Healthy&Diet&Recipe Learn What To Eat To Lose Weight For Breakfast,Lunch,Dinner,Snack > Healthy Diet Cooking Recipe

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Healthy&Diet&Re… | Learn What To Eat To Lose Weight For Breakfast,Lunch,Dinner,Snack


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Healthy&Diet&Re…님의 Healthy Diet Cooking Recipe강의 청각장애인을 위한 자막


everyone wants to know what to eat to
lose weight and many people ask the same
questions every day so in this video
we're going to learn what to eat for
breakfast snacks lunch and dinner to
help promote weight loss so what should
a day's diet look like it's recommended
that women wanting to lose weight should
stick to an allowance of 1400 calories a
day and for men
1800 calories a day it's important to
start the day off with a good breakfast
just after 7:00 a.m. so try hitting 400
calories if you can but don't skip
breakfast skipping breakfast can mess up
a person's metabolism slowing down the
metabolic rate by 25% and the body needs
those nutrients and fluids in the
morning to get started make sure your
breakfast calories contain 15 to 20
percent of protein which is about 13 to
20 grams of protein great sources of
protein include eggs dairy products soy
milk protein powder in smoothies nuts
and seeds and whole grains 45 to 55
percent should be devoted to carbs about
40 to 55 grams skip sugary and overly
processed foods or those made with
enriched white flour and choose whole
grains fruits and veggies finally 30 to
35 percent of breakfast should be fast
about 10 to 15 grams instead of
saturated fats like bacon and cheese go
for monounsaturated fats also known as
mu FAS like avocado olive oil nuts and
seeds and the butters made from them
lunch keep lunch lean between 12:30 and
1:00 p.m. a healthy lunch keeps the
energy levels up for the rest of the day
it's recommended lunch be no more than
450 calories a healthy lunch example is
a boneless and skinless chicken breast
served with fat-free Italian dressing
tomato slices seasoned breadcrumbs
Parmesan cheese some angel hair pasta
and a handful of green peas carbs go for
50 to 65 grams of carbs which is 45 to
55 percent of your lunch calories avoid
refined cars like foods made with white
flour and white sugar and go for whole
grains whole grain breads and pastas and
starchy veggies and fruits proteins get
20 to 30 grams of protein which is about
17 to 25 percent of your lunch calories
great sources of protein include beef
lamb fish chicken and others fats
including healthy fats in your lunch
makes your meal more satisfying
so strive for 13 to 18 grams which is 30
to 35% of your total lunch calories
including healthy full sources like nuts
seeds oils avocado and olives can help
beat sugar cravings later dinner between
7:00 and 7:30 p.m. can be fewer calories
so aim for about 300 calories you don't
want to feel too full before bed so
though sparingly on the carbohydrates
and fill up on protein especially that
found in chicken which aids sleep and
vegetables 45 to 55 percent of your
dinner calories should be devoted to
carbs which is about 50 to 75 grams and
20 to 25 percent should be protein which
is about 25 to 35 grams for fat and for
at least eight grams at dinner time this
should be coming primarily from the
fiber rich carp choices like whole
grains starchy veggies beans small
amounts of fruit and fiber containing
fats such as avocado nuts and seeds if
you stick to 400 calories for breakfast
400 for lunch and 300 for dinner then
you'll be able to treat yourself to to
100 calories snacks throughout the day
and still leave an extra hundred for any
milk in tea or coffee throughout the day
and fruit too there are 52 calories in a
small Apple 53 in a pear 59 in an orange
and 89 in a banana it's a good idea to
have fruit with your morning and
afternoon snack but as fruit is high in
sugar it's best to limit yourself to
three to four fruits a day other great
healthy snacks for weight loss include
veggies with hummus sliced fruit with
low-fat yogurt
full of walnuts or almonds low-fat
cottage cheese air-popped popcorn
hard-boiled eggs baked tortilla chips
salsa fruit shakes or smoothies along
with having a great diet you should
focus on becoming an active person
dieting will definitely help you lose
weight but if you combine it with
exercise it will be all the better for
you and if you are seriously looking for
a fast and natural weight loss solution
then I recommend you to click the link
in the description ww serious fitness
programs calm slash weight loss and if
you like this video please give it a
thumbs up and subscribe and share it
with your friends on facebook twitter
and google+ thank you for watching and
see you next time

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