Healthy&Diet&Recipe Top Iron Rich Foods + Iron Deficiency Symptoms > Healthy Diet Cooking Recipe

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Healthy&Diet&Re… | Top Iron Rich Foods + Iron Deficiency Symptoms


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Healthy&Diet&Re…님의 Healthy Diet Cooking Recipe강의 청각장애인을 위한 자막


are you struggling to keep your energy
up during gym and times of high physical
activity perhaps your iron levels are
not high enough to keep you going as a
matter of fact women require 10 to 15
milligrams of iron per day to help them
system when your iron levels are lower
than that tiredness cold sittig and
muscle weakness will start to show
especially during exercise in this video
we'll highlight all the basics you need
to know though iron deficiency what is
the connection between iron and weight
loss program and top iron rich foods for
me eaters as well as vegetarians so what
exactly is iron iron is a mineral that
we need in small amounts in our system
to support many bodily functions
iron is a precursor of hemoglobin which
is a protein that carries oxygen in our
blood cells when you are not getting
enough iron from your diet your body
won't be able to produce the amount of
red blood cells your body needs and you
will end up with iron deficiency anemia
and many different symptoms that come
with us
these include fatigue decreased appetite
sores around your mouth skin paleness
and even trouble swallowing food food
some people may even develop weird
cravings while chewing ice or metals
because of that a condition known as
dicta those who are on a strict diet and
exercise program are at a high risk of
developing iron deficiency because they
are either not consuming enough foods
that contain iron and consistent basis
or they push up in mineral through their
pledge of course the best way to
counteract this is to eat foods high in
iron on a regular basis if you are a
meat-eater beef liver pat챕 kidneys
sausages boiled mussels and shrimp
contain the highest amounts of iron in
case you are a vegetarian or vegan you
can take some iron from spinach wheat
germ seaweed cashew nuts lentils soya
beans problems Oh rosemary
and dried fig or raisins so how much
should you consume every day experts
agree that the average daily amount has
to be 10 milligrams for men and 10 to 15
milligrams for women because many of
that iron is lost during period cycles
pregnant women should actually double
their daily iron consumption as the
seasons of the baby develops and
consumes close to 30 milligrams per day
so if you don't consume enough iron
daily I encourage you to start from
today taking into account the info I
mentioned on this video on what and how
much iron you should consume daily and
if you are looking for a natural weight
loss solution I recommend you click the
link in the description
ww serious fitness programs calm
backslash weight loss and if you like
this video please give it a thumbs up
and subscribe and share it with your
friends on Facebook and Twitter and
thank you for watching and see you next

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