Healthy&Diet&Recipe How To Get Rid Of Bloating? Learn How To Reduce Bloating > Healthy Diet Cooking Recipe

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Healthy&Diet&Re… | How To Get Rid Of Bloating? Learn How To Reduce Bloating


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Healthy&Diet&Re…님의 Healthy Diet Cooking Recipe강의 청각장애인을 위한 자막


how to get rid of bloating if you find
yourself frequently experiencing
abdominal bloating it could be a good
idea to keep a food diary to track what
you eat and how certain foods make you
feel in general certain foods are more
bloat causing than others
here is a list of eight healthy foods to
start adding into your diet if you're
wondering how to reduce bloating water
with lemon when your bloating it's
because your body is trying to hold on
to water to not be dehydrated drinking
more water will help your body to
properly distribute water and flush out
bloating and because lemon is a natural
diuretic it'll help get the job done
faster cantaloupe this orange melon is
full of anti applauding potassium low in
calories and has a high water content so
you can get away with eating a lot of it
ginger ginger is great for a bloated
belly because it's an anti-inflammatory
and a powerhouse digestive aid plus it's
super easy to include in your regular
diet you can add fresh ginger to
smoothies and salad dressings or warm
teas celery yet another one of nature's
natural diuretics celery has always been
a prized diet food and in addition to
its fiber low calorie content and high
water content celery helps the body
flush out extra water weight nibble on a
few raw stalks and if you want to make
ants on a log
be sure to do so with a low sodium
peanut butter yogurt yogurt helps to
regulate the body's digestive system it
contains probiotics and when consumed
daily has been found to reduce bloating
by up to 78 percent according to a study
from the University Hospital of
Southampton look for the yogurt label
that are listed with contains live and
active cultures those are full of
bacteria that will aid digestion
watermelon watermelon is the perfect
refreshing snack to get rid of any
bloating going on once
this only has a hundred calories so you
can ditch the hundred calorie snack
packs that are packed with sugar to go
for the slimming snack papaya this is a
super fruit that is your digestive
systems bonafide friend in addition to
being full of antioxidants papaya also
contains a digestive enzyme papain the
pain aids in the digestion of protein
helps to break down protein rich foods
that tend to cause bloating and gas add
a squeeze of lime to a few papaya chunks
and enjoy banana in many cases high
sodium intake may cause bloating by
retaining water in the body the
potassium present in bananas counteracts
the effects of sodium and helps in
maintaining the balance of potassium and
sodium in the body add this power fruit
to your daily diet to enjoy its numerous
fortunately stomach bloating can be
eliminated with ease the key to avoiding
and reducing the pain is reaching for
foods that are high in fiber probiotics
and water which all help the body digest
food easily and regularly and if you are
looking for a natural weight loss
solution I recommend you click the link
in the description
ww serious fitness programs comm
backslash weight-loss and if you like
this video please give it a thumbs up
and subscribe and share it with your
friends on Facebook and Twitter and
thank you for watching and see you next

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