Healthy&Diet&Recipe How To Relieve Stress, 7 Ways To Relieve Stress > Healthy Diet Cooking Recipe

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Healthy&Diet&Re… | How To Relieve Stress, 7 Ways To Relieve Stress


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Healthy&Diet&Re…님의 Healthy Diet Cooking Recipe강의 청각장애인을 위한 자막


one of the biggest factors of an
unhealthy body is stress and this can
affect individuals in various ways some
of the known symptoms of stress include
insomnia pains headaches low energy
rapid heartbeat and tense muscles if
you're serious about losing weight and
improving your overall happiness then
it's time to start thinking of ways to
relieve stress in this video you're
going to learn some best effective
techniques on how to deal with stress
take a cup of green tea drinking a cup
of green tea is one of the most
effective ways of relieving stress in
addition having a hot drink will help
you to relax green tea is one of the
best drinks for relaxation and it has
other amazing health benefits more so
green tea contains an amino acid called
thiamine which helps with relaxation and
in reduction of the effects of any
caffeine taken during the day find a way
to laugh laughter offers instant stress
relief and a good laughter can last you
for a long period this can be by
watching something funny or hanging out
with funny friends when it comes to the
question of how to relieve stress
laughing quite often will go a long way
in relieving your stress start by
checking out funny videos on YouTube or
by searching for a comedy program on the
TV a good laughter will take your mind
off your problems and make you feel
better have a long bath taking a nice
long bath when the need arises is a
great way of relieving stress a good hot
bath will help your muscles to relax and
you'll start feeling the stress leave
your body the moment you step into the
water reinforce that feeling of having
left everything about work behind when
you get home by taking a nice long hot
bath take more water sometimes when
you're feeling tired it's simply because
you maybe are a little dehydrated taking
a glass of water will get you back to
your old self particularly after
exercise listen to music studies have
shown that listening to music is one of
the good relaxation techniques and can
help one relieve stress listening to
your favorite music album for at least
30 minutes will lower heart rate and
stress level
sleep well get in a good amount of sleep
will increase your energy and help you
fight stress however if you think they'd
get in at least eight good hours of
sleep every night is impossible because
you have trouble getting to sleep create
a routine of going to bed at the same
time every night and clearing your head
about everything about the day before
going to bed
spend quality time with family and
friends spend in a good time with your
family and friends is a good way of
relieving stress playing with children
is one of the best stress relievers
after the day's work
you can't stay stressed when you play
with kids and if you are looking for a
natural weight loss solution I recommend
you click the link in the description
ww serious fitness programs comm
backslash weight-loss and if you like
this video please give it a thumbs up
and subscribe and share it with your
friends on Facebook and Twitter and
GooglePlus thank you for watching and
see you next time

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