Healthy&Diet&Recipe How To Lower Blood Pressure Naturally, How To Reduce Blood Pressure Naturally > Healthy Diet Cooking Recipe

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Healthy&Diet&Re…님의 Healthy Diet Cooking Recipe강의 청각장애인을 위한 자막


diagnosed with high blood pressure for
good and for bad doctors will quickly
prescribe medication to help control the
problem but there are actually a few
healthier alternatives to lower your
blood pressure
in fact simple diet and lifestyle
changes you can adopt can help balance
your cholesterol levels just as good if
not better than medication and all
without any nasty side effects in this
video we are going to mention seven top
ways on how to lower blood pressure
naturally just by doing a few lifestyle
changes number one shut off some extra
pounds high blood pressure is linked
directly with increased body weight as
you keep putting on weight your blood
pressure will rise as well so if you're
overweight you'll have to lose some
weight first to help lower blood
pressure centers have shown that
waistline measurements are also linked
with a risk of developing blood pressure
in both males and females if you are a
male your waistline should measure no
more than 40 inches whereas if you are a
female your waist measurement should be
up to 35 inches keep in mind that ideal
waist size is very dependent on your
ethnic group so ask your doctor about it
first number to decrease your salt
intake doctors often tell their high
blood pressure patients to reduce their
salt intake and there is a good reason
for that
excess consumption of sodium can raise
significant Lee blood pressure while
completely eliminating salt from your
diet is not recommended experts say that
you should consume in general less than
2300 milligrams per day of salt pay
attention to food labels and choose
low-sodium options or avoid adding
excess salt over your meal number three
take omega-3 fatty acids when it comes
to fat there are fats that are bad for
you and there are fats that are actually
beneficial for your health
omega-3 fatty acids typically found in
fish oil can help down filter
cholesterol and blood pressure levels as
they decrease inflammation in the body
number four consume magnesium rich foods
magnesium is another nutrient that has
been shown to help fight inflammation
and help
Allen's blood pressure you can take
sufficient amounts of magnesium from
fatty fish seafood spinach avocados
get fear pumpkin seeds whole grains
beans and nuts number 5
exercise exercise helps circulation and
have been signed to keep blood pressure
balance as a result just 20 minutes of
mild exercising daily are enough to keep
your blood pressure under control
number 6 meditate meditation not only
helps you relax from a stressful day it
helps lower blood pressure as well
especially when your blood pressure
seems to spike at times when you're
stressed last but not least stop smoking
smokers have been found in studies to be
at higher risk of developing
hypertension the smoke of the cigarettes
can temporarily spike your blood
pressure levels even though doesn't
cause long-term hypertension long term
on its own and if you are looking for a
natural weight loss solution I recommend
you click the link in the description ww
serious fitness programs calm backflash
weight loss and if you like this video
please give it a thumbs up and subscribe
and share it with your friends on
Facebook and Twitter and GooglePlus
thank you for watching and see you next

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