
moreover the choice of vegetables over
meat is more healthier as it reduces the
risk of diabetes heart disease and even
some types of cancer
here are nine high-protein vegetables
and can replace meat anytime or day
spinach you can find this vegetable
baked in two casseroles every day salad
cream steamed or added to soups
they contain 3 grams of protein and can
keep you filled for hours without
unnecessary in between meal bites peas
peas are easily added to most of the
meals we eat each serving of peas will
give you 8 grams of protein go for the
frozen organic peas as they are more
convenient and healthier chickpeas this
is a vegetable that can be added as
salads blending them into a hummus and
having them baked in the oven with just
a little buffalo sauce they contain 8
grams of protein per serving and it's a
good way to get just the right amount of
protein you need for the day potatoes
potatoes are usually not eaten alone and
this increases their value whether added
to a stew or topped with cheese they are
a favorite with many individuals but
most of us don't realize how much
protein it contains you can get 5 grams
of protein from just a medium sized
potato broccoli a cup of broccoli
contains 3 grams of protein and it's a
good source of fiber as well you can add
it to almost anything if you want a real
treat try roasting broccoli in the oven
with extra virgin olive oil and some
garlic and then sprinkle it with fresh
Parmesan cheese after taking it out of
the oven you're going to love the taste
corn corn contains 5 grams of protein
whether it's frozen or on the cob in
addition to the protein content it's
also a good source of fiber so you may
want to consider adding it to your
weekly diet as you stand to benefit a
lot artichokes there are many ways to
eat artichokes such as steamed blended
or roasted and they are quite delicious
one large artichoke contains 5 grams of
protein and can keep you full for longer
periods as a result of their high
protein content lentils a single cup of
lentils can offer you up to 18 grams of
protein they can be included in various
cuisine such as burgers soup and rice
soy beans a cup of this vegetable when
cooked contains 28 grams of protein in
addition to this it also contains 15
grams of fat and 17 grams of carbs soy
beans promotes digestive and
cardiovascular health and will make a
great addition to your family's diet and
if you are looking for a natural weight
loss solution I recommend you click the
link in the description
ww serious fitness programs comm
backslash weight-loss and if you like
this video please give it a thumbs up
and subscribe and share it with your
friends on Facebook and Twitter and
GooglePlus thank you for watching and
see you next time

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