Healthy&Diet&Recipe How to Break a Weight Loss Plateau ? Tips How to Break It > Healthy Diet Cooking Recipe

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Healthy&Diet&Re… | How to Break a Weight Loss Plateau ? Tips How to Break It


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Healthy&Diet&Re…님의 Healthy Diet Cooking Recipe강의 청각장애인을 위한 자막


after weeks of losing weight and getting
fantastic results you may find that
suddenly you're not losing any weight at
all even though you're still eating
right and exercising don't panic
you have just hit a weight loss plateau
so why does a weight loss plateau occur
and how do you get over it the main
reason why a weight loss plateau may
occur is your body begins to adapt it
happens when you keep doing the same set
of exercises and eating the same types
of food they in and day out when you do
this your body gets used to your
exercise routine and your diet so it
makes adjustments to burn fat according
to the amount of food you eat and the
exercise you do as a result your weight
loss method will fail to achieve a
consistent result how does one overcome
a weight loss plateau you need to change
your exercise routine and your eating
habits in order to defeat a weight loss
plateau here's a few things you can do
first find out how many calories you
need to maintain your current weight
to do this use the following formula
your weight in pounds divided by 2.2
times 24 for men or 23 for women this
will equal the number of calories you
need per day for example if you are a
woman that weighs 150 pounds your
formula would be 150 divided by 2.2
times 23 equals 1500 68 calories per day
next set your calorie target every day
to just under your necessary calories to
maintain your current weight trying to
lower your calories by too much will
sabotage your efforts because your body
will go into starvation survival mode if
you are supposed to eat 1568 calories
per day you should set your goals
between 1200 and 1300 calories to lose
weight effectively
change the composition and/or the timing
of your foods dieters tend to get very
regimented around the foods they eat
consider lowering your carbohydrate
intake and upping your protein and
healthy fats if you are used to eating
three meals a day shift to five or six
meals don't change the overall amount
you eat just your patterns and your food
choices staying within the healthy
guidelines that have worked for you so
far modify your exercise routine if you
exercise little or none increase or add
exercise to your diet regimen if you
only did cardio add some weight training
it's important to vary or shift your
exercise so that it does not become
routine your metabolism will react to
the change by revitalizing and that will
result in a positive outcome in your
efforts to lose weight take a few days
off from your workout sometimes our
bodies just need a little bit of a break
and providing this will allow your body
to recharge and be ready to start the
next round of weight loss take no more
than a week off from working out this
may be just what is needed the key for a
successful weight loss program is to
keep trying new workouts and ideas keep
the body guessing and if you have
experienced a weight loss plateau what
did you do to break it share with us
your experience in the comments below
and if you are seriously looking for a
fast and natural weight loss solution
then I recommend you to click the link
in the description ww serious fitness
programs calm slash weight loss and if
you like this video please give it a
thumbs up and subscribe and share it
with your friends on facebook twitter
and google+ thank you for watching and
see you next time

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