Healthy&Diet&Recipe Is Green Tea Good For You ? 7 Benefits Of Drinking Green Tea > Healthy Diet Cooking Recipe

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Healthy&Diet&Re… | Is Green Tea Good For You ? 7 Benefits Of Drinking Green Tea


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green tea is the healthiest beverage on
the planet it is loaded with
antioxidants and various substances that
are beneficial for health many studies
have shown that green tea can increase
fat burning and help you lose weight
here's a list of some of the amazing
benefits of drinking green tea that you
may not have been aware of green tea can
help you lose weight several studies
have suggested that the flavonoids and
caffeine in green tea can help elevate
metabolic rate increase fat oxidation
and even improve insulin activity one
study showed that those who consumed
green tea and caffeine lost an average
of 2.9 pounds during a 12 week period
while sticking to their regular diet
green tea benefits for diabetes green
tea apparently helps regulate glucose
levels slowing the rise of blood sugar
after eating this can prevent high
insulin spikes and resulting fat storage
green tea boosts metabolism green tea
enhances energy levels and contributes
greatly to muscle building which will
boost your metabolism the catagen
polyphenols that are present in green
tea will stimulate your muscle cells and
liver to use more fatty acids as a
result your body will use carbohydrates
at a slower rate with more carbohydrates
remaining in your body you can exercise
for a longer period of time and your
body will burn more calories green tea
benefits for skin German researchers
found that drinking six cups of green
tea per day can help your skin be more
resistant to sunburn some studies even
suggest that components of green tea can
help prevent skin cancer when applied
directly to the skin green tea promotes
oral health
green tea consumption is associative
improved dental health and a lower risk
of cavities the natural fluoride in
green tea polyphenols and catechins can
effectively kill the bacteria that cause
tooth decay bad breath cavities and
various gum diseases green tea prevents
hair loss green tea is packed with
antioxidants that help prevent hair loss
and can also promote hair regrowth the
polyphenol catechins in green tea help
block DHT which is the key factor for
hair loss
plus green tea has a component called
epi galley catechin gal taped EGCG that
promotes hair growth by stimulating hair
cells green tea benefits for cancer
green tea helps to prevent many types of
cancer by killing cancer cells
antioxidants present in green tea are
more effective than vitamin E and
vitamin C a study showed that
antioxidants are 120 times more
effective than vitamin C and 24 times
than vitamin E green tea secure damaging
of protective cells it also kills cancer
cells without damaging healthy tissues
around them now how much green tea
should you drink just like any part of
health and fitness you can't expect
results if you're inconsistent with the
routine the many health benefits of
green tea don't come into effect with
just one cup it is recommended to
consume 2 to 3 cups of green tea a day
for the most effective benefits and if
you are looking for a natural weight
loss solution I recommend you click the
link in the description
ww serious fitness programs calm
backslash weight loss and if you like
this video please give it a thumbs up
and subscribe and share it with your
friends on Facebook and Twitter and
GooglePlus thank you for watching and
see you next time

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